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Everything posted by chris66

  1. sorry i couldnt be more help, i have been working on my bike for months and finished it in may. i really did not fancy stripping it again after i have it running perfectly. i bet your bike is a new beast with the exup working, it makes such a difference to the low to middle power if you set it up properly. realy glad you got it sorted. chris
  2. i expect it has a starter solenoid right near the battery. on most bikes the thick live goes from the battery to the solenoid then another thick wire leaves the solenoid and goes to the starter. when you push the starter button the solenoid connects allowing the live to reach the starter. this is to eliminate the need for high amp wire to go to the starter switch on the handle bars
  3. if you have a good battery then its your carbs, the reason its idling but not revving up is that there is probably a idle jet and a main jet, one being blocked worse than the other . if your technically able then a carb strip, clean and balance is best. if your not so brave empty tank, undo the drain screws on the carbs, refill tank with new fuel mixed with a carb cleaner additive. its not cheap, about £15, but if you run the bike for a few minutes a day for a few days sometimes it clears the jets, cheaper than the garage but not always successful.
  4. how much filler will you have to use? if its a minimal amount ie just deep scratches then why not use filler primer. if its a dent then i would primer first them really rough it up to get the filler to adhere.
  5. you obviously know for me to measure mine would be a big pain, tank off bottom fairing and exup cover, but i have got yamaha technical number they are very helpful even for older bikes and if they dont know they will find out and ring you back. they dont open weekends 01932358000 hope this helps, chris
  6. take it back, thats why you buy from dealers
  7. thats as i thought, give me the exact model and year and i will ring yamaha tomorrow and get the measurements to confirm the ones you are using are correct.it doesnt take much of an over gap to sound like a bag of nails, your feeler gauge should slip through with a slight resistance.
  8. did you try to do the valves because they were noisy, or is this the result of adjusting them
  9. is there a bolt underneath the forks, i am not familiar with these exact forks but have done other yamahas. if there is a bolt underneath it will just turn freely as you need to make a tool to go down the tube to hold the inner fork still. as i said i am not sure this is true in your case.
  10. The first thing I would do is double check the measurements there are a lot of xs owners on here,and I am sure one will be able to help soon. But it does sound that they are gapped to wide. Does the bike get any quieter as it warms up?
  11. did you measure when the bike was warm or cold, if the measurements you used are for a cold engine and you done them hot they will be to wide.
  12. i know im 44 but i fell off my skate board last month at about 5mph and tore a lump out of my elbow that took 3 weeks to heal. yet you still see people on bikes with a t shirt on and no gloves. must be lovely putting your bare hands down to break your fall at anything over 20mph. i always wear my alpine stars leather jacket. alpine stars leather gloves. i own frank thomas racing boots and leather dungarees but only wear them if i am going for a long ride, although i will one day regret this laziness no doubt.
  13. sounds to me like you have disturbed the wiring somewhere, follow the wiring down to where it plugs in and clean the connectors. you would be surprised how many times its the simple things that are overlooked
  14. i inquired about having some made as the originals are stupidly expensive a while back . i contacted a cable manufacturer and was told that because of the heat involved at the exhaust end that they couldnt be made using the usual solder method can i ask how you intend to make yours as i ended up giving up and paying for originals,
  15. i snapped a cam on a honda cb 900 closing the throttle sharply whilst speeding on a motorway. so it can just happen, but i would still be suspicious of the work done. i would take it back and blame them anyway what have you got to lose.
  16. rxs 100 what a bike, i bought one new when i was 17 in 1983 £800 and passed my two part test on it. that little bike would shame most of todays learner bikes. swapped it for a rd250lc one year later, you know the call of a bigger bike. good luck with it.
  17. someone asked how long the inner exup cable was on a yzf 750, but there was no way i was going to dismantle my bike to find out, so i didnt reply in case they managed to talk me into it.
  18. thanks , you have made me feel more welcome already.
  19. i joined, not to get answers but to try to help others. after years of having to fix my own bikes i thought my knowledge would be of some help to younger less experienced riders. so my first post was an answer, and yes i am guilty of not introducing myself. i thought i would have more to offer but most questions are bike specific and there seems to be a few members that have a wider knowledge than i do. but as we are on the subject, my name is chris im from essex a couple of miles from london, i always had bikes for years until the kids were born. now i have been riding again for the last 5 years now the kids have grown up, and i am having a mid life crisis hence the yzf 750r. i have nearly always had two strokes but find the bigger ones two expensive now so have to make do with what i have got.
  20. i couldn't agree more, i had a rd250lc for many years. it had nothing under 5ooo revs then everything at once. the front wheel would often lift in any of the first three gears and the noise was fantastic. you could screem it down the country lanes in relative safety but it felt like it was about to take off. the problem is to get that two stroke kick from a four stroke you need to have something large and sporty, i currently have a yzf 750 which has a very powerful serge at 9000 revs but its almost unusable if you want to keep your licence. the two stroke lc was by far my favourite bike and i have often thought about getting another, but they are so expensive, your tdr is lovely looks almost mint i bet thats worth a few quid, im very jealous.
  21. hi you could try fowlers on 01179770466 they have mail order. they have managed to get anything i have needed even for inport bikes, you will need the frame number usually stamped down the head stock,hope this helps and good luck
  22. hi 1983 does sound right as i remember it was the year before i turned 17, what a bummer
  23. hi i an not familiar with your bike,but the vacuum pipe that connects to the fuel tank on my yzf comes from the inlet manifold on number one cylinder, and if this was to be unconnected it would cause what you are describing as you would be running very lean on one cylinder
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