Warm spark plug DT125r
Hello "OLDGIT" Warmed the spark plug up on my Dt like you advised, and gave it a kick over. Unfortunately, didn't have much sucsess, and after trying the old spark plug again, and also dropping a little bit of fuel in the spark plug port, (on someone else's advice) and then giving it a go, (using firstly the old plug, and then the new one, which is now the one that is still in,) still didn't have nuch sucsess. Began working through the Starting Problems, section of the fault diagnosis in the manual. Fuel getting through fuel pipe fine ...No kinks, twists or splits in any of the piepwork to the carburettor... Ht lead in reasonable condition, and supressor cap secure... Air filter clean and unblocked...A good spark at plug... choke operation in good order... was thinking, rightly or wrongly, "not sure"? if maybe the carb is not set up correctly, ie tick over/idle speed? or maybe had I caused myself a problem with air getting in to through the reed block stub, where I had snapped off the securing bolt with my gorilla inexperience! Decided I would put some gasket sealant around the reed block inlet stub, and then if that failed, maybe think about getting the engine out to remove the offending snapped off bolt, and this time securing it properly, also with a new reed block gasket. But, before I tried this, I decided I would try and bump the bike off down a hill. I know, a little but of in-experienced desperation creeping in, But to my suprise, I ACTUALLY MANAGED TO GET IT GOING! and rode it around my field, for a few laps, going through the gears, but when I slowed down, it slowly died off. The good points, (I hope) are that now, the "sticking clutch" plates issue, has been resolved, and the clutch is operating freely. and that I know the bike is capable of running, though how far off I am to getting it running correctly, I am unsure? Also, there is a small "nipple" type nozzle connection port on the carburettor, on the right hand side, behind the fuel pipe connection and breather pipe connection, that I am having trouble identifying? and its purpose?. There is not,or was not, any pipe connected to it, and I don't know where or what it would connect to any way? Once again, I would sincerely appreciate any tips/pointers or welcome advice. Many thanks Robbie.
Neglected DT125r
I have had a seriously neglected DT125r in my extremely in-experienced, though very enthusiastic and keen to learn hands for a few months now, and have had technical help on a number of occasions already from experts on this site bringing it from a very sad state to the point I am now at. To date, I have cleaned the carb, changed the reeds, recovered the heavily sulphated battery, had 2 new keys cut, replaced all the fluids, cleaned out the tank and re-newed the fuel, bled the oil pump pipe, cleaned the air filter, and now I have today tried to start it, and after kicking it over a few times finally got it to run, BUT, it only ran for a few minutes and then cut out? Was not sure if I left the choke on for long enough or not? also tried the fuel tap in the "Fuel" and "Reserve" positions, tried it without choke, and then again with choke, left it for 10 - 15 minutes in case I had flooded it, and managed to get it started 2 - 3 more times before it again cut out? When I did manage the few times to get it running for a few minutes, on a couple of occasions it also "back fired"? In the manual there is a multitude of possible causes, and I am prepared to work through them all if I have to, unless anyone can see there is something obvious I am doing wrong? or failing to do completely? I would be most grateful for any pointers Many thanks Robbie
Yamaha DT125R
Many thanks again Vez, sure I am going to be needing yours, and the "old gits" help much more, before I am finished! Robbie
Yamaha DT125R
Yes,thank-you very much Vez, that has cleared things nicely, and helps greatly. I was a little confused, and worried that if I continued further without being sure, I could possibly cause myself further problems. I was not sure what the top hose's identity was? and could not identify it from my manual, and as you have told me, is exactly how it is, with the two hoses coming from the top of the cylinder head,(1 on the head itself and another on the side of the thermostat housing), and I have actually attatched them as you have said I should. There is the hose running from the 2 stroke oil tank, to the oil pump, with the small bore oil feed pipe running to the reed housing/inlet stub. Do I need to bleed this pipe? If so, do you have any advice/tips? Many thanks Robbie
Yamaha DT125R
Yamaha DT125R
I have opened my photobucket album account, so hopefully now I will have the photo to help with my enquiry, fingers crossed. Cheers Robbie. photobucket
Yamaha DT125R
Thanks for that. Just highlighted the link, then scrolled down to Robbies pictures, and left clicked on it to see if it would open, seemed to open ok, Hope you can open it, as I still need advice on the "missing pipe"? many thanks
Yamaha DT125R
I am a complete mechanical novice, and have taken ownership over a very neglected DT125R, and have sought, and received help here, when I first took the bike over, under the title of "help needed", about how to begin recovering it to a road worthy state. I am now at the stage of re-fitting the carburettor I have cleaned, and after further advice,I have also replaced the reeds in the reed block. Firstly, whilst using the torque wrench, set to 1.0 for the reed block assembly bolts, as instructed in the manual, one of the bolts sheared off in the housing, and now I am worried that if I ever have to remove the reed block housing again, I am only going to have a very difficult time. Have I got to remove, somehow, the snapped bolt now? as the reed block housing feels very secure, can anyone explain why it snapped, and the others never, and offer any advice/tips of what I should do? Secondly, there was a small piece of pipe already snapped off on the R/H/Side of the carburettor, above the port where the fuel pipe connects, and slightly behind the oil warmer pipe port, and there was no evidence of what it should be connecting?, and I can not, (probably due to gross ignorance) find in the manual what the port is? the snapped pipe is connected to, and what its role is in the carburettor operation. file:///C:/Users/Robbie/Pictures/Motorbikes/Carb.jpg (If you highlight this file address, then right click on it, scroll down to Robbie/Pictures/Motorbike, then left click, it will open a picture I have taken, and hopefully will make things a lot clearer, what I am trying to explain) I would be most grateful for any assistance, as even though greatly frustrated by the massive learning curve I am on, I am still enjoying myself, and the bike is looking 100% better already!
No idea?
My manual has finally arrived, and when I have read the relevant section on removing the carburettor enough times to feel confident to begin, I am going to attempt to remove it for checking and cleaning, in the hope that I do not damage it, or any of its components! I have also been told that it could also possibly be that the reed valves need changing, as they may have become damaged or worn, and so I have also ordered and received a new set of these. Reading the manual for their replacement, it states that the reed block gasket must be renewed after reed valve replacement, and I am finding it difficult to locate a new gasket for my liquid cooled bike, though I can find an air cooled one for the DT125r for my year, ( Wreg: 2000). Should I order this air cooled model gasket? or should I continue looking for a liquid cooled model one? or could I as I have also been told, have one made in my place of work from Gasket paper? Would appreciate any advice, as is probably already obvious, I am a complete, though keen to learn, motorcycle maintenance novice. Many thanks
No idea?
I have tried to start it with choke on initially, but failed, then tried it without choke as I was afraid of flooding it, I have tried with a little rev's, and also without rev's, but this also failed. The choke is lever up, for ON, like yours, but I do not know what type/make/model the carburettor is yet, as I have ordered a manual to help me with its removal and cleaning, being quite ignorant mechanically, and it has not arrived yet so is still on the bike, and though I am enjoying myself, I am a little afraid at the moment of making a bad situation with over enthusiasm and no knowledge. Thanks, once again for your assistance, and any help you may be able to give.
No idea?
No, there was approximately a little less than a quarter of a tank of 2 stroke oil left in the tank. There was also a little fuel in the tank, but not very much, could this lack of fuel in the tank be a contributory factor? Thanks for your assistance.
No idea?
Many thanks. I will follow your advice, and let you know how I get on. Cheers.
No idea?
CAN ANYONE HELP? I have just taken a very neglected 125r off a nephew's hands, and though I know about 1 iota about engines, felt it was a shame to let, what was actually once, a very reasonable bike, turn to scrap at the bottom of his garden. He had basically let it run dry of all fluids, allowed the battery to sulphate, flooded it, lost the keys, punctured the front tyre, rode it with a slack, very dry chain, snapped the rev cable, and basically failed to cover it up, leaving it rust in the elements. After recovering the battery to a very healthy state, purchasing 2 new keys and a new spark plug, re-filling all the fluids, and repairing the puncture, I was hoping I might be able to tempt it back into life, but unfortunately not. The battery is operating the ignition fine. I am getting a good spark from the plug, and there is fuel evidently getting to the plug when I remove it, as I can smell it. I have tried warming the plug a little. I am getting compression, as I can feel it with my finger when the plug is removed and I kick it over. It is like the bike is not even trying to fire up. I have tried bump starting it down a hill. The clutch is not disengaging when trying to push it though, in gear with the clutch lever held in, though neutral can be obtained easily enough. Please help, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I am genuinely enjoying myself trying to get it back on the road, but am now lost for ideas,
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