Need help with neutral light
Cheers guys, Tested the neutral switch and that was ok. Worked out to be an old wiring issue. Thanks for the help
Need help with neutral light
Hey Guys, Have been trying to diagnose my lack of idiot light on my dash. I'm kind of stumped as to what to try next. So far I've - traced the neutral wire back to the connectors (sky blue) to test with a test light. This didn't work - replaced the neutral switch.. Still didn't work. Have looked at the wiring diagram and can't think of anything else that may be causing it not to work? any ideas Cheers
No Neutral or Oil light
Thanks Drewpy, I did check the connections with a test light quickly last night, without any luck. Will try testing the regulator and rectifier to see if they are still ok.
No Neutral or Oil light
Hey Guys, I've almost finished rebuilding my XS250 and have reached the final hurdle (I THINK?) It seems as though my Neutral and Oill lights don't seem to want to come on. And looking at the diagram I think it may be due to the voltage regulator. Has anyone else seen this situation? Cheers
XS250 Model Guide
Thanks Drewpy for pointing me in the right direction. The first 3 digits of the frame no is 5E9 Managed to track down this XS 250 RH 81 5E9- Got it from this site http://www.dropbears.com/y/yamaha/modelcodes.htm Searching for a gasket set ebay have a few of them that specifiy a particular model but no RH. However I have seen some gasket sets that don't specify the type ie it's just yamaha xs250 - 78-81. I'm assuming there won't and difference between them? Cheers Ben
XS250 Model Guide
Hey Guys, I need to buy some gaskets after discovering an oil leak but I'm unsure which exact model I have. All I know is that it's an 81 XS250. I don't believe it's a C model as I think that had drums on the front and rear. Where as mine has drum on the rear and disc at the front. So was wondering if anyone had a list or knew what the differences were. thanks Ben
- Chop chop
Chop chop
Yeah just a grab rail. Doesn't look like it does too much think the bracket was mainly there for pillion support. Think i might go ahead and trim it down. I like what you've done with your frame. Just out of curiousity did you paint it yourself or did you get it powdercoated? thanks mate
Chop chop
Hey Speedshop, Thanks for the pics.. that's kinda what I mean, but on the XS but not so much on the SR there are a couple of brackets that join the tail to the rest of the frame. The SR ones are a lot neater. I agree with you though with the straight chop off the rear frame doesn't look anywhere as good as when it's been blended or continued into a loop This is the bracket
Chop chop
Hey Guys, I've started on the build of my xs250 tracker. I've chopped the end of the frame off and have fibreglassed a new seat for it. Now I want to clean up the frame as much as possible before I paint it, my question is, is there are a couple of brackets either side of the bike that I believe were used for pillion support that i'd like to chop and grind down. So that the tail of the frame is as straight as possible. Would this cause any structural issue to the frame if I did this? I can't seem to upload any pics? Thanks
Front and rear fenders for XS400
Cheers for the pics. Can never get too many bike pics. Yeah am thinking I'll reuse the front fender and cut to fit, and just find another shorter style front fender.
Front and rear fenders for XS400
Thanks drewpy, I'm in OZ but checked out their website, have a few nice things there. I know a couple of people that have used the Daytona fenders but I'm not sure I can justify $180+ for a rear fender. Will definitely check out your build Cheers
Front and rear fenders for XS400
Hi guys, this is my first post after picking up an old XS250, from what I've read the XS250 and XS400 are exactly the same besides the engine. I'm currently in the middle of the teardown to build a tracker and am trying to source some front and rear bobbed style fenders. Does anyone one know where I could pick some up. Was thinking a couple of SR500/400 fenders might fit. Anyone tried this? Thanks Ben
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