Everything posted by Mossy
XV1600 idle revs
Pull the clutch in, give it some revs and feather the clutch back out to pick up the drive. This will get you back on the power without snatching. They all seem to be snatchy at low revs in 1st or 2nd. Like Ttaskmaster says, Drive it round corners (or it will run wide)
1300 Midnight Star - Possible Clutch Problem
I have an 09 with 800 miles and 1st & 2nd gear selections are truly horiffic! I have put it down to a clunky gear box and got used to it. local dealer reckons its all fine but I think the whole engine & tranny set up is noisy. I have been looking for some one else in my area to compair noises.
Any one in North Hampsire
Found this "http://vstar1300.pbworks.com/f/clutchtechtip.pdf"
Any one in North Hampsire
I got 2 years warrenty from new with mine (it was x demo so some has gone). I have read a thread somewhere regarding clutch noise, there is a mod/fix for it. something to do with an updated part from a newer model? If I find it I'll post a link.
o2 sensor plugs
Neither stock them, one said Yamaha bespoke part! the Yanks have found them so they must be out there somewhere...
o2 sensor plugs
I have sent photos of both parts of the connector to both of the companies listed above, lets see if they can I dentify them. If so Ill post a parts list and suppliers parts No.s
Filtering past white van man
why was the van being filmed in the first place? Who drives along with a video camera reccording, and if it was unmarked plod why didnt they get out to help??
o2 sensor plugs
Can any one tell me a part No. or make/model for the 4 pole plug & socket used to connect the O2 sensor to the loom on a XVS1300? I want to build the part for the sensor mod but cant find the connectors (825 ohmn resistor in the ground wire, white one) Thanks...
Any one in North Hampsire
Is there any one in nothh Hampshire who would let me come and listen to there engine? Mines done 650 miles now and I am getting a considderable knock from the back cylinder at crusing speeds. I thought that the valve clearences would be adjusted at the first service but I dont think it was done as I cant see any evidance of the rocker cover being removed. I'd like to compair rattles..