Everything posted by christofeser
Xmas Toy Run - Sunday 12th December
Yupp sounds good. I'm in Kingston, so probably better if I meet you there? Chris
YOC patch
Got mine this morning. Thankyouuuuu looks great.
Xmas Toy Run - Sunday 12th December
I'll probably be there mate Chris
PLEASE, Mr John, may I use this quote in my signature? LOL. Paypal is a way to pay online. You can, effectively, send money to someone by simply typing in their email address and hitting how much money you wish to send to them. obv there are a couple more steps - like signing up yourself, and putting in your card/bank details or something. www.paypal.co.uk --> it's quite self explanatory. After you've signed up, and put down the card you wish payment to come from, it's simply a case of hitting "send money", typing in whoever's email you wish to send money to, and BAM, you're done. Hope this sheds some light. p.s. It's quite safe, in fact, sometimes too safe. Chris
Conti Road Attacks are quite nice for commuting... They wont stop you sliding it around on an icy road though.
ahhhh that's such a coincidence. I always hit the route down to chichester to see some mates in college that way. There's a brilliant little road I took last time, A286 - small lanes round through the trees and that. As for Worthing, the a24 is a brilliant road down that way. When I get my bigger bike (Im on a 125 draggy at the moment) perhaps I could show you some nice roads round here Chris
Where dyu normally ride round G'ford? You head up to Newlands much? One of my favourite routes is Newlands Corner to Box Hill...
yamaha choking
Are ya letting it warm up enough? Chris
Welcome John from Guildford. I'm Chris from Esher
changing the jet
it's really not as hard as it sounds. It pretty much goes: 1. Airbox assembly 2. seats - pretty self explanatory 3. chrome speedo surround - be careful - lift it up, undo the electric thingys underneath, undo speedo cable, and everything underneath, and lift it off. 4. Fuel lines. Disconnect the lower one from the tap, and lift the tap of with the tank - after undoing the bolt that holds the tank on. This will stop fuel spilling everywhere (ensuring the tap is on "on"). 5. Some black long air thingy (I think it's called the silencer or something) that runs parallell to the right hand side of the frame. Undo bolts, hoses, etc and take it off. The rest should be self explanatory to take off the carb. Just undo all the shit attached to it and take the fekker off. As ANYONE on the forum will agree with, have a container to put each set of bolts from each component in - saves a lot of time trying to source some later. As well as that, take pictures of where everything needs to go back, this will be the best thing you ever ever ever do. Get hold of a service manual, too, if you can Please can someone correct me if I'm wrong on anything, I'm trying my best to remember the sequence i did it in but it is by no means 100% accurate. Chris
Your last diagnosis is correct. I have to force it shut. The mechanic said that, pretty much, there were too many bends in the throttle causing too much tension and too much friction and too much shit meaning the spring on the carb is no able to pull it back easy enough. I'll play with it tomorrey. EDIT: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=QUtuKpBchU0C&pg=PA234&lpg=PA234&dq=handlebars+too+short+throttle&source=bl&ots=U-vQ-VOEdr&sig=QpnMj0WpG7pK4IRE_y_KZNOuqRo&hl=en&ei=gtneTL_XJIPJhAfroYzJDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=8&ved=0CE0Q6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=handlebars%20too%20short%20throttle&f=false Scroll down to where it talks about mounting lower bars.
No mate 535 dummy. Doing my test next week. Immaculate condition 535 though. I do, however, have a problem with her. The throttle cables are too long for the shortened bars, and, unfortunately, this has caused too much tension in the throttle cables meaning it does not spring close. "CRUISE CONTROL" - I hear you shout. Yet it's getting quite annoying. Any suggestions? Chris
It's up for sale, someone's PXing it for a Virago at quite a nice price. (He's already got a new bike, the Drag is for his missus) The upgrades are merely things I found in my mate's dads garage!!!!!! (apart from the grips, which I had anyway ) I'm not sure I will ever love the Virago as much as the draggy, but we'll see x
Just thought I'd put up some pics of my latest mods Basically a few things, but mainly wrapped exhausts (due to severely dented downpipes happening at crash), as well as new bars + grips.
Scraping footboards on the Yamaha Midnight Star XVS 950 Cruiser motorbike in turns - what can I do to stop it?
If you don't like leaning too much and scraping them. Buy a trike KP, even with slow bends, you can still scrape the floorboards, I do it on me draggy all the time. Just gotta accept it that they are gonna get scratched. Who cares, it's underneath the floorboard. I.E. Underneath the lowest part of the bike, nobody checks it, and if they do, it's only to be expected with a low bike. If you think that the price of the bike will de-value more than the price of the floorboards, then they're always replaceable Personally, I'd just take it. Chris
Remembrance Day
Well, it has come to the 11th November again and I'm sure all our hearts and minds are with all those in the armed forces, past and present. I thought I'd start the topic off by posting a picture of my buddy Paul, 3 Commando Brigade, Royal Marines, who is serving today. If anyone else has any friends, relatives, etc, that are serving right now, or have served, and wants to post something, then here's the place to do so. We Will Remember Them. Chris
Hi I'm james
Good morning James. I'm Chris. Where ya from?
Ace cafe
Well, after my last engine blowing up 100 miles (EXACTLY) into my journey to Ipswich, I was swift to take out breakdown cover.
Ace cafe
hahaha. That sounds like a good competition. Who can (sneakily) leave the other persons number in the most conspicuous place haha Good news is I'll have my forks and my bars straightened for Sunday, but still a cracked front fender and no starter. haha. Chris
Ah okay I see. I think I'll leave the rear one then, but I feel really bad that it's never got to be used :( sorry paul Ah well, someone else on a draggy might want it, anyone? Anyway yeah, post em down still Paul, I'm getting your money to yous this afternoon... JohnnyK might want it - he's on a 125 Drag. Chris
Fuckit, I'm gonna pimp her out. I've already got bars, grips, mirrors, etc, as well as pauls rear fender, to stick on so I might as well do it all and start bidding at about £800 maybe? I just want rid of her now as I'm doing my test. Chris
Ace cafe
someone's got my number, but if THE WHOLE OF YOC WANT IT it's 07898188225. No dirty calls please. EDIT: Also, I'm working saturday evening (and sunday evening so I cant stay TOOOO long), so I won't be able to come to the pub. Unless you're pubbing in Kingston Upon Thames (where I live and work) but it's a treack from the ace on public transport, so dw...
Ace cafe
I'm easy. It's better to leave as early as you guys can handle due to the traffic building up across London. As for that, feel free to take yer time and have a nice brekky at the Ace, they do a nice breakfast (at a nice price)... My forks, by that stage, should be un-buggered by Sunday, but my bike's still in shit condition... warning.
Ace cafe
Ahh yes. you are both on 2strokes right? I'm looking forward to it
Ace cafe
SO you nead a lead from Ace to brighton on Sunday Morning? AM I right in assuming we're all going to be riding on bodged up bikes? THATS THE WAY I LIKE IT. Chris