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Everything posted by littlepig

  1. have confirmed its the same carb but is it just the main jet i need to change ? i beleive its a 110 but looking for a filter like yours paul and with a bit of luck the hawk pipes for the draggy will fit so im thinking mabye a 120 jet ? i bought a loom on ebay for a tenner so hoping that sorts that out.The cdi is hard to come buy, ive spotted one new for 80 knicker but it says its a derestricted cdi ? any advice ? cheers.Oh and hows the saddle coming on your build paul ? i'm looking to do the same but keeping the back struts seen an xvs on gumtree with the cropped bcak fender with the struts and looks ok.
  2. Afternoon gents , after much talking bout it i have finally purchased the xv250 lump to mount in the draggy 125 frame. Bit on the expesive side but hey much cheaper than buying a complete bike.Anyway just wondering if any one has done this before ? Ive got the engine,gear box and starter but was wondering if the loom from the 125 is the same as the 250 ? also can i just up the jet on the xvs carb ? as i beleive its the same one used on the xvs 250.Other areas of concern are the air filter can i buy a k&n style for the xv250 or does it need the big airbox like the xvs 125 ? oh and are the out let manifolds the same on the draggys and viragos ? any help as always is very much appreciated .
  3. littlepig replied to Paulwhite's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    u tried wemotto mate ?
  4. paul soz to hijack your thread but , quick question xv250 in the xvs 125 frame ? easy swap ?
  5. littlepig replied to littlepig's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Check them out paul,their running other 125cc on them , it looks like your bog standard turbo.
  6. littlepig posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Evening all, was searching through the intermabob the other night and came across a canadian mob called mbe motorsport who sell efi and turbo's for tiny engines.sounds like fun to me .they reckon the turbo will work well on the little draggy but they donnt stock a fitting kit for the bike .any one know what this intails ? Mr White perhaps ? Lol
  7. littlepig replied to Paulwhite's post in a topic in General
    paul where u get the risers mate ? they look the berrys.
  8. littlepig posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    quick heads up guys theres highway hawk pipes like mine for the 125 on e-bay .I know loads of you want them.
  9. littlepig replied to littlepig's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    I'm already on a full license mate.I have an old gt750 as well but i use the wee 125 for work,i do 30 miles a day 6 days a week so is a cheap option.And ive done quite a bit of work to the draggy and really dont want to part with it.its a great machine.
  10. littlepig posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Evening all hope all is well, been doing some thinking of late about reboring the wee machine.Found a mob in France who are willing to do it for me.They want me send the barrells and heads out to them and they'll send it back rebored to 170cm3 with pistons,rings,carb kit and intructions on what to do with the air box.Now this has me thinking can i buy the 250cc barrells,heads,pistons,carb and airbox and bolt them on instead ? or is there anything going on in the bottom end i have to address ? any help is appreciated muchly as always. thanks .
  11. littlepig replied to littlepig's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Defo not battery had it checked out , the bike is used every day at least 30 miles. Just concerned as folk in front of me think I'm flashing my lights , can be dodgy at junctions.
  12. littlepig replied to littlepig's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Thanks very much for that mate .
  13. littlepig posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    After noon people , have a query here regarding lights on the xvs 125 . I noticed during the week that the headlight is getting brighter at random points while driving, the day after I noticed that the clock bulb is doing the same thing at the same time as the headlight.then lastnight I noticed that the neutral light is coming on dimly while all the others are bright ? Any suggestions to why ? Cheers folks .
  14. littlepig replied to littlepig's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    If you could that would be great cheers .
  15. littlepig posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Evening gents hope are well, was wondering if any of you know where I can get risers for the xvs 125 ? I remember paul saying he had to drill the yoke out to get a fit ? Any help will be appreciated muchly .
  16. Nicky check your oil mate,the xvs draggy 125 gearbox uses the engine oil.if it seems ok when you've been driving sounds like the oil is pumping round.if its cold started the oil hasn't had time to move into the box.I'd put money on oil mate.
  17. littlepig replied to littlepig's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Got the bars on feels great only problem I've got now is the throttle won't spring back any advice guys ?
  18. littlepig posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    evening all,drag bars arrived today not fitted as a bit on the cold side up here today.Was wondering if the bar end weights wil still fit on the new bars ??? Paul your probs the best one to ask hereas i know you've changed yours.Other question is i know there is a dimple on the standard bars for the throttle , will this make any differance ? thanks
  19. morning gentlemen , have the offer of a 535 lump and wondering if anyone can tell me if it would fit it in the xvs 250 frame ? any feedback\experirience would be much appreciated .
  20. Here's hoping mate lol
  21. I can't do the linky thing but there 30 inch vincent straight bars check em out on the bay amigo,let me know what u think.
  22. littlepig replied to 1988rocco's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    1988 I might have standards for sale soon just waiting on my dragbars to come will keep u posted.
  23. Paul you are both a blessing and a curse ! Lol. I was thinking I'd need risers but I mocked the shape of the bar there 30 inch long , 10 in the centre and angled off at the ends obv also 10 inch . It looks as though I could mabye get away with them.mabye just touching on full lock.if not I'll be requiring your infinite knowledge mate.thanks again for the work manual.and teague I work nights so I'll troll the web for u and c if I can get u some pipes on the cheap mate.
  24. Forgot to say bought some black dragbars stay tuned for pics .
  25. Paul there out there mate gumtree seems to be the place.