Everything posted by BOB.YBR
YBR 125 Seized rear brake
as the owner of a 05 model of the YBR125 which I have had from new I have had the same problem it could be the shoes which are worn but it could also be the spindle from the brake arm through the body of the aluminium brake drum plate. In the good old days they used to put an oil-lite bush so that the aluminium did not oxidise and trap the spindle but unfortunately those days have gone! the good new is that it is not a big job to sort out yourself just watch when you take the wheel spindle out. mark the two chain adjusters with a spot of pant to make sure that you put them back the right way up. and there is a spacer on each side of the wheel as well one is longer than the other. If you have never done this before use a camera/phone to photo as you go as to what goes where remove the brake shoes and the outer lever push out the brake spindle give it a rub with a bit of fine emery cloth coat with LM grease on the part which passes through the body then refit everything as for the chain try website wemoto.com you can buy new DID chain and sprockets for less than the price of a stranded chain!
YBR125 need good advice
You defiantly need to return it to the shop from where you got it. if the light bracket is not twisted it could be an indication that ether the top or bottom yoke is cracked or distorted as result of an accident in it's history which is highly dangers get it checked fast! ps as your new to biking the yoke's if you don't know are the piece's which hold the top of the fork legs,handle bars and the pivot pin which connects the front unit to the frame.
ybr125 fuel cock
If it has a fuel tap you know the plastic bit just under the fuel tank on the opposite side to the one showing in the photo (nearside) that's where you will find the fuel tap what year is the bike fuel injection started 2007 I think had mine for 4 1/2 years carb model 05 best you identify the exact model as you will need it when it come to getting spares good luck PS it looks like the injection model
Yamaha YBR 125
Hi and welcome I have had a YBR125 ED for 4 1/2 years wont say that I love it but it handles well to work and back every day never failed to start winter or summer just watch the rear brake has a bad habit of the pivot spindle going stiff just a simple job of wheel out dissemble grease job done just keep a check on it make sure wheel spins freely after applying rear brake once a week or so!
Yamaha YBR 125 misfire/backfire
Check the spark plug is clean should be light brown on contacts check plug gap and HT lead is pushed fully on Check valve clearances Timing cannot be adjusted Is this an Injection model or with carburettor?