Everything posted by johnsnownw
- YOC patch
YOC patch
Looks great! Well done, Drewps.
xs400 chopper
I don't like it.
This looks painful.
guess who got a job?
Yamaha Aerox Doesnt Start
Sounds like a blown fuse(s).
wot i got upto last weekend
Never did anything cool like that when I was in scouts. Most of our time was spent in the basement of a church reading out of the handbook.
77 XS400 Needle Jet - Where to buy?
Try here: http://www.motorcyclecarbs.com/Mikuni_Needle_Jets_C36.cfm
Yup, without insurance, you have to mortgage your house for a splinter removal. Sux
Going on a bit of a ride...suggestions welcome.
Hey guys, I'll be traveling this Sat. from Minneapolis to Chicago. It's the longest ride I've ever attempted and was wondering if anyone has suggestions about riding long distance. It will be on the Triumph, but don't hold that against me. Thanks. Route: http://www.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Minneapolis,+MN&daddr=Chicago,IL&hl=en&geocode=Ff1WrgIdJOhw-im9u3eTkDOzUjEH7novhMmfkw%3BFWICfwIdGuDG-inty_TQPCwOiDEAwMAJrabgrw&mra=ls&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=50.910968,116.455078&ie=UTF8&ll=43.47684,-88.483887&spn=5.883261,14.556885&z=7
Whats your dream bike?
Currently: Ducati Streetfighter-S Or BMW S1000RR Both for different reasons.
No pilninggas I did it with
I thought I had been on a bus through that area, but I was wrong. It was through the A5 to Bangor that I remember, that was beautiful too though, and it rained most of the time.
Problem with indicators and clutch
Right. Up.Yours doesn't need defending, and that is not the intention of my post, however, I do feel the need to respond to your post. The name of this site is "Yamaha Owners Club," not "YahooAnswers," "WikiAnswers" or anything else related to a question and answer message board. This is in fact a club, and as such club members generally introduce themselves, it's just common courtesy. Too often people ask a question and are never heard from again, and your first post made it seem as though you could be one of those people. What Up.Yours was explaining to you was that many of the older and more knowledgeable members of this club will not answer questions posted by new members that begin their first post as you did. So, you are missing out on information from the most knowledgeable members. We are not trying to antagonize you in anyway, simply letting you know that we welcome new people and would simply like to know more about those we are helping. I apologize that I cannot help you with your bike issue, and I wish you the best of luck with finding a solution.
New member... So... Hello :-)
mmm..... Had a crash
Sorry to hear about the wreck, Merv. I was wondering what kind of car you hit, or rather hit you?
XS250 Carbs
Your bike has BS32 carbs, whether the parts for BS34 carbs (XS400) will fit your bike, I have no idea.
xs400 flat tracker project
With pink and white tassels on the handlebar ends!
Got a new (to me) 1980 xs400 Special
I would do something about that leak in your brake line, brake fluid is horribly corrosive. It will ruin paint and pit metal.
BVD, The same thing happens with my bike, the first notch works really well on the choke. The 2nd, not so much. Hasn't really been a concern because the choke works well enough, and I have no issues after the bike warms up.
Got a new (to me) 1980 xs400 Special
If those screws were not tampered with, the likely issue is that the o-rings have disintegrated over time. That's what happened to mine, as they were not there when I took mine out for the first time. I believe MikesXS has the same explanation on the kit you can buy that contains the o-ring. You can't put just any old o-ring down there, the o-ring needs to be able to handle corrosion from gasoline and be heat resistant. I would order the kit from MikesXS.
Got a new (to me) 1980 xs400 Special
Yes you need the o-ring on the mixture screws. You should turn the screws 3.5 turns out to start, and adjust from there. Most likely you will turn them more than 3.5 out when you are fine tuning. Yup, your float height should be 27.3mm
Got a new (to me) 1980 xs400 Special
Yup that's where it is. That plug is not very thick, so don't drill too far down. Good Luck.
Got a new (to me) 1980 xs400 Special
Use the old screen. You shouldn't have to grease anything on the carb. Can't help with the other questions
Got a new (to me) 1980 xs400 Special
Glad it all worked out well for you, it is indeed messy though!
Shoot ! ! !
Some of that seemed staged, but I laughed anyway!