Everything posted by littlepig
breather/restrictor valve ? ? ? ? xvs 125cc
I also have iridium plugs and a 100 jet in the carb. Just have to find this plastic thing.
breather/restrictor valve ? ? ? ? xvs 125cc
I have already got the an 18 tooth sprocket on the front,just wanting to find this valve to see if it makes any differance.so u reckon I have to take the tank off ?
breather/restrictor valve ? ? ? ? xvs 125cc
Hi guys have read a ton on here about this valve or "plastic thingy" with ball bearing in.I would really like to find out where it is as can't seem to find it anywhere.If anyone can help or post a pic it would be much appreciated.
xvs 125 bobber project update
oh,.i thought the big framework under the rear guard was a hard tail cool.I'm keepin the xvs motor in ,obviously removing the backend and replacing with close to tyre guard and have 60" hangers.Will post pics when finished.Oh do u know how to post? u guys asked for pics and vids of the highways on my pigglet it asks for a url ?
xvs 125 bobber project update
Paul im joining your quest for the 125 draggy bobber,i'm saving up to get it done. as i work long hours,have kids and.................who am i kidding i'd make an arse of it lol.Have been put on to guy in troon ayrshire by the blue angels.His shop called the boneyard incidently he lives in a graveyard you couldn't write this,he fabricates everything from sheet metal in his home garage.Seemingly the hard work is simply removing the hardtail ? although i've noticed that you've changed springs ? is this essential ?
kikker hardknock ?
yip that was the quote,search , kikker hardnock uk..i've acctualy decided agaist it.have seen what can be done with the draggy frame.much better lookin boober i think.
kikker hardknock ?
This is all true however,the wee chromed up v-twin from the draggy wil look the doggies dangles i think.
kikker hardknock ?
Anyone been looking at the kikker hardknocks ? have been quoted just under £600 for the lot minus the power plant.Was wondering if anyone can tell if the xvs 125 engine would do the job ?
tires for the xvs 125cc
thanks very much ,almost sh~t a brick when i got that quote ! life saver mate. Just found another mob in wales MandP there nice n budgety also.
tires for the xvs 125cc
ola,have just been quoted £223 ! for front and rear tires for my draggy 125cc ! surley not.Anyone know where i can get them any cheaper ? cheers.
Crashed the bike !
Hello people,would be grateful for some help with rebuilding my bike.My bro stripped off the wrecked headlight,and now i have the replacment i cant match the colours ? anyone know the correct wiring ? also i'm trying to get the mangaled bars off but cant budge them.any help would be greatly appreciated.thanks
Highwayhawk pipes for xvs dragstar 125cc
I only got the iridium for life span,all is finished and I think it's a good bit more enjoyble now to drive.didn't feel like too much accelerations lost.it's really nice cruising at low revs now at 60 rather than that crazy high rev racket.3rd gear is so long mow it goes right to 60!
Highwayhawk pipes for xvs dragstar 125cc
Exhaust issue should be sorted next week,alchemy have sorted me out with baffles for £26.now i'm looking at servicing.have bought new air and oil filters,some rather expensive fully synthetic oil,iridium spakys again rather expensive and the crown an 18 tooth front sprocket.if all comes tommorow should have it all done for Sunday(excluding baffles).will post and let u know if any of this makes a differance.I reckon I could live with the noise at low revs so if the 18 toothed does it's job I might just leave the exhaust.stay tuned yamaheads.
to re-jet or not to re-jet ? that is the question
ola yamaheads hope all is well, ok so heres where things are,iv'e fitted the straight through highwayhawk pipes,iv'e ordered the 18 tooth front sproket,ive ordered a set of iridium plugs(just for good measure).Now i'm wondering wether or not to up the jet to 100.I'm really not into changing air filters as has mixed results.Have been following a few threads regarding this mod but no conclusion.If anyone can help me out i'd be chuft.cheers.
Highwayhawk pipes for xvs dragstar 125cc
its ok guys ,alchemy have sorted it for me,and all highway hawk pipes come with baffles i found out.mine where 2nd hand with none.an obv there supposed to be loud but u cant have heard them when there straight through its just crazy especially at 60mph.
Highwayhawk pipes for xvs dragstar 125cc
Im keepin them mate,i just want to tone them down.They are well over the legal noise restriction.if u going to get them get baffles! Or the police,neighbours and any1 else u drive by will be pretty annoyed.
Highwayhawk pipes for xvs dragstar 125cc
Bolted on the slash cut H/H pipes today. I got them on gumtree for £60,bargin.The only problem i have is they are way too loud.I was quite embaressed going through towns , i love the tone but the volume is exessive.Anyone know the correct and effective baffel to tone it down a bit? cheers.
Big bore kits
Howdy people,i'm wondering if anyone can give me some advice regarding big bore kits.I currently have a nice wee xvs 125 with low miles and sound engine,but thinking about trying a BBK.If anyone has any experience with these and are aware of where to get one and costing it would be much appreciated.Thanks guys.
xvs 125 you can get a bit more poke
Guys please help me out here,I can't find this valve on the breather pipe.mines a 2002 dragstar but my brether seems to be straight through? Any suggestions? Cheers
anyone got an xvs 250 engine for sale?
foud out i can straight swap my 125cc for the 250cc , so would like to know if anyone got one lying around.many thanks.
Making Exhaust Mufflers
I've called around a few engineer shops regarding straight through pipes.they say it would be easy enough to do however the 3 I've called stressed that they havn't ever made any for 125's.so the results are unknown,they would still expect to be paid,also by the time the steel is chromed your looking at a pretty penny.my concern was ending up with a very expensive set of shiny curtain poles lol.
Xvs 125cc
I take it we're talking about drilling the holes into the round plate at the emmisions end of the exhaust? Just need to be sure before I go drill crazy lol.
Xvs 125cc
Thanks for that guys it's well appreciated,was lookin at the hawk pipes but too expensive against what I paid for the pigglet.I picked up a 02 plate with 3247 miles on for £1600,it's got the yamaha saddlebags and sissy/backrest.it's a great little machine perfect for the purpose.cheers again gents.
Xvs 125cc
good evening all,can anyone help me please?I was wondering if any of you guys know how to remove baffles and padding from standard exhaust.Have read on other threads that drilling out the rivits is the way to go.Would like to hear from someone who has already done it 1st. And please no snide remarks on "buy a bigger bike" ive chosen this little piggy for economic purposes and would like it to sound a bit better not exactly crimes against humanity now is it.Cheers people .