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Everything posted by christofeser

  1. christofeser replied to christofeser's post in a topic in The Bar
    Um the ones I bought are like pullbacks so have no real height to them, like These ANYWAY, how hard is it to change bars? Also, the 250 ones are ideal if you still have em! Also, how easy would it be to bend? If a bit of heat may be applied? Chris
  2. christofeser posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Came off last Friday, car pulled out on me which caused me to swerve and fall on the right hand side. Once again the engine bars did the trick, but I've come off with one major and two minors. Seeing as I was speeding (unusually ), and It was actually my driving which caused the accident (he was merely pulling out of his drive), I'm not to keen on claiming insurance. Pretty much though the front fender has a huge bit missing out of it, and the indicator light has a bit of the orange lens gone (indicator still works fine though). The major, however, is that the right bar has become twisted back, which means I have to point them right to go straight. I've bought a new set of bars for a five at an autojumble but they dont look great. Is there any way of twisting them back??? Chris
  3. christofeser replied to christofeser's post in a topic in General
    it would be a great run. and hamelts are machine rolled crap :)but GET A PIPE because pipes are very nice and good... and get your bike built so you can come on the run! how is it going btw? Chris
  4. christofeser replied to a post in a topic in Events, Rideouts & Trackdays
    I'm up there a lot (being a londoner) go on a friday eve, there's HUNDREDS of bikes. anyway when is this, i might tootle down and say hi
  5. Ah no - I was more worried about something bad happening to you! (falling of your bike and dying, getting hit by a bike and dying, exploding blowtorch and dying, the usual stuff that happens when you combine men, tools, and motorcycles...) I need it really as soon as you can hoist it over here, I totalled my bike up in Ipswich on Friday eve so I'm giving it a nice revamp... I rode it all the way home (about 150 miles) having to hold the handlebars to the right, in order to go straight, because they became so warped! Saying that I picked up a new pair of bars today, not sure how good they will look but it was at the Auto-jumble and got em for £7 so I'm hardly complaining. Yeah about the number plate, um I mean I don't mind whatever you see best, if that means ontop of the fender and upright then that's fine , but yeah it's really up to you Pics would be nice too Don't feel rushed though... Chris
  6. christofeser replied to littlepig's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    I have a spare XVS 125 engine and I spoke to a guy from them, He said it would be possible, but i'd have to make my own engine mounts etc. in my opinion it maybe a bit to tricky for me... but if you're good at that sort of thing then go for it!
  7. christofeser replied to JohnnyK's post in a topic in The Bar
    ach well mine was for some rust right next to where the exhaust pipes were, SO I was merely trying to use the resources available to me. Agreed, Hammerite will do it really nicely, but if I've got heat proof paint, and I'm just down the road, then it will save a couple of squid maybe? Oh, but i might need my paint still, seeing as a car pulled out of his drive whilst i was zooming down the road (main road) and my bike is now a bit dinged up
  8. christofeser replied to JohnnyK's post in a topic in The Bar
    I've got some black heatproof that might do the trick. I'll bring it over when I come to do ya cables if ya like?
  9. christofeser replied to DT Derek's post in a topic in The Bar
    wow. I strap a boombox on me xvs 125! And I'm 17! Are ya the scottish version of me? :S lol welcome bud, hope we can help ya wiht any of the teething probs.
  10. christofeser replied to Horati0's post in a topic in General
    hello there yes, upyours has it on the button. madhouse.
  11. christofeser replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    now does someone want to check out my cigar thread and second me on the idea? Chocolates and cigars - they're the only "stuffs" that I get my kicks from now
  12. christofeser replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    "stuff" is always fun when listening to this sort of music.
  13. christofeser replied to choppernorgate's post in a topic in General
    yeah lovely bitta writing.
  14. christofeser replied to christofeser's post in a topic in General
    Well I had a great idea for a ride the other day. A run to belgium to get chocolates for kids that wont get anything that christmas, for charities etc... I'm definitely going to go myself, anyone who wants to join me is welcome. I'm thinking I'm gonna get friends and family and any1 else to donate towards buying chocolate, and bringing it all back with the aid of my mate's dad's trike&trailer, as well as saddlebags etc... I think it would be an awesome run. If any1 can stand a 125 pace they are more than welcome! It's still provisional, so any ideas welcome. Chris
  15. christofeser replied to up.yours's post in a topic in The Bar
    owh! I gotta put my tool somewhere!
  16. christofeser replied to up.yours's post in a topic in The Bar
    yeahyaeh. all these excuses no to get their shed's out. I might try that one when i go clubbin' this friday: "get your shed out love?" haha
  17. christofeser posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Where te fekk are ya? I'm really hoping I can get this fender sorted soonish as I've got some events coming up!!!
  18. christofeser replied to christofeser's post in a topic in General
    Oh nice. Well I might have to tootle over sometime. Not sure how much interest there would be as a group trip though, doubt there would be many takers though... :S It sounds like a nice laugh though...
  19. christofeser replied to christofeser's post in a topic in General
    How long does it take? And how fast does yer truck go? Do you stay overnight or day trip? How much is ferry? Chris
  20. christofeser replied to up.yours's post in a topic in The Bar
    It was actually FOOKIN boiling. And they're not cold - I just got big nips
  21. christofeser replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
    You can't beat a cigar dunked in whiskey. BUT YOU CAN BEAT THE FEKKER THAT DOES IT!
  22. christofeser replied to christofeser's post in a topic in General
    I'm well up for a YOC Chocolate and Cigar run... there's a leonidas next to it! Come one! A few must be interested in this?! Chris
  23. christofeser replied to up.yours's post in a topic in The Bar
    Oh and did anybody spot my glamorous shed assistant?! Looks kinda dirty once ya spot him!
  24. christofeser replied to up.yours's post in a topic in The Bar
    I can't afford a shed
  25. christofeser replied to christofeser's post in a topic in General
    Mate I'm up for this. Regardless of the smog - it can't be worse than riding round the North Circular on Friday rush hour! I always buy people cigars for xmas... maybe I'll tootle over. There's an A road which runs next to the motorway, too Chris