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Everything posted by christofeser

  1. Was gonna post photo's earlier but camera is up the swannie. As I said, It's the little bend that links the engine and the exhaust pipes. Theres like a rusted screw in the rusted bend. grr. How much ya want for your bendy bit Paul??? Chris
  2. Noo. Okay so there's a bendy bit between where the engine has a hole and the exhaust starts... the bit that links this bend to the actual exhaust pipe - one of the bolts I had to behead. So I need to take it out to re-attach the exhaust to it, and then attach the whole thing to the new engine. seeeeee?
  3. Will do in a minute. Just eating lunch at the moment.
  4. We realised this morning that the bolt was going nowhere, so it unfortunately perished at the hands of my hacksaw. "Of with it's head!" - we shouted, as it we perilously gnawed it onto the floor. BUT the engine has now been excavated from the frame. It's off to the harware store now to buy a new bolt for the engine, a new bolt for the exhaust "bended bit", and a new bunsen burner (hehe) to get the old bolt out! About the old bolt though - it REALLY doesn't want to move. grr. I'll find something. All there is now to look forward to is putting an identical unit back in again! (and probably getting some wires/pipes crossed and F**king the whole thing up. grr Cheers again Chris
  5. Thank you once again for all the valuable input I never fail to receive on the forum. I'll have a look at it tomorrow and analyse the situation. I've tried taking the shifter off but, as I said, one of the two bolts holding it on is buggered. I've tried manouvering the engine to create space too, but that puts pressure on the bolt and it refuses to move. Perhaps tomorrow when I'll have another person on the case I'll be able to do so. With regards to the "bendy thing" thanks for the offer. In my bank I currently have £0.03 with an available balance of £0.00 . Considering I've just spent £325 on an engine, I think I'll re-use the already fitted one... with the "bunsen burner" hahaha. It got me thinking - "how many bikers must have bunsens lying about". Three types - chemisty teachers, chemistry students, or crack-cookers. once again, thanks for taking an interest. Chris
  6. It was sold as a "working" engine from a reputable breakers near me. I'm sure if it's not, in fact, working than they WILL give me a refund. I've packed up for the night with the original engine still on. I cant get the last bolt out (the one behind the gear shifter)... I cant, easily, get the gear shifter off either, due to one of the bolts being too close to a weld and me not being able to get round it. Moreover, I've been working alone today. I've got a friend coming tomorrow with his torque wrench and professional socket set so hopefully will have it all done and back on by tomorrow. Will help to lift the engine which is rather heavy. But, if this last bolt wont come out, will I have to cut it? Silly question, of course I will. But, WILL I be able to cut it? Or are they heavy duty? Cheers Chris
  7. Just like two bolts to come out before the engine can be removed. I think I'll wait until someone else comes home... it's rather heavy Anyway, silly Yamaha have kinda of hidden the bolt behind the shifter, prohibiting me from removing it. Moreover, the rear fixer bolt is stuck too, under the weight of the engine. GRRRRR I wish I had of just never broken down!
  8. Yay I got it off Now to undo the bolts and take the engine itself off - I thought. The bolts are like - impossible to get to haha. And done up really tight and cannot be moved with merely my spanner. argh. fml. I'll keep trying to put my back into it...
  9. NOPE. Can't turn it even in gear with the brake on... Don't have a gun. I know someone who might though... although it's at his house and he's at work. I cant see what you mean, the rear spindle?
  10. SO undo the bolts on the two sides of the wheel??? I'll try what ya just said too... Chris
  11. Nah can't see a split link. And no, I've tried getting enough slack - can't do it Thanks
  12. cut it off - gonna have to buy a new one because on the new engine - it doesnt have the bent bit that goes round to the side... see? So yeah gonna have to (somehow) get the old bolt out. Unfortunately, I don't just have bunsen burners knocking about. haha. I'll find a way. You taken your engine out yet??
  13. Take the engine out. I can do it with the sprocket still on. So either take the chain off or remove the sprocket. preferably without breaking the chain or anything else... for that matter chris
  14. ACH I'VE JUST REMOVED THE SHIFTER & CLUTCH. But, it's still not coming off - I've reattached the break and managed to put it into 1st somehow, and whilst turning it it finally gets to the point where it just spins round with the wheel again... Is there a way of taking off the chain to avoid this? The new engine I've got to put in has the drive sproket on anyway!? Chris
  15. the F**king sercive manual tells you to remove the break connection and pedal before this! Dear me is it me, or was that really stupid of them!? haha cheers I'll do something about it. Chris
  16. christofeser posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Okay the service manual says to remove the drive sprocket on my xvs 125... which I cant seem to do. Everytime I move the spanner round, the wheels just turn! Is there something I should know? Chris
  17. Okay so gonna change the engine over. Got it down to the point where I have to take the carb out. Just in case anyone has a browse in the next 5, before I attempt doing so, is it simply a case of disconnecting everything to it and popping it out? That's the way the service manual makes it seem? Chris EDIT Got the carb off. Now struglling with exhaust + mufflers. The screws for the first one (the rear/top) one are just knackered What can be done to this? I've got like the starred ones but even my drill wont get them out, and then if it does turn slightly, it's only to knacker the bolt even more! Ach what should I do?!
  18. you know what i REALLY fancy doing with the old engine (if i can get it fixed)... I'm trying to get hold of a Kikker Hardknock, without the engine - they don't come V twin and was wondering if they could accomodate my spare one I would love to try that Chris
  19. Bought engine for 325. Gonna pick it up wednesday morn and hopefully slish it over wednesday afternoon. That hard much? Anyway the plan of action is to install the new one (which - ironically - isnt new, rather has done around 18,000 miles) whilst fixing the old one - might get a bob or two for it once I'm done. Anyone interested in an engine? So yeah. wish me luck!
  20. Right yeah the forum has been playing up a little. Spoke to the mechanic this morning. FML, he said I'm looking at 300 minimum, that EVEN IF it's JUST the piston rings. There's a fine working xvs125 engine on ebay - £375 or make offer. Surely It would be wiser to buy the engine and refit, whilst trying to fix the original engine?? At least then I'll have a bike that works... Only one thing - it's a 2000 engine, when my bike is 2002. Should that be a prob. ? Cheers Chris
  21. haha cheers Well, I think I'm going to have to run her into the mechanic - that's the safest option. If he quotes me too much, like £500 plus, I'll buy a new bloody bike for under a grand and try fix the yamaha myself!
  22. So can this be cleaned whilst the engine it out? Chris
  23. Right, well. He is very experienced (he's had many many many a bike, and now owns a rover v8 trike which he built. He's not just some guy from college or anything - he's actually a mate's dad from a biker-family so...). He diagnosed it. From pressure readings, we got 120 psi from the rear cylinder (optimum is 170) and only 55 psi from the front. This was before the bike would even start. Pressure, at this point, was obviously the problem, as it started after putting a tad of oil down the front cylinder and it started (indicating that the oil sealed the cylinder to give it enough compression to start - or so we believe). Or are we barking up a wrongtree??
  24. haha okay I still dont understand what heads and gaskets are but im sure my friend will fill me in... If they dont need replacing - I'm sure he has some sealant too. And if he doesnt - it will still be cheaper than paying someone to do it right?? SO I will have a look around. Cheers guys
  25. fakk I keep losing my stuff to!! Okay so I really dont know what we're all on about I'm quite lost. I don't really understand the layout and wont until I do it... Why would I need new heads and gaskets??? What will be wrong with the already-fitted ones? Are they costly too?! I'll probably want to start as soon as I've got all said parts, which MAY be one or two days - depending if the Yammy dealer has it :S