Everything posted by johnsnownw
My first proper youtube video...
Oye, speaker building is entertaining and functional!
My first proper youtube video...
Just realized this probably should have gone in the video section...
My first proper youtube video...
for your appro...ridicule Decided to make a video concerning one of my other passions, speaker building. It's part 1 of 2 as youtube caps videos at 15 min. Anyway, enjoy and have fun mocking me.
Glorious Reprieve
Everyone with daughters, I hope I do half a good of job as you. If I have any, of course.
Glorious Reprieve
Well, I commend you. At this point I cannot imagine raising daughters, perhaps if forced into it I will see that it's no real issue *shrugs*
Glorious Reprieve
I've been praying that my wife and I have all boys. We had to compromise on 3 urchins, as she wants 4 and I want 2. I know it's up to me as to whether we have boys or girls, just wish I had more control over it. Girls are just to complicated, I don't know how you do it, sir.
Glorious Reprieve
My Santa was the "rents." They asked what I wanted for Christmas, and bam...there it was, or rather bam the check for it arrived in the mail.
Glorious Reprieve
I love the Triple, I only ever had one complaint about the bike and that was the turn signals. I really hated the look and they didn't seem to go with the styling on the rest of the bike. I rectified that with some Rizoma Zero 11's. Otherwise she's fast, nimble and FAST!!! As for the pistol, it's a .40 S&W with a 14 round magazine.
German vs American Gun Range
I suppose it's a simple matter of if you can own it, why not? Also, one was a shooting expo while the other was a gun range.
Glorious Reprieve
Good Luck with that, the Street Triple is a mean bike. Not that I'm biased or anything
Christmas Present
Texas, which is not one of my favorite states, does have laws or at least interpretations of the laws that seem more beneficial to gun owners. Like anything pertaining to the law, however, there are always extenuating circumstances. It's not as black and white as shooting someone in your house as opposed to outside of it, determining fault. You are better off, from a legal perspective, shooting someone in your house. However, just because they are in your house, doesn't mean that you won't be punished for doing so.
Christmas Present
I would go with the 92FS as it's an improved model over the 92F. My next pistol, if I get one, would be a Browning High-Power. I bought the PX4 due it's simplified maintenance, cost and review status. It's my first gun, no sense in purchasing something shiny and expensive to learn on. I've shot Glocks, which I'm not impressed with. They are like Honda's to me, that it to say, functional but without soul.
Christmas Present
Much like the enjoyment I get by working on my bike, maintaining the gun as a working machine is something I look forward to. As for the criminal coming out ahead in home invasion situations, it's not an outcome limited to the U.K. justice system. That kind of crap happens here all the time, which is just absurd.
Christmas Present
Did a lot of research before I bought it, it's a great gun.
Why can't you all own Triumphs as well....
Exactly like that one, not pleasing to the eye at all.
Why can't you all own Triumphs as well....
Buy one without a carb, problem solved. Move to Minnesota, so I have someone to ride with, while you're at it.
Why can't you all own Triumphs as well....
I joined the Triumph forum back in July, but there is no sense of community there, just a bunch of one timers posting and not contributing to anything. You guys need to buy Triumphs and help me out. Get on it!
Happy Hogmanay
Happy New Year!!!
Christmas Present
Yeah, while I was in Glasgow there was mention of a deadline for turning in knives to the police with no recourse. It is a knife, and a very good one. It's used by police and the military. Frankly, I'm on the fence about gun-control. I like the fact that I can purchase one, just not sure about allowing everyone else In all seriousness, it was a drawn out process to get this pistol. I had to file for a permit, where they check your background, which was several pages long. Then when I went to purchase the gun I had to fill out more paperwork and calls had to be made. It took about 45 min to have the gun in my hands from the time I walked into the store with my permit. The reasons I purchased the gun is as follows: target shooting, mechanical maintenance and personal protection. Personal protection is about 10% of the reason I bought it, but it's nice to know that if someone breaks into my house, and more than likely has a gun, that I won't be defenseless. That is not to say that if someone breaks into my house I'm going to go all Rambo on them, just that I am not completely at the mercy of the intruder. I would say that I never thought about personal protection until I got married, it's more that I fear for my wifes safety than my own. Odd how that happens. Drewpy: That is a ridiculous advert and I hope it is fake, but have a feeling it is not.
Christmas Present
I think you are allowed to have guns. It's just that you have to pay a boatload of money to acquire a permit. Or so I thought.
Christmas Present
Close, it's a Beretta PX4 Storm.
Christmas Present
It was a good Christmas.
What do you think about...
I'll give it a try, though it hasn't been above 20 degrees in the last couple weeks.
What do you think about...
I did treat the gas, but I'm not sure the treatment will reach the carbs. I guess I'm concerned that the gas will freeze in the carbs and screw with the bits.
What do you think about...
removing the carbs for the winter? The XS400 is hanging out in the unheated garage all winter. What do you guys thing? Remember, it's bloody cold here in MN.