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Everything posted by christofeser

  1. yess. Sealed lead acid i think it's called. But, I bought one today for £38, brought it home and it wont charge. Like the trickle charger wont go off "standby" and start charing. Putting a volt meter across it I get a reading of 0 volts. Have i been sold a duff battery? Chris
  2. Sealed battery man I'm just gonna buy a new one anyway... Cheers chris.
  3. cheers dude, but how do I check that level? Chris
  4. THEN WHAT IS MY PROBLEM??????? Just the battery?
  5. running p.d around 13V idling, going up to around 13.9 revving. Any advance? Chris
  6. Ach confused. I bump started the other day, to find that when I revved it the voltage only slightly increased??? Would that highlight that it's NOT, in fact, the reg/rect and probably just the battery? Chris
  7. christofeser replied to Paulwhite's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    I can grab some pics up but im not quite sure what the pulse pump is??? Chris
  8. In which case I will probably need a new reg/rect AND battery Stuck it on charge whilst working last night and tried to start this morning and no buzz, just sort of trying to turn over but not firing... Cheers for the explanation Paul... Chris
  9. just tested it with a voltmeter across the terminals shows around 12 before starting, after bump-starting, and during revving??? Could it be a starter motor problem? Also does the loud "buzz" mean im out of battery? Or something worse? Anyway I'll stick it on charge over night, and see what happens in the morning. Chris
  10. Wet - i might see the problem now!!!! My side cover has been off since I bought the bike cos it needs a new lock!!! Howeverr, it hasn't caused a problem before maybe it's a case of "the straw that broke the camel's back", combined with doing a few long journeys (one of which was in the rain) recently... I'll sort it out Chris
  11. even if it's "new" on ebay? How does it blow anyway? is this a fault of my own creation? EDIT: can't see one on wemoto anyway..
  12. well, i've managed to start it eventually, but didnt have to go anywhere and was in my boxers so didnt fancy taking it for a ride... which used up the last bit of charge... How hard is the reg/rect change? I want to hook it up to a volt meter today (i'll nick one from my phsyics lesson!) to confirm it is this... Nonetheless, the cheapest I can find is like fifty quid from ebay, but then will I have to get a new battery for it too? Chris
  13. Is there black moist shit around the positive terminal? I seem to have the exact same problem as you, except I've left it now for a few hours charging and it wont start at all??? What is this "boiling" the battery? And could I have done this possibly? I've bump started it a fair few times in the last few days :S I don't mean to hijack your thread, I think we may have the same problem though... Chris
  14. Hmm. I seem to have the exact same problem as you I really don't know what to do. Saying that, I had the same problem a while back and it seemed to sort itself out eventually??? Chris
  15. WELL DONE PAUL!!!! It's a beautiful feeling eh? Knowing you've done it yourself!!!! give yourself a pat on yer back, and take the missus out for dindins
  16. 60 inch hangers? like FIVE FEET high?! Or am I being silly... I wanna stick some hangers on but cbf with changing all the cables - have you looked into that??? Chris
  17. christofeser replied to christofeser's post in a topic in The Bar
    I don't think you understand what I mean by boxing I mean the one where you punch things, and get punched... or were you being sarcastic?
  18. christofeser replied to a post in a topic in The Bar
    heloooooo gary. Enjoy the forum, what bike are ya on at the moment? I'm at the other end of the spectrum - I'm 17 and still on my first bike... Nonetheless, I'm sure if ya have any problems we'll all get lined up to give you an answer, and if we dont KNOW one, we'll try our best to deduce one from our flawed logic and our already-failed attempts Anyway, welcome. Chris
  19. yeah i'd probably end up opening a bar and a fucking nice cigar lounge... it's funny to think, even with that money, you can only have 1 ronaldo... and yeah, I'd probably give some money to a few people... you'd have like 10 grand a day interest!!!!!
  20. christofeser posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Pretty much, if you wont the 112 million jackpot tonight, what would you buy FIRST? I'll start us of, I'd be straight to the club for a night out... and then in the morning, I'd be down to a few motorbike garages It doesn't have to be bike related - that's just me... howabout you? Chris
  21. christofeser replied to christofeser's post in a topic in The Bar
    yeah im the tit you're the phone losing baghead! Sure thing, maybe I'll have my FENDER sometime soon (hinthint paulwhite ) Anyway, time to go boxing Bye for now.
  22. christofeser replied to christofeser's post in a topic in The Bar
    dw about it... thanks anyway!
  23. christofeser replied to christofeser's post in a topic in The Bar
    yepp, well, the rear end. I've got the sissy bar still in good nick (allbeit missing two bolts for the luggage rack atm ) And yeah I'll pop over this weekend, im actually not busy now if you're free. It shouldn't take too long. If not i've got both saturday and sunday free, i'll have a tinker with yours, and then we'll go for a ride if ya like, see if the tinkerage has helped...
  24. christofeser replied to WR125 x's post in a topic in The Bar
    XVS 125. Love it. A few of us on here have xvs125's and generally I think there's a positive consensus...
  25. christofeser replied to christofeser's post in a topic in The Bar
    I'm pretty sure its just the bars. When the bit in the middle of the bars is in line the front tire is in line etc... it's just when im going along the right handlebar is bent backwards (making it seem like im turning right to keep central). Nonetheless, words have not fallen on deaf ears and I will get it checked soon. Anyway, are the bars "bendable" ? And would it be worth it? I had a thread on ape hangers a while back where someone suggested heating the bends up and bending the stock bars inwards to make a set of mini-apes. Could this now be done (seeing as im bending them anyway, and if it goes tit's up i've got a new set)?? Chris