Everything posted by johnsnownw
Made another video for youtube, about the .357 mag I just got.
You can tell me if you like it better, or if I did a better job than on the speaker building videos. The lighting isn't fantastic in the video, because my living room is dark. I believe I used "um" a lot less.
Question about pilot jet plug.
It seems like this should have come up before, but do the BS34's require some sort of plug over the pilot jets?
I got another gun, for FREE!!!!!!
Paper targets, cans, fruit, burglars...etc.
I got another gun, for FREE!!!!!!
Thanks, The best thing about this gun is that it has interchangeable barrels and shrouds. So, if I want to make the gun bigger or smaller, I just screw on another. Of course, the extra barrels and shrouds are not cheap. I really want a 44mag, but they are a lot more expensive than this gun
I got another gun, for FREE!!!!!!
Yeah, it's a shame too. I had more fun shooting this revolver than the Beretta I got for Christmas.
I got another gun, for FREE!!!!!!
Just look at her, isn't she beautiful. It has been sitting in my Dad's gun safe for the last 15 years. When I saw it, I had to have it. He gave it to me along with 350 rounds of ammo.
R6 turns over but won start after replacing battery
It sounds like the battery is probably okay, but have you checked the voltage? Another possibility may be the plugs, how old are they?
Yikes, that looks awful. I cannot believe they returned it to you in that shape, did they think you wouldn't notice?
Thought you guys might like to see this.
They started a thread on motorcycles that memebers of the Beretta forum own. I think you might find the "Boss Hoss" interesting. http://berettaforum.net/vb/showthread.php?t=70849&page=5
Who's going to watch the Super Bowl?
Yeah, it was good. Might have been better if both teams were healthier though. Either way it did't disappoint.
Who's going to watch the Super Bowl?
The halftime show is almost always crap. The game was good, however, at least it was close. Football is the easiest game to follow after basketball. I only watch college basketball though...and only in the finals...cause basketball is boring. My top 3 sports are: Soccer (Football) Hockey American Football
Who's going to watch the Super Bowl?
I am, what about you Limeys?
Bad News Guys
I take it you mean ASDA then? That number probably isn't too far off, though it has a lot to do with what is covered and what your deductible happens to be. Also, how much your insurance is subsidized by the employer. Also, age is a factor, how high or low risk you are, pre-existing conditions, etc... Also, just because you have insurance, doesn't mean you can use it everywhere, usually you have a pool of doctors you can choose from, and if you happen to go to someone not in your pool, you pay almost double for the service. There are just too many factors for me to be able to give you a good answer, but a relatively accurate answer would be that you more than likely get a lot more benefit from your insurance costs than someone here in the U.S. would. A little better look at what your situation would like in the U.S. can be gleaned from this link, under Health Care: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Wal-Mart
Bad News Guys
See, here I was about to feel bad about assuming it was a woman, and you tell me I was right. I immediately think it's a woman for an accident like this, especially in the U.S. However, I was thinking of giving the benefit of the doubt because I know U.K. traffic exams are much more difficult than here. I mean here, you practically get a license just for turning 16. Yeah, the one time I had to go to hospital in Scotland amazed me, walked in, saw a doctor, walked out. No paperwork or anything, fantastic. If you don't have insurance and you get the same treatment you got for the wreck, someone would be looking at many thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars in debt. And seeing as how the majority of people without insurance don't have it because they cannot afford it, they'll be taking out a loan...if they can get one...and pay for it over the course of many years. We are trying to change this, but the Republicans take issue with any form of government incursion into the private sector. Which is why you here them throwing words like socialist and communist around to insight the ignorant. But I digress... I hope you get all the money you need from her insurance, fault seems cut and dry to me.
Bad News Guys
Sorry to hear about your crash, dude. One of those times it's nice to have free medical care, that would have been a hella costly bill here in the old USA. Hope you get better quickly Just curious, was it a man or woman that smacked ya?
It must be nice to be able to work on your bike...
It is a tall iron swivel chair, so about as tall as a trolley. Also, I found this story on the news about how cold it's been, it's pretty close to where I live. http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/dpp/weather/frozen-squirrel-minnesota-jan-20-2011
It must be nice to be able to work on your bike...
That workshop looks really nice, I bet that put you back a few. Today it was -31C when I woke up, darn cold. I thank you for the sweet trade deal, however, I think I'll hold onto the PX4 all the same
It must be nice to be able to work on your bike...
Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately the fact still remains that I am lacking in the disposable income department. However, when I do get some cash this may be a good temporary solution.
It must be nice to be able to work on your bike...
I do have a fine bottle of scotch whiskey in the cubbard... The outside of the shed is deceiving, it's quite basic on the inside, and only half of it is mine, the other half belongs to the landlord. It's not a bad shed, but even if I had a heater in there I don't know how it could overcome the drafts.
It must be nice to be able to work on your bike...
It's alright living here for 8 months out of the year, the winter is terrible though. Here's a pic looking out my back door. You can see the shed and a whole bunch of snow.
It must be nice to be able to work on your bike...
Well, I say garage, but it's an unattached building. I suppose you could call it a shed. Also, if I had the money to spend on a heater, I would purchase the parts I want and work on the bike naked, in a big pile of snow. There is no way you can ride a bike in Minnesota in the winter, there is snow and ice on the roads as we speak, and it's been there for a month. We've received to date 56 inches of snow, and there is still 14 inches on the ground. So, even though it is MY only form of transport, I don't have a leg to stand on.
It must be nice to be able to work on your bike...
Oh, the wife would never let that happen. Especially with the wood floors, and my balls in her pocket
It must be nice to be able to work on your bike...
in the winter. I don't have a heated garage and it was -8F here last night. That would be -22C to most of you. It doesn't get that much warmer during the day here either. Such lovely weather here in Minnesota.
My first proper youtube video...
Yeah, I tried to come up with an outline, but thought I'd just wing it. I'm not good enough to wing it, as the video clearly demonstrates.
My first proper youtube video...
I used to be into car audio, probably damaged my ears a bit when I was in High School.