Everything posted by christofeser
Hello YOC! It's been so so long since posting on here I'm so sorry I neglected everybody; hope you haven't missed me too much! Really really in a pickle here. The garage where I work here are rebuilding an RD350 out of boxes. It's a lovely lovely bike and we feel it could benefit from a brand new wiring loom (not second hand - a new one!). Does anyone know anybody who makes these/supplies them for a decent price? Let me know if you do!!! Chris
HELP!!! Yam YZF600R 'Cat
Love the thundercat, I rode my mates the other day. Truly is a great bike, that we dont see too many of now
MotoSport homepage.
Kind of remaining ambivalent on this one. One the one side, I can see what you're saying by SPAM, someone who's just posted a link to another website without any participation in the community. On the other side, it is related and I took a peak and enjoyed it a little. :/ Not complete and utter spam, like those Chinese cunts that try to sell you shoes... Chris
Been Busy!!
Fuck the weather I'll ride on ice if I have to... But nice bike
hi can anyone help me????
Hi mate, maybe it's worth keeping the intro page just for intro's, and then put you're particular problem in the right sub-section of the forum... e.g. post your problem in street/sports bike section - you'll get MUCH more tech advice there. Introduce yourself, tell us about yourself, where you're from, etc etc. Cheers, Chris
Hello to all you Yamaha riders :)
hi and welcome to the madhouse... nice to have another young'un in the forum, whereabouts u from mate? Chris
98 R1
not a friend - just know of them. More of a thing where I've heard good things from some of the guys I ride with. here's the website i saved for her ages ago. I've only seen other's helmets though but im pretty sure she'll do a good job on panels - worth asking. Chris EDIT: Search r1 fairing kit on ebay, you'll dig up some nice results... Chris
Moto2 or moto gp
Thin you're right there Blachat... spies will have it I was once in a Spar near my house wearing my bike gear (it was my track gear mind...) when an old boy came up to me and asked me if I was velentino rossi... I laughed me head off - though - it was when i was thin and had short hair... I wish I bleedin' was velntino!!!! But no, Spies will take it.
Module 2 test
Oh yeah... forgot to mention about the car doors... that's gash man, but get back on the horse and take your test again a.s.a.p. Obviously get a little bit of practise in and you should breeze it. Chris
Module 2 test
let us know man... weathers shite here...
98 R1
I know a good airbrusher in the london/essex area if it helps???
Waltham Forest college at Ally Pally show
I'll be at ally pally, but will be on the train (allowing me to have a few drinks at the show )
98 R1
Hope some of these pics helps. I know the first one isn't an R1, but it still looks mint. Chris
not a Yam though!!! What condition is the Sachs in though? Might be interested... PM me the lowdown. Ahhh okay, we'll youve got till summer to convince her!!!!
why the fuck not? :/ Your life, your bike, etc etc. You gotta take her for a longgy... YOU'VE JUST BUILT HER ffs... 150 bore will be nice and fast. Not as fast as the Ninja though :P !!!! I'm still looking for a really cheap Yam project just to keep my legit on the forum!!! Chris
Module 2 test
WELL DONE MATE! Such a good feeling eh... Not too sure they'll be too hot on "hill starts" as such. I remember on my mod 2 we did lots of "pulling over to the side in a suitable place", I think that was to mark the sheet a few times though :/ One thing to know is that EVERY time you pull in/out use your mirrors, indicate, and ALWAYS check over your shoulder. EVERY time you change position from straight ahead in the command position, please please please check your shoulders! Mirros, Indicate, LIFESAVER, manouver... Get your roundabouts set. Make sure you are ALWAYS in the right lane (by right i mean "correct" lane), never go in the middle lane, always make sure you CHECK your speed limit signs - they'll ping you for going too fast, AND going too slow. If you are going slower than the limits and somebody has to overtake you, you instantly get a major = fail (explanation - a hazard is defined as anything that makes you slow down/change direction. If someone else has to slow down for you - YOU become the hazard...) One thing i remembered (being in london) is that if it has street lights it's either a 30 or a 40 mph zone. If it has 40mph signs it's a 40, obviously, but street lights + no signs = 30mph. Speed bumps = 20mph (unless stated otherwise). Make sure you also know your nationals, dual carriageways, etc. It may seem obvious but it's amazing how many people fail on these aspects. You dont NEED to put it into neutral but you may get "Brownie points for it" (by brownie points, i mean the instructor may notice yourself a proficient rider and thus will be less scrupulant on other aspects of your riding). Always cover your break pedal with your right foot when stopped. Don't just cover it, press it down. You'll get deducted if ur instructor notices this (the logic is - if you get rear ended, your bike doesn't fly off down the road). REMEMBER, when you are stopped at lights, in traffic, or anywhere else, BEFORE you pull away, check your mirrors and BOTH SHOULDERS. even if you think you know what's behind you... Always check your mirrors before speeding up and slowing down. ALWAYS, they'll be looking out for this. MOST IMPORTANTLY, aside from the terribly long essay i just wrote (sorry), take it easy, RELAX, imagine the instructor is a satnav and you're out for a leisurely ride. Just be safe, but not OVERLY cautious, as you'll be hesitant etc... which is a minor. Good Luck Man!!!! Chris
And with a faster engine really really looking forward to meeting you on her mate. take it easy now.
are you fucking seriously suggesting that you wheelied that thing??!!! I WILL NOT believe it until I have video evidence!!! Kinda cool though. What kinda top speed u getting out of it? I know them CBR engines are powerful Chris
Mate keep the muffler off - sounds badass! You're really going to love riding that mate. especially to London! Chris
do many other people like coffee on the forum? I mean the type u get in amsterdam? straight back to topic. Paul, post up pics and vid PLEAAAAAAAAAAASE cHRIS
I've seen some weird bikes but this tops it off.
that is very. fucking. cool.
Yet another n00b joins
Welcome to the forum mate many a fun hour here. Where the fook are ya from? Chris
plenty of camping in amsterdam....
Great Video