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  1. clueless posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    i just got a wr450f but i'm a bit lacking in technical knowledge. my bike stalled yesterday and wouldn't restart. at first it was turning over but not firing so i thought the battery might be low or the plugged fouled. i took the plug out and it was black so i cleaned it up and i had the battery on to charge. now the bike won't even turn over i just get a really loud and repetetive clicking sound coming from the battery area. i have no idea what to do and now it's really bugging me. any ideas?
  2. howdy, i just signed up because i've been trying to find out about the new dtr 125x but been having no luck. i've been dying to get a motorbike for ages (been riding downhill mtb's for years) and i've always had my heart set on a yz125. i've recently decided against this as there's nowhere to ride one and they seem a bit highly strung. anyway i was out shopping with a mate yesterday while he was hunting for a nice 400 sports bike and i spotted the 125x. i totally fell in love with it, it looks amazing. it looks like you could really throw it around and have some fun on it and still ride it to work and the girlfriends house. plus it seems like the perfect bike for someone who's never ridden one before and only has a CBT. it would cost me £3700 including interest which is more money than i've ever spent on anything so that's the only thing putting me off. apart from the fact i don't really know anything about them. i know dtr's have been going forever but all the charvas and hoodlums around here bomb around them so i've always attached a little negative stigma to them. basically is there anything i should know about this bike? is there any other similar bikes worth looking at? i know it won't be devastatingly fast but would i get bored of it? i'll be paying for it for two years so the last thing i want is to get sick of it in a few months. is a bike like this just for kiddies? should i be thinking about doing my test and getting a proper bike? also do people look down on these as wannabe supermoto's? i can't ride a big one without a licence so will i look like a knob? this is what i was looking at anyway, any opinions much appreciated as long as they help me with my dillema! cheers