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Everything posted by christofeser

  1. christofeser replied to 40MILERUN's post in a topic in General
    Get the Ninja 250. I've just got one - and it's the best decision I have ever made. It's the fastest 250 around, exactly on 33bhp, but pulls 0-60 in 5 seconds and tops out at around 110mph. I was easily keeping up with my friends CBR600 yesterday. Saying that, I too am a bit confused, which Is why I kept my Dragstar!!!! It's not too high, it's not too heavy, but it still flies! Chris
  2. christofeser replied to G and J recovery's post in a topic in The Bar
    Close enough to be London... I'm from Kingston, so all the way on the other side!! Welcome to the house of fun lots of nice people here. Bit more about ya? Age, Gender,... Shoe Size? Hope you had a happy new year, and enjoy many a thread on YOC!! Chris
  3. someone took a peek at MCN Sport... very interesting article eh
  4. BUMP: Any names? Would love to get some more bikes confirmed. It will definitely be in the Febuary half term. Chris
  5. christofeser replied to Airhead's post in a topic in The Bar
    Let us know how they are mate - I'm looking around for a semi-decent set at the moment. Cheers, Chris
  6. christofeser replied to 40MILERUN's post in a topic in General
    Well I haven't seen any posts from her in a while??
  7. christofeser replied to 40MILERUN's post in a topic in General
    Welcome mate. Hours of entertainment on here Great intro, too! Are ya stateside mate? It worries me that I am the same age as a lot of forum member's kids :/ I'm 17 too! Your girl sounds one of a kind, I have a hard time just getting my girlfriend to SIT on my bike!! haha. Also man, lovely bike. You'll find a fair few on here with the cruiser-style bike. Me included on my Dragstar. Oh, and you were too late for Goff, she's gone now. Gone but not forgotten...! Anyway, hope you find the forum very helpful and resourceful, and many a happy time spent indoors on it when it's too damn snowwy to ride your bike!! Take Care mate, Chris
  8. christofeser replied to Dan Burton's post in a topic in The Bar
    OH I SEE!!! Now I get it... Sorry man - didn't mean to be smart-ass I was tryna be kinda funny too - I THOUGHT that you were trying to rib me a little! Oh man I look foolish now. Sorry for the misunderstanding dude
  9. christofeser replied to Dan Burton's post in a topic in The Bar
    Why did ya sell it man!!! I'm sure I could find it for ya, I'm kinda good at hunting things down... Scares the shit out of the ex's new boyfriend
  10. christofeser replied to Dan Burton's post in a topic in The Bar
    I am rather sure it makes sense. Because the (s) was an optional input, then it is not NECESSARY for me to correct the rest of the sentence. If you are willing to change in the (s) then you should be willing to correct the rest of the sentence for yourself. It is often helpful for me to put the option in however, e.g.: "that my bike(s) is/are enormously large penis extension(s)!! ha." However, grammatically, it's NOT a must-have. The two main grammatical errors in my sentence could have been, perhaps, could have been rectified by the use of a subordinate clause between two commas, rather than hyphens ( - ). Moreover, I have used two reinforcing adjectives to describe the length of my phallus - "enormously large". Don't mess with public school dudes! ANYWAY, saw a DT today, looked fucking mint. Made me think of ya Foams
  11. christofeser replied to Dan Burton's post in a topic in The Bar
    You definitely would have got laid more Foamy. If I didn't get enough attention on my Dragstar, you should see the que of girlies hoping to get a ride home from college on the Ninja! I say - with no hint of shame in my voice - that my bike(s) is an enormously large penis extension!! ha.
  12. christofeser replied to Dan Burton's post in a topic in The Bar
    I think it's more a combination. My first post included a small introduction and then got down to asking questions. I think the main reason I stayed was down to the information i received from other members about my bike. If it weren't friendly, I doubt I would have stayed. I've been a member of a few other forums which I have deserted due to two main things: 1. A lack of friendliness and community. 2. A lack of constant posts, be them pertinent to my motorcycle or not. I think this forum has both, yet still has room for improvement. Now I am not advocating one-post-wonders, those who come on "i need some help...." etc etc etc. I think we should advise the OP to give an introduction before expecting to receive - in a friendly manner. Just my $0.02 Chris
  13. HELLO NICKY boy nicky or girl nicky? ANYWAY, like the guys say, it could be the oil, and might well be the oil. BUT before you go and spend money changing it all over, try adjusting the gear lever a little. The best way to describe it is the "rod" (giggle) between the pedal and the engine. Just ever ever ever so slightly. I used to have the same problem and, after adjusting it, found it so much easier to kick into N. Don't get me wrong, it wont change anything if it is a bigger problem, it just may be easier to do with your foot ever so slightly at a different angle - get what I'm sayin'??? Anyway, just advising before you go about changing all the stuff around, might make a difference? As someone already said, could just be the cold. After riding it a while, then stopping and switching off, is it still a problem? Also, gears - in general - don't like shifting without the engine running. Bringing us to a common dilemma with bikes. It wont start "in-gear", yet to get it out of gear the engine has to be started. Paradoxical Circular Logic, they call it, just to mess with your minds... Anyway, hope I've helped. p.s. much of this thread is bollocks, it's christmas and I've just got back from "le pub"
  14. christofeser replied to drewpy's post in a topic in The Bar
    NO "MUM" JOKES ON YOC!!!! I cant fucking take another your mum joke... it's just wrong. Not least from a person whose interests consist of "jiggy jiggy" BYEBYEBYEBYEBYBE!
  15. christofeser replied to drewpy's post in a topic in The Bar
    I JUST GOT HOME. Hungry enough to eat up all of my fridge (if you know why ) Fortunately, my little sister had placed a nice pile of carrotts, milk, and mince pies for Santa and his Reindeers. Sorry Rudolf, beet ya to it, ya snooze ya looze!!! Anyway, my first YOC Christmas so, happy christmas everyone!!!! Thank you for welcoming me, helping me, and making me laugh from day 1 on the forum. If it weren't for the likes of Paul taking me step by step through my engine change, Drewps making me laugh, CBD, Barky, etc etc (sorry if I missed you out!!) I doub't i'd still be riding so much. In fact, I'd be attemping to ride a dragstar with half an engine in and wing-mirrors falling off!!!!! THANKYOU GUYS, AND HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!!! Christofeser xx
  16. christofeser replied to BVD's post in a topic in The Bar
    +1 There is ice skating at the science museum at the moment - went the other week!
  17. I am seriously considering it for Early febuary. It's my 18'th on the 4th Feb, and would love to go over in the school half term holiday with whoever is up for it! I've already got confirmation from a few mates with their cars, my supervisor at work on his CBR600, his mate on the Thunder-cat, and "maybe's" from a man with a trike. It's going to be so fun, everyone is welcome - would love to meet some of ya all!
  18. christofeser replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    +1 I loved seeing this bike, awesome awesome AWESOME bike. Amazing attention to detail from the the paintwork to the exhaust wrap. I got amazingly jealous when I saw it, and it could fit into quite a few categories here. But Best Photo would be a nice one to go into. Chris
  19. Roads were too icy down my roads to bring out the bike, so unfortunately didn't go.
  20. christofeser replied to BVD's post in a topic in The Bar
    On that note exactly! Make sure, please, that you don't get caught up in any student protests. Really, over here the police do something called "Kettling". Pretty much, they will target a hotspot of protesters, and create a big square of policemen around them. This is called the "kettle", where you aren't allowed in or out for like 8 hours. They don't care if you're a protester or an innocent family, they'll kettle ya and keep you there for AGES! Like Jammer just said, Buckingham Palace is nice, take a tour of the river on a river boat (leave from Embankment) if ya fancy it. Good way to see the city. I really, REALLY hope your not flying into Heathrow, as soon as a snowflake touches the ground they close the fekker down. Hope you enjoy the stay in my fair city Chris
  21. christofeser replied to BVD's post in a topic in The Bar
    Like I said, Ace Cafe is good on a Friday or Saturday night, hundreds of bikes down there on a Saturday easily. Don't go on a Monday, that's BMW night, and you have all the local yobbos in their 3 series' with subwoofers setting off all the bike alarms! However on a saturday, you've got all the bikes parked up, and a load of yobbos stunting up and down the road outside. It's found HERE There's the London Motorcycle Museum in Greenford, and if ya fancy a drive in the sticks there's always places SUCH AS Brooklands race track out Woking way. Apart from that I don't know many places. Like I said, give us more info? Are ya in a car/bike? How long are you here for? Chris
  22. christofeser replied to BVD's post in a topic in The Bar
    Emmmm what dates are ya in London? I'm sure a visit up to the Ace Cafe would be nice if ye had a bike with ya, but probably not worth it if ye dont. Whereabouts in London are you staying? I don't want to send ya somewhere if it's on the other side of London, it's a bummer to get across. Chris
  23. Ahh okay. Anyway, there must be a few more tempted!?!?!?!
  24. Sounds good mate. Dates will probably be early June so probably will clash! What bike ya be on? Chris
  25. Please check map: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=The+Ace+Cafe,+London&daddr=Harwich+to:Amsterdam,+The+Netherlands+to:Vlaardingen,+The+Netherlands+to:Hellevoetsluis,+The+Netherlands+to:Ouddorp,+The+Netherlands+to:Renesse,+The+Netherlands+to:Middelburg,+The+Netherlands+to:Brugge,+Flemish+Region,+Belgium+to:Dunkirk,+France+to:Calais,+France+to:Dover+to:The+Ace+Cafe,+London&hl=en&geocode=FVZ1EgMdpcL7_yG5vTbkXpQHFQ%3BFWeBGAMdV44TAClBEf1bwwzZRzE-GZpwRsBsyA%3BFUAmHwMdPqZKAClVd5qUtT_GRzGNr8C3TP0AZg%3BFW8NGAMd7ipCACl_XWJIIEvERzGK2JYJb0XGqw%3BFS3pFgMdxzg_ACm3PXDVkFHERzFXyODR-VlL9Q%3BFTCLFgMd5As8ACkb-1rSKPjERzGEIS-UM1aghw%3BFVpbFQMdNYw5ACnNIjjClfHERzFWRrBE5aJ0tA%3BFeDTEQMdmy83AClnUl0GRI7ERzG00eqwWzFfnQ%3BFfxmDQMdsiMxACkNQh7B0FDDRzH3TYPIWvOiGg%3BFbS4CgMddEQkACm5IP_ZbYvcRzGgbWSBPvEKBA%3BFc2OCQMd_UMcAClj4_HXdT_cRzH0edKM4Nm-rA%3BFWktDAMdoQEUACn_MjNV0aTeRzFRSNdah1x4Mg%3BFVZ1EgMdpcL7_yG5vTbkXpQHFQ&mra=ls&sll=50.9982,2.419739&sspn=0.916135,2.705383&ie=UTF8&ll=52.011937,2.922363&spn=3.584262,10.821533&t=h&z=7 So, who's up for this? Next summer, obviously, and I won't be on my Yammy (I'll be on me Ninja), but hopefully I'll be able to get plenty of other people on this ride. Pretty much pick it up or meet wherever you want along route, will be a laugh. I hope to get as many riders on this as possible. Obviously L plates cannot join on this one - regrettably - as it's abroad. Saying that - if ya fancy coming along, partake at your own peril... The plan for most will be to head up to Harwich from the Ace Cafe in London. From there it's a cheap ferry across to Hoek van Holland and then up to Amsterdam. From there, we'll follow the coast back, across all the little islands, stopping off at Brugge. I'm still considering a suggestion to visit the Menin Gate in Ypres, it's a maybe at the moment, depends on the general consensus. Currently, 7 others have confirmed that they will go on the trip. The more the merrier so don't shy out! It will be in June at the earliest... but thought I should get planning ahead. Any route detours/suggestions welcome. Chris