help with new test rules
hi all .. sorry if this topic has been done to death already but i need help asap .. my other half (my bird) is 46 and has just passed her mod 1 in december and her mod 2 on friday 8th feb 13 on her gn125 and now has a full catagory A licence .. my problem is that the new rules are so crappy to understand that anywhere you look on the web including .gov or mcn nothing is clear about what my other half can now ride .. because of her age (over 24) i think she can now ride up to 33hp bikes for 2 years because its cat A ??? did the rules only change for under 24s meaning the rules stayed the same for older bikers or am i wrong and she has to ride a 125 for 2 years ??? i do not want her on the 125 forever as there is no umph in small lightweight bikes .. i would like to get her a decent power bike not a runty 125 all the info on the web is so conflicting with no definitive answer to my problem .. help please
fully comp but rider not covered
hi .. if you have comprehensive insurance for a car you the driver are covered for personal injury as part of the policy but if you get fully comp for a bike you the rider are not covered for injury unless you take out extra cover so to me its not fully comp if the rider is not covered .. yes you get treatment at hospital but nothing else .. if you have an accident in a car you get a lump sum payment for injury to you the driver if you lose a bit of your body but not so the rider of a bike you get nothing .. so its a rip off as is all insurance ..
fully comp but rider not covered
hi .. well i got my payment back and cancelled the personal injury insurance .. now i just have fully comp .. young lady on the phone at bennetts assures me that no insurance company in uk covers the rider for injury to him/her this has to be an added extra .. when i asked her why the comparison sites do not tell you this she replied thats the way it is ??.. insurance is nothing but a rip-off anyway without all the get out of paying clauses .. i will take my chances without the extra as long everything else is covered .. yes we had a great ride for a couple of hours into liverpool can't count the amount of pot holes or sewer tops set too low trying to catch out the biker .. ta ta
fully comp but rider not covered
hi .. when we get full comp insurance we think every angle is covered but that is not true .. what bennets comprehensive policy says is the rider is not covered for his/her injuries .. yes we get free treatment .. so if you cause your own injury while biking even with fully comp you are not covered for loss of bodily parts .. but your bike is covered for loss of bits and bobs .. plus all third parties are covered .. on my full comp car insurance it states if i lose a limb or an eye i get paid out for this but with bennets full comp bike insurance i get nothing for loss of bodily bits .. for this i would need personal injury insurance .. my full comp car policy covers me the driver and anyone else for injury so why is the bike policy different ?? this is not stated anywhere when you go on comparison sites which i think is wrong (even though i love the meerkats) it needs to be stated up front .. i have spent ages looking right through my documents and nowhere does it state the rider is covered for injury to him/her .. yes i will be on to bennets today to take off the personal accident insurance as it was only set up as an extra yesterday .. i enjoy my bike and try to do the right thing but fully comp should be fully comp covering both the rider and the bike and we should not have to take out an optional extra for rider cover .. i will post a reply when i try to extract an answer to this from bennets later today .. meanwhile me and my bird are off on the bike for a run .. ta ta for now
hi to everyone
hi .. just thought i would introduce myself to everyone .. i am an older biker who likes bikes, (of course) guitars, women, food and just about everything .. but i hate people who pull out on me or gits on the phone while driving or picking their noses or scratching their bits or doing various other disgusting things instead of concentrating on their driving... anyway that's my introduction to you all ..
fully comp but rider not covered
hi everyone .. first time on forum so be gentle with me .. i just phoned bennets to add panniers to my fully comp insurance (£70 per year for my xj600 well i am over 60 so it should be cheap) .. and was told that did i know that most motorcycle insurance policies do not cover the rider for his/her injuries ? for this you need personal injury insurance which cost me £33 more per year .. so all the years i have been riding bikes i have not had injury cover even though i always have fully comp .. the moral is just because you have comprehensive insurance dont take it for granted that you have cover for your body in the event that some .... in a car causes you to damage your body .. the bike is covered plus any third parties but not the rider ?? is it just me being ripped off by bennets or is this the norm .. i only wanted to add the panniers as every added extra needs to be insured or they use it a get out of paying clause in the event of an accident .. any thought's on this ... spermwail