Everything posted by xv535
What toys to have?
Cynic raises a good point. Maintenance of your back heater is important and results can be spotty if the adjustments are not completed correctly. I've found over the years that communication between the back heater unit and the main driver seems to break down for no apparent reason and then.... starts up again. Years ago if communications broke down I would try to analyze the immediately preceeding operating conditions. I'd check all the usual items such as the UBS port and I would push all the buttons but sometimes that seemed to make the communication problem worse. The real problem is that the damn things don't come with an operators manual. Bikes come with manuals..some one should write a good manual for back heaters. I suggest they keep it simple, use small words and large print. This may be a project the YOC wants to take on! Rocky
What toys to have?
Those are all good points Guys. I hope Foamy is making notes. The other important thing to remember is that the country of origin is very important. I currently have an Italian model. Works quite well, good endurance, doesn't smoke but has a very limited return policy ...Infact, to return it you have to get special permission from P.Ope in Rome who is the head of the warranty department. I noticed in another posting that Foamy was looking for a free ride before he bought a XJ. It may be that he feels the same about backwarmers and is concerned about acquiring the wrong model. I would therefore suggest that Foamy could decide on a couple of models that he is interested in, forward them on to us and we could test them for him. Only a thought to help out a fellow rider. Rocky
Glorious Reprieve
Hey Chris Thanks for the comments on the Ninja. I have a feeling that that is what she will end up with. We are going to take a trip to either Calgary or Vancover in the next month to look at bikes. There is no sales tax in Alberta so that is where we will look first. I see you drink Guinness...pop one for me! Rocky
Glorious Reprieve
Hi John I see that you ride a triple and I assume you really like it. My son in law traded his '07 Ducati Monster fo it. He thinks the triple is one of very the best bike he has ever rode. Have fun on it,eh. Rocky ps..nice pistol. 9mm w 13 cartrige clip or 10 round .45 acp?
What toys to have?
You should get a back heater for keeping your back and other parts warm during long trips. They sit right behind you, snuggle up close and hold on tight. I've tried several models but experience has shown that brunettes have kept me the warmest! But be carefull...they can be high maintenance and very expensive if something goes wrong! Rocky
Glorious Reprieve
40MR My Virago is only a 535 but it is in great shape. Years ago I used to ride but had to give it up to go to university. Getting another bike always came second to everything else and finally I just didn't think about it anymore. A year ago when we were in New Brunswick, my wife suddenly said she wanted to get a scooter. She bought a scooter last May and we were back in the bike business. I bumped into a guy who wanted to sell a XV535 that had been sitting in his garage for the last 12 yrs. I took a look at it and bought it for $2,200. It had 2700 km on it...basically brand new, no scratches or dints. I've had some minor carb problems but for what I pd its a great bike. In Sept my wife bought the XVS 250 which is a nice little bike. For her it was a big move up. She spent $800 to take a professional riding course. It was a great investment as it taught her bike basics and built up her confidence. She just loves it. She rides it constantly and now I have to do my own dishes. I've been looking for a bigger bike...around a 1000 cc's and I thought the 535 would be great for my youngest daughter but she wants a street bike similar to a 250 Ninja. I agree with you about the ladies riding...we need more lady riders. It is good for the sport and it is great for their self confidence when they participatie in a predominantly male sport. Rocky PS .....We won the hockey game!
A word of warning.
It is the same story everywhere.... UK, Canada, Australia, US etc. The prices are cheap because the Chinese have no quality control and pay nothing for wages. Everyone is trying to save money. The products don't last, but because most people don't return them to the retailer, there is no incentive for the retailer to quit using China as supplier. What ends up happening is you buy cheap Chinese products and you get a piece of crap. As a result we are importing Chinese unemployment...they end up working and we lay people off. I personally try very hard to avoid any product that is made in China...even if it means I pay more. Needless to say, even though I try and buy from countries other than China it is difficult because almost every low tech item is now made in China. Rocky
Glorious Reprieve
Hey 40MILERUN, Nice pictures and nice looking bike. I know where you are coming from. I have two daughters. My oldest daughter is looking at a new bike to keep up with her husband's new Triump Street Triple and my youngest daughter is trying to get me to buy her a Ninja 250. I have offered her my Virago but that isn't cool. Obviously she is confused! Rocky
fitting a universal rear brake light switch
There you go Dan. I hope this helps. The the other end of the bracket that the spring attaches to connects to the brake cable. Rocky
fitting a universal rear brake light switch
Dan I will forward a picture tomorrow...Sunday my time probably Monday your time. Rocky
German vs American Gun Range
A sharp contrast to two shooting facilities...one in Germany and one in the US where you can own almost any weapon that you can get your hands on. In all fairness, not all Americans are gun nuts but they certainly have more than their share. US Shooting: http://g4tv.com/attackoftheshow/exclusives/64615/OFASTS-Gun-Apocalypse.html German Shooting: Rocky
Happy New Year
Happy New Year to all and to all a great year. May your tank be full and your roads always clear!! May your repairs be few, and the curves be fun As you tear through the country on a real great run! Rocky
New(ish) Member
Great pictures millietant. I do a bit of off roading myself. I have a 2006 F350. I can, however, be a bit expensive when you screw up. An a long wheelbase makes some spots a bit challenging. Happy New Year. Rocky
Christmas Present
All fireams in Canada must be registered. Inorder to purchase a long gun or a handgun you have to complete a 4 page form and submit it to the RCMP to obtain a Possesion and Aquisition License (PAL). The RCMP do a criminal search and then contact your spouse to make sure your spouse knows you are trying to get a PAL and to ensure she/he has no objections. If you have a history of beating your spouse or any record of criminal charges then you can not get a PAL. It is very difficult to obtain a handgun in Canada. When you sell a gun you have to make sure the purchaser has a PAL and you must complete a form advising the Gun Registry who you sold it to and what the PAL # is. You can only buy ammo if you have either a valid PAL or POL. All ammo purchases are recorded at the time of purchase and the info mustbe submitted to the National Gun Registry for tracking purposes. Illegal storage of ammo or guns, use of fireams in a crime, possession of illegal firearms (fully automatic) or unregistered firearms results in serious jail time. My wife and I do a lot of hunting and trap shooting and the registration process is a pain in the ass, but for the most part it is acceptable to us. If you enjoy the shooting sports check out this German indoor gun range. I'd love to shoot trap in a place like this. Rocky
New member
Welcome aboard imkev. You'll enjoy the site. There is lots of info shared amongst members and lots of information in the old posts ranging from general advice, to insurance issues and answers to bike specific issues. Where are you located? Rocky
virago 535 in a xvs 250 frame ?
I ride a virago 535 and my wife rides a XVS 250. The 535 is shaft driven so you would probably have to put the transmission in also. The frame on my wifes bike is a lot lighter and not as long. I didn't get a tape out to measure the clearances, but from a visual inspection, I don't think it would be an easy job. Not only does there not appear to be the clearance for the engine and the transmission but you would have to shorten the drive shaft. From a cost prospective it does not seem worth the effort to me. I also agree with Christopher's comments. The brakes and the frame are a lot lighter. I think you are just asking for trouble. Also what would the impact be on your bike insurance? I know the cost would double here as insurance cost is based on engine cc's and the bike has been modified. Rocky
Opinion on 1982 Yamaha Virago 750
I think the orange chrome refers to the change in colour to the yellowing of the chrome exhaust pipe where it leaves the engine due to heat. The exhausts on my '97 Virago and on my wifes 2010 XVS have a bit of colouring but only right at the engine. The rest of the exhaust and all the engine chrome is fine. Not a big thing in my mind.
fitting a universal rear brake light switch
Hey dan28. I am not familiar with all the UK models, but I assume the XVS is the same model in the UK as the XVS is in Canada (ie the new version of the Virago). My wife rides a 2010 XVS250. I took a look at the bracket that holds the switch to the peddal assembly on her bike but could not see where the switch wires plug into the electrical harness. If this is a comparable bike to what you are riding I will try to get a picture for you. Rocky
Anyone know this bike?
I'm not sure what model of Yamaha it is but....isn't that a Harley right behind it...and two other Harleys just down the street..
Word Association Thread
Word Association Thread
Bl%%dy Freezing
Hey you guys are a bunch of wimps . It's not even winter here yet an we just went through 8 days at -25C to -31C. Try wearing your kilt in that weather! You want snow... we normally have 1-2 metres on the ground by March. Come on over the weather's fine now... it's only -5C Rocky
Put some fuel stabilizer in the fule tank and run the bike for 5-10 minutes. The fuel stabilizer will stop the gas from gumming up your carb. If fuel stabilzier is in the gas there is no need to drain the fuel tank or the carbs. I always charge the battery and disconnect the negative. Here bikes, snowmobiles, 4 wheelers, motor homes etc are stored for extended periods of time (like 6 months)and fuel stabilizer prevents problems. Rocky
I am never going fishing again :(
You guys obviously don't know shit about fishing! That's a carp. A pike would have eaten the mother duck and then tried to eat the person running the camera. Here if we hook a large one we shoot it with the 22. That way it doesn't get a chance to take your finger off when you are trying to unhook it!. Rocky
XVS 1300 -2007 - cutting out!!
Hey Bubble I ride a '97 XV535. I am sure that there are a lot of differences between our bikes due to engine size and yr of manufacture but I have been having similar problems for the last 2 months. The bike runs great at times and at other times runs very poorly. The engine also cuts out when comming to a stop every on an infrequent basis. The technicians have taken the carb apart 5 times and now are focusing on the transistor control ignition system which is prpbably the ECU on your bike. Based on the problems that I am having, which are similar to yours, I would say that the problem is the ECU and not the carbs. I hope your mechanic comes up with a solution. RM