Everything posted by 2stroke ray
DTR 2001 Eating Gear Oil ?
ok, its definatly not visably leaking gear oil, the front sprocket area doesnt look as if theres excessive oil there. the coolant looks oil free, i did notice today that at high speed and revs the bike does beltch out a cloud of smoke so presumably burning it !?!? . i mean when u guys say about performance, im getting probably 75mph, ive bagged the reed switch away from the speedo but thats about it. still has the standard exhaust and standard everything else really. To be honest, im not a quitter but am getting bored with problem after problem. i know 2 stokes are high matinence but am begining to think ive bought a nightmare !!! tell me to shut up please as i do still have a little faith in her yet, but if were talking loads more dosh, she might have to go ! H E L P ! p.s back brake still lightly weaping fluid at the disc ? 2strokeray x
DTR 2001 Eating Gear Oil ?
hi, the bike doesnt smoke badly at all, only a little when starting from cold and runs well. its still eating gear oil a fill up a day. coolant i have to top up every 3 days at the radiator. the coolant header tank at the rear is at correct level but seems to do nothing, doesnt go up or down. sorry ''leal'' og not sure what this is, did u mean leak ? if so, it seems all dry with no leaks, i park it in the same place every night and theres no fluids around. have a problem now with my rear brake aswell, noticed it not working that well, had a quick look and theres fluid all over the disc so seems to be leaking from somewhere, the brake fluid level hasnt droped much though, i did recently refill the fluid and went slightly over the max line !?!?! would this be my problem some how ? many thanks ray
DTR 2001 Eating Gear Oil ?
hi, ok thanks, how can i check to make sure, just replace it ? is it an easy one for me to do ? forgive my stupidness but ive just had the selector return springs replaced by a garage, would that have anything to do with the right hand crankcase seal ? thanks 2strokeray
DTR 2001 Eating Gear Oil ?
Hi, my Dtr is going through gear oil at an amazing rate, basicly have to refill every 100miles or so, this cant be normal surely ? ! Have just had the return springs replaced with new gasget etc but its not leaking at all so i presume its burnning it ? H E L P ! 2strokeray !
Ive got a floppy lever !
hi, thats great lads and thanks, if its not the spring any other ideas ? presume selectors worn etc ? cheers ray
Ive got a floppy lever !
sorry oldgit just seen ur reply and have located in the haynes pg61. i just hope that it is the problem, will keep u updated and many thanks. ray
Ive got a floppy lever !
just found the gear selector mechanism diagram in the haynes book(p59) and it shows 2 return torsion springs(1 on gearchange shaft item 11 and another on selector fork shaft item 3). i just cant make out where they actually are, must be inside the gearbox casing yes ? sorry for my stupidness ! how the bloody hell am i going to cange those little gits ! might be outta my depth here ! again HHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPP ! Thanks Ray
Ive got a floppy lever !
ok, have just had alook, and i cant seem to see any torion spring at all. doesnt seem to have ever been there either ? i have just the shaft comming out of the casing with the gear lever attached thats it !? have looked in the haynes book and theres no mention of this spring ? haynes just going on about selectors. The only suspicion i have is that the bike was very low on gear oil and had only 2 gears,1 up & 1 down, when filled correctly with oil it did seem to get a little better with more gears. HHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ray
Ive got a floppy lever !
sorry just clicked ur link, that looks pretty easy to change, just pop lever off etc and replace ! will check in a while and let you know what condition the springs in. cheers ray
Ive got a floppy lever !
yeah thats right, it wont return to centre (sure that was an elvis number) it just flops around and to change down i have to slightly lift the lever up to get another gear back down. is slightly better changing up but not much . is this a difficult fix, as in engine out or anything serious like that ? many thanks ray
Ive got a floppy lever !
Ive got a floppy gear lever and am really struggling to find gears ! The bike was run low on transmission oil and now is a nightmare to ride. its not the lever itself on the shaft thats tight and ok, its the shaft itself with loads of play. H E L P M E ! Thanks 2stroke ray
Ive got a floppy lever !
Ive got a floppy gear lever and am really struggling to find gears ! The bike was run low on transmission oil and now is a nightmare to ride. its not the lever itself on the shaft thats tight and ok, its the shaft itself with loads of play. H E L P M E ! Thanks 2stroke ray
DTR125 2001 Temp Gauge High ?
What should my temp needle be reading as mine is still reaching the far right at traffic lights !? Have topped up the rad with coolant and the expansion tank is reading full, but the needle still near enough hits the red (in the little gap between white and red) when idling for a short while. Theres no change in power or any noises or anything, just dont want it to run toooo hot ! I havent actually waited any longer to see if it does actually over heat, to concentrated on getting away from the lights for some air flow so the needle will drop ! Maybe me being paranoid ! Cheers 2strokeray
DTR125 2001 Cig Lighter Install Help !
Hi, DTR125 2001 I want to install a Cig Lighter Socket so i can charge the sat nav ! I have the socket but wanted to check first weather its as easy as wireing straight from the battery as all male cig lighter plugs are fused. I wont damage me generator stator or anything else will i ? Many Thanks 2strokeray
DTR125 2001 Dodgy Electrics ! HELP !
ok, have taken the battery off the bike and it has over 13Volts !?!?! Havent tested with the bike running yet. My haynes book says it could be the generator stator coils ? I have noticed a BLOWN glass fuse connected to the posative terminal wire of the battery, what is this fuse for and surely shouldnt be blown !? Also a big drop in top end power ? Yesterday i removed the reed plug out the speedo, bagged and sealed and placed it out the way, was all fine till this afternoon, would this cause me any problems ? Any Help Gratefully Received ! Many Thanks 2strokeray
DTR125 2001 Dodgy Electrics ! HELP !
Have just notice that untill my bike is revving over 4000rpm i have no indicators or lights or horn !!! Is this my battery ''Donald Ducked'' or not charging correctly ??? Help !!! 2strokeray
dt125r carb pipes
hi, i know that the nipple at the rear of the carb closest to the back wheel is to the fuel tap and the front 2 are to the cylinder head for the heated carb but not sure if theres a right or wrong way round for theese 2 !? OG will know ! 2strokeray
DTR125 2001 Removing The Reed Switch ?
Hi, my dtr 2001 gets to 60mph 7500rpm and then is a struggle to get the revs any higher or more speed. I have had 75mph out the bike down hill with the wind behind me, but am thinking that the reed switch in the speedo is limiting the revs anything past 60 ??? Any Help ? 2stroke ray
DTR125 2001 Front Disc Guard ? Anybody ?
Hi, Looking for a front disc guard/cover for my 2001 dtr125 prefrebly in black ! Does anyone know of anywhere on the net or have one in the shed ? Heard it could be the same fit as a yz125 but am unsure. Many Thanks 2Stroke Ray
Rear Mudguard DTR 125
Hi, the later dtr's have the same rear mudguard as a DTX with the brake light built in on top which looks much better than my early version where the rear light is just above the number plate. will the later mudguard fit my 2001 dtr ? cheers 2 stroke ray
DT125R 2001 Wheres The Coolant Tank ???
hhi, thanks but it was the wheel bearing knackered, replaced it this afternoon no mre don donk donk donk donk ! just wanted to ask, my bike seems to run a little hot on the gauge, if im at a set of traffic lights it almost reaches red then drops when moving again obviously cooling with the air flow. cant be right can it ? if u read my previous comments above u'll see i have flushed the system, BUT i diddnt refill the rad only the coolant tank. this is wrong i can feel it ! 2stroke ray
DT125R 2001 Wheres The Coolant Tank ???
Thanks chaps, i can now confirm that on dtr's up to 04 the coolant tank is under the back left panel and oil up front right. ur right, have taken the COOLANT tank off and the oil was sitting on top of the coolant ! have drained and flushed through and refilled with coolant Again, thanks for all ur help. p.s have a bit of a knocking noise comming from the rear wheel, chain is adjusted ok sproket is a little worn but not knackered, maybe wheel bearing ? donk donk donk donk donk ! thanks 2stroke ray
DT125R 2001 Wheres The Coolant Tank ???
Hi, DT125R 2001 and please someone tell me where the coolant tank is ? because the dope i have bought it from says the small tank at the back left is 2stroke oil ! and so is the one up the front right ! Im thinking this is now BALONY and that the tank front right that has oil on the lid is 2stroke oil, and that the small tank at the back left is the coolant tank !!! CORRECT ??? if so, i have run the bike so i now presume i have a radiator full of oil !!!???!!! any remedies ? Thanks for all your help guys on my other questions, as you can see im new to dtr's so all the help is gratefully received ! Thanks 2stroke ray
dt125r carb question ! Please Help !
hi, i have a dt125r 2001. i was advised to clean the carb so i have. i have put the carb back in the bike but as soon as the petrol tap is turned on petrol pours out the overflow ? also when the bike is kicked over it sounds like its on full throttle ? someone said that the slide is stuck but when the throttle is twisted it sounds like the slide is going up and down ? have i put the slide in round the wrong way ? as for pipes, i have 1 pipe from the petrol tap, and 2 pipes going to the head of the engine that strangly seem to be coolant pipes ??? Please Help, i need the bike back running and need to get going on it tomorrow so all the help is gratefully received ! Thanks 2stroke ray.
Please Help Me ! I have just bought a dt125r 2001 13000 miles. The choke lever is allways on the up position. it wont start if i put it down and when the bikes running if i put the choke lever down it seems to put the choke on, revs higher and smokes alot, is this correct ?! it also seems to hold back at higher revs and just splutters and seems like it wants to go faster but cant. im not sure if the bike has been de-restricted or not or tampered with in anyway but doesnt seem right to me. i have changed the air filter and put in a new plug with no change to the running. i thought that usually choke on is up and off is down ??? is this why im having running difficulties ? yesterday it cut out on me and wouldnt start again. i took it to my local garage and he put a new plug in and it now starts and runs as before, but the old plug was black with soot and looked knackered. the guy said it seems to be running too rich and sent me on my way. I just want it to be correct and run as it was intended. Any responses gratefully received ! 2stroke Ray !