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  1. sporkcow posted a post in a topic in Classics
    I'm wrestling with an '81 XS400H that won't stop leaking fuel. Turns out it's winning! I have taken the carbs off the bike 3 times to adjust the floats. When I took them off the first time the floats were adjusted to just over one inch (about 27 mm) That seems to be what they are supposed to be set to, but it was leaking fuel like crazy from the left carb (as you're sitting on the bike). The fuel is overflowing from the bowl and dripping out the bottom of the air box. I adjusted the floats up a little and it seemed to help but not fix the problem. They are currently set to just shy of 1.25 inches and are still leaking! It leaks much less when on the center stand, but still a significant amount. Also, the bike is much harder to start now, but it seems to run better than it did after it's warmed up. I've looked through the threads on leaky carbs but I haven't found anything that has fixed the problem. Before I take the carbs off again, any suggestions? The carbs are nice and clean on the inside (previous owner had them professionally cleaned about 2 years ago) and I cleaned them on the outside the last time I had them off. Any suggestions from more experienced wrestlers to give me a leg up in the match would be much appreciated. Thanks so much!
  2. sporkcow replied to 01ps's post in a topic in Classics
    Hi drewpy. I have been trying to figure out what my model number is on my XS400. The code is 4R5. I think it's an '81 but I'm not even sure of that. Thanks for the help!
  3. sporkcow replied to 01ps's post in a topic in Classics
    Hi drewpy. I have been trying to figure out what my model number is on my XS400. The code is 4R5. I think it's an '81 but I'm not even sure of that. Thanks for the help!
  4. sporkcow replied to 01ps's post in a topic in Classics
    I have been dealing with the same issue on my '81 XS 400. The right carb leaks fuel out of the air box, especially when I have it sitting on the kickstand (as opposed to the center stand). I have adjusted the floats twice now, and it hasn't gotten much better. The last time I set both floats to about 29mm, but the result was the same. I think I may be measuring the distance in the wrong place. With the carb upside down, I move the float so it just touches the needle but does not depress it, and am measuring from the seating surface on the carb body to the bottom of the float. Is this correct?