Everything posted by Karen_Agusta
Techie Information
Like the new flag picture ... and also the Clicky Cliky ... though are you implying I am fast forward or fast behind
Techie Information
Thank you sweetie . There is not better or more appreciated compliement than anyone could give to me than ... "genius" you really know how to touch a girls heart. . After fifteen years in motorcycles (which before I got into I took one year of college for mechanical engineering) ... I decided to go back to college and get an AA degree in computer programming / repair ... my day job is network administrator for a health care facility. Though they are shutting down and relocating which I decided not to do ... so now I am just a Biker Chick. . Karen
. I just though I would show a few first rides . The Kawasaki 250 Ninja is an amazing machine for fun day rides You can go about as far as Seatlle to Spokane it is a great commuter Excellent gas mileage and just a great machine for handling the turns http://www.kawasaki.com/Products/Product-Specifications.aspx?scid=6&id=431 The The Kawasaki Versys is the same but a larger ride for longer day trips http://www.kawasaki.com/Products/Product-Specifications.aspx?scid=6&id=433 . The Triumph Truxton for all arounder for anything you want to do http://www.triumph.co.uk/usa/2010_Thruxton_Overview_2010Thruxton.aspx The Triumph Bonneville is a good solid no nonsense bike http://www.triumph.co.uk/usa/2010_Bonneville_Overview_2010Bonneville.aspx . The Ducati Monster 696. Proven Engine, Styling and Ducati which is an icon http://www.ducati.com/bikes/monster/696/index.do . Susuki Offers the GS500 an excellent well made fun reliable ride http://www.suzukicycles.com/Product%20Lines/Cycles/Products/GS500F/2009/GS500F.aspx?category=sportbike The Suzuki Gladius in another excellent choice for anything a rider may wish to do http://www.suzukicycles.com/Product%20Lines/Cycles/Products/Gladius/2009/SFV650.aspx?category=standard . Harley Solo seat wich does not fit the bike and can not touch the tank Narrow tires, poor rake and trail for crummy handling I do not like them Parts that look like shelf leftovers thrown together and it just looks poor However it gets you in the Harley community for about seven grand wich has value The fact that you are part of a culture, a community, and you can customize it greatly http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/2010/harley_davidson/sportster/883_low/51675/05/index.html . Honda Though If you really want to own a chopper You can not go wrong with the new Honda Fury Take a look the quality and then compare prices http://powersports.honda.com/2010/fury.aspx . We come to one of the worlds finest manufatcturers YAMAHA Because any Yamaha a person chooses is a fine well make bike Sport ... The FZR6 - fine engine, brakes and great for dragging pegs http://www.yamaha-motor.com/sport/products/modelhome/619/0/home.aspx The Yamaha Star is one of the most respected lines in cruiser motorcycles http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/products/modelhome/21/0/home.aspx And of course the worlds ultimate motorcycle which no other comes close A motorcycle which sits alone in a category not other bike even touches What can I say other than the Yamana VMAX for anyone who rides one knows However this shall in no way ever be considered someones first motorcycle http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/products/modelhome/23/0/home.aspx . And that is a short summary of a few nice bikes a person may wish to view Of course all of these are nothing more than the opinions of a crazy biker girl Also if you have never riden a motorcycle and a totaly new to the two wheel world You may wish to take time to read these articles to better understand what bike is . . . . Rubber Side Down . Karen .
Get an extra long drill bit Run it in until you feel this first baffle Drill a hole of about one quarter inch there It will be louder and the bike should still run Karen
82 XS400SJ Charging system nightmare
Your tests sound good Also what Drewpy said is important Never run a solid state machine on a disconnected battery As far as batteries go I wrote a small post on them if you want to read it Here is the link ... Though from your tests I would tent to agree with you it could very well be the generator . Rubber Side Down . Karen
Lead Acid Batteries
. If you ever wondered what you battery actually does . Lead-acid batteries, invented in 1859 by Gaston Planté, are the oldest type of rechargeable battery. Sulfation is one of the problems that kill batteries. Lead-sulfate is created when a battery is discharged. Then, when charged, in theory, the lead sulfate changes back to its component materials; lead, lead dioxide, and sulfuric acid. . Thus as batteries age, hard lead-sulfate forms into crystals on the surface of the electrode plates . Heat build-up from sulfation and corrosion destroys the battery’s grid. It is the grid that holds the material that produces the chemical reaction that stores and releases electricity ... thus not only will you see a white build up ... you shall also see warpage on the grids. . Your 12V Battery is actually 13.2 V ... it is only called a twelve volt battery. The issue presented to us here is the fact that the compounds that actually hold the charge are somewhat weak and brittle. They embed themselves amongst the mesh of the battery plates. This you can see in the form of a while powdery form of corrosion between the plates. You can at times shake at which point the calcium shall fall off and settle on the bottom. . When the breaking away of the compounds and settling happens, one of 2 things happen. Either you end up shorting the plates with the build up on the bottom (the material "bridges" the gap) - a given cell in your battery then dies and therefore one of the 2.2 volt cells in your 13.2 volt battery is gone making it and 11 volt battery. . Essentially, a lead-acid battery is a series of cells, or grids of both high and low antimony. This is due to the fact that a pure lead grid structure is not strong enough by iteself to stand vertically while supporting the active material and therefore other metals are alloyed with the lead for added strenght which also improves the electircal properties. The alloys added with either be antimony in a deep cycle battery or leaded-calcium batteries in which tin is added to the leaded-calcium grids to strengthen them. . The negative plate is filled with grey oxide incorporating red lead oxide Barium Sulfate, and carbon black, while the positive plate is filled with grey oxide incorporating red lead oxide or litharge. Both plates are immersed into an electrolytic solution of diluted sulfuric acid. The red lead oxide plate is the positive pole and grey lead plate is the negative pole. In each cell, the anode is porous metallic lead and the cathode is made of lead dioxide. As a battery discharges, completing the circuit, electrons are released from the anode and the resulting Pb 2 + ions immediately react with SO 4 2 - ions precipitating out insoluble lead sulfate on the surface of the electrode. At the cathode, electrons from the external circuit reduce PbO 2 to water and Pb + ions, which also immediately react with sulfate ions to precipitate PbSO 4 on the electrode. The reactions are: Anode: Pb(s)+SO 4 2 -PbSO 4(s)+2e- Cathode: PbO 2 (s)+SO 4 2 - +4H + +2e-PbSO 4 (s)+2H 2 O(e) Left Side Total: Pb(s)+PbO 2 +2SO 4 2 - (aq)+4H + Both the cathode and the anode are largely converted to PbSO 4 (s) when the battery is fully discharged. By applying an opposite voltage to one cell, a reverse chemical reaction occurs and that cell will recharge. . Lead-acid batteries undergo several charge/discharge/recharge cycles before they become inoperable and are recycled or enter the toxic waste stream. The reason for most batteries failing to operate properly is due to this electrochemical process, battery flaking of the PbSO 4 , or from an internal short circuit. As the battery discharges, the positive plate reacts with the sulfuric acid to produce lead ions and water. The negative plate simply dissolves to form lead ions in the process, which finally leads to the battery's complete failure. While charging, the positive plate builds up a thicker coating of lead oxide, migrating water, and lead ions from the sulfuric acid. As it does so, the negative plate bubbles and releases hydrogen from the sulfuric acid as it builds up a crust of lead. . It is the lead ions formed in the discharge cycle which cause problems. They agglomerate and fuse together with sulfate ions in sulfuric acid to form a highly insoluble lead sulfate. When this sulfate sediment builds a passive sediment layer on the electrodes, it reduces porous separator ionic conductivity by pore blocking and will eventually lead to cell shorting or self-discharge. The battery may well be serviceable in every other way, only the sulphation or calcification will stop the battery from operating. . And those are a few notes on what your battery is doing. . Rubber Side Down. . Karen
FJ 600 Mikuni BS 32 Adjustment
A backfire and the symptoms you are describing are almost always ignition related ... did you work on the ignition / timing at all?
Dia duit ar maidin - Wie Geht es Dir Heute
. Tá brón orm - Es auch tut mir leid 2 Wheels it is nice you understand me You are correct I was about to do just that I will simply say gosh I forgot to type the "h" I do know how to say / spell it and what it means I do understand the pain and anger in Gaelic language How our language was destroyed and taken from us by others Thus I can also understand a persons hurt to see it misspelled You have my aplolgies ... though at least I did bother to use it Something very very few people ever bother to do anywhere these days Mostly I hope you enjoyed the links I sent and you had fun with the post . Rubber Side Down . Karen .
Dia duit ar maidin - Wie Geht es Dir Heute
. Thank you my friend .
Dia duit ar maidin - Wie Geht es Dir Heute
. Dia dhuit ar maidin - Wie Geht es Dir Heute . My mother German . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewqtp9dN-R8 . . . My Father Irish . . . . Myself 40ish Goth Biker Techie Dog Gearhead . . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrXkd6l3ZBQ . . . . Since I spent most of the day in the workshop today . http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/forum/30-yamaha-workshop/ . I thought I would take this moment to relax in the bar . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DW2Gru_jiYI . Oh and before all of you hit on me ( It's called SM ) I am the "owned property" of a leather chick and her husband . German / Irish It is amazing what potatoes and alcohol can do Hope you had some fun with this and Rubber Side Down . Karen
FJ 600 Mikuni BS 32 Adjustment
I build race bikes and hot rods ... please consider this ... you are allowing far more fuel in ... you are moving far more air out ... yet your engine still thinks nothing has changed ... in other words ... imagine taking a Chevy 350, intalling a 1000 CFM dominator carb, A Single plane raised intake, high flow headers, and three inch exhaust ... while running a stock cam ... you will always have a flat spot ... Should you seek more information you may go to the following post ... ... and ... read the second Link down within it ... Also ... I would get a manual for the bike and synch it as it tells you then try it again ... of course ... all of these are thoughts and some ideas ... . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.megacyclecams.com/catalog/pages/page%2060.pdf YAMAHA 550 SECA, 600 FJ/FZ (1981—1992) and RADIAN (1986—1990) $399.00 Hardfaced cams per pair, on customer cores ... #105-Y R/D valve springs only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM ----- VALVE -- DURATION -- LOBE ----- INTAKE OPEN/CLOSE --- RUNNING ---- DESCRIPTION NUMBER -- LIFT ----AT .040" -- CENTERS -- EXHAUST OPEN/CLOSE -- CLEARANCE -- APPLICATION 257-10 - .350 ---- 244 ------- 107 ------ 15 btc/49 abc ------- .005 ------- XJ550 OK w stk pstns / springs ---------.350 ---- 244 ------- 107 ------ 49 bbc/15 atc ------- .007 ------- Increased mid-range smooth idle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM ----- VALVE -- DURATION -- LOBE ----- INTAKE OPEN/CLOSE --- RUNNING ---- DESCRIPTION NUMBER -- LIFT --- AT .040" -- CENTERS -- EXHAUST OPEN/CLOSE -- CLEARANCE -- APPLICATION 257-00 - .354 ---- 254 ------- 108 ------ 19 btc/55 abc ------- .005 ------- FZ-600 OK w stk pstns must use ---------.354 ---- 254 ------- 108 ------ 55 bbc/19 atc ------- .007 ------- 105-Y springs mid-range top-end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Ideas which hopefully may help a little . Karen
. As far as your direct OEM replcement pipe I do not know where one is ... . However an issue we use in customizing ... which may at all times be referenced ... is the virtually unlimited world of industrial brass ... through wich just about any oil carrying conduit you can imagine within your head ... may be created ... Thus while I would at all times recommend going with an OEM part ... should that part be completely unavailable ... for that which you need to do ... there is an industry of fittings out there ... whose entire purpose ... is to allow any custom application to be created ... . . http://www.dbwcopper.com/images/fitting-reducer2-.jpg . http://aksharmetal.com/pipe-fittings/brass-pipe-fittings1.jpg . . http://product-image.tradeindia.com/00296089/b/0/Brass-Pipe-Pipe-Fittings.jpg . . http://vatsalyametal.com/images/Brass-Pipe-Fittings-Sanitary-Connector-Parts.jpg . . Rubber Side Down . Karen . .
Help with SR185 fork seals replacement
Tiger ... it is nice to meet another Biker Lady ... I do not have the exact answer ... they do make a Haynes manual for that model ... however if you have removed the front wheel and the axle ... and cleaned the bottom of the forks very well ... and are now sure there are no screws ... clean the seal area very well and ... look for a heavy duty snap ring in the top of the forks above the seals ... for if they are not held in at the bottom ... they are normally held via a snap ring at the top ... Karen
hardtails for a 1980 xs400
Here is a company I deal with when customizing rides due to thier excellent pricing and good service ... ... everything to build a nice custom ride is there ... the only issue they are custom for Harleys ... you will need to look at a Harley frame ... find all of its engine mounting points ... then compare them to yours on the 400 engine ... if you think you can build brackets (or weld ones) ... to fit the engine to one of thier frames ... allowing the chain to drive a wheel ... if you can do that ... once done you will have a huge advantage ... because while finding parts for a one-off XS400 hartail frame will always be a bear ... if you can (and I am not saying you can you need to check that) fit the engine into a Harley Hard-Tail frame ... the amount of parts and custom accessories available to you will be like going from the tiny corner antique store to a gigantic supermarket the size of the world ... Plus if you are looking for unique you can do that as well ... Karen
Fuel Tanks
Rob ... Brilliant idea looking at the parts listings ... as you may be able to tell I know a few things about bikes ... and when diagnosing an issue one of the primary questions we ask ourselves is at all times ... "what is the same and what is different" ... once you know that you know a great deal ... for instance if you have a starter which is not funcioning and you tear it down ... you may be expecting it to just be brushes ... but if the brushes look fine ...and you then ask yourself what is the same in a perfect starter ... and what is different in the one you now have in yor hand ... you will find that commutator is bent ... in exactly the way you compared the parts listings ... and answered your question ... fine work you have done ... Karen
Techie Information
Just a follow up to include ... that is all ... this is my introcution I wrote to this board ... since most of you have read it you do not have to read at it all ... I am merely including this as part of the compilation of technical articles I have written thus far to keep them in one place ... . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Because I know "just a little" about motorcycles and the fact that An engine is essentially an air pump of a combustible mixture Regarding air - it is not "sucked" or "pulled" into the engine There are no little hands reaching out grabing air molecules Air may only be pushed into an engine it is never pulled into one The air pressure at sea level is 14.7 pounds per square inch On the intake stroke carb and intake valve in the open position The piston is travelling downward creating a void inside the engine Thus there is an "empty space" being made inside the engines cylinder The 14.7 PSI pressure on the opposite site of the carb and valve PUSHES AIR into the empty space created by the downward travelling piston Thus in order to increase the amout of air a given engine can pump Its design must maximize airflow this is known as volumetric efficiency Or the air pressure into the engine be increased via super or turbo charging The same is true for a vacuum cleaner or any other such device air is pushed in Another board asked me to write an article on purchasing your first bike For the discussion I used motorcycle racing as the primary topic That an understanding of the machine itself may thereby be obtained Thus making selection the device best suited to your purposes easier ... Karen . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=yTgyBmdD4f4 . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=7X08zELY-lo . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=6Mfwv_GwhFs . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=vURjSJi5Zjk . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=7x7lwPzayHI . . . Moto GP / F1 Racing Engines . Engine revolutions fourteen thousand rpm at starting line Rider slips clutch out torque / not well at low rpm Large drop in RPM as engine propels bike from start Once motorcycle returns to proper rpm range Must at all times be kept there by selecting correct gear Usually between eight and fourteen thousand rpms . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=-NHEAxKGw8Y . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=btnOW31bg14 . . . As motorcycle begins to move it is held upright This occurs at very low revolutions through gyroscopic precession Imagine a bottle tied to a string you hold in your hand The bottle and the end of the string is one inch above the ground You begin to spin in a circle and as you do so the bottle rises Once you are spinning fast you feel the tension rise upon the string That is because the atoms in the bottle are being "thrown" away from you The only reason the bottle remains is the strength of the string Exceeds the tension the bottle applies to it however Should you let go of the string or the string should break The bottle will fly away ... this is what occurs in a motorcycle wheel The only difference is that it occurs in a vertically instead of horizontally Here as in discuss you have made yourself the axis about this the item processes . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=sEW1ZsSCVHE . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=IEwAry0GARw . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=8H98BgRzpOM . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=pF_SUvPAOSs . To test this to the following ... Get an old bicycle wheel Put a bar through where the axle was Use some duct tape on the bar to keep it centered Have a friend spin the wheel fast as you hold it Now try to turn the wheel to the left ... it does not The wheels force shall alter direction and flip over Here she is trying to turn the wheel to the left of right When she does you shall see what occurs. This is gyroscopic motion / inertia What is important to realize here other than what you see Is that these people are not "flipping the wheel over" They are with their hands attempting to turn it to the left or right The flipping to the side you see is the gyroscopes resistance to that Thus is is important to remember a motorcycle is not a car It is a system based upon two spinning gyroscopes Therefore it reacts as one and must be driven that way . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=TSC6e2e5lQw . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=_VAavF8EJzw . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=eLRFsy0fOTE . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=YzgUiremOtw . . . Directed forward rider pushes bars away from direction of turn Wheels act as gyroscopes countersteering leans bike into turn First Law of Motion: Body in motion persists in a straight line unless compelled to change This is one of the hardest for new riders Also many riders are not taught this And even experienced riders may argue this However the fact remains to steer a bike to the left You must push the handlebars to the right To steer a motorcycle to the right You must turn the bars to the left This is not only important to turn at high speed If you have a car coming at you from the right And you are travelling over ten miles per hour You must turn towards the object If you own a bicycle find a hill and ride down it Get the bike going fairly quick and very very gently Turn the bars to the left and you will turn to the right Or push on the left handgrip go left I am including this to such a great degree Because if you ride a bike you MUST understand this In racing we use this to "throw the bike over hard" This allows us to dive into a turn steeply I am including this with some degree of intensity There is also a myth that a motorcycle is turned by leaning I do not recommend you try this unless you are an experienced rider Even then you may dump your bike however as a demonstration I one time leaned far to the left knee down and By countersteering turned the bike to the right Thus leaning is a part of turning but there is more to it That is how the racer throws the bike into the turn so quickly Because if you ride a motorcycle it may save your life one day . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=oVa2Ax-Dins . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=M1A7o-aXvqU . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=s8M_7fBR63Y . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=v5AmFGioYDg . Ok so that is how the racer throws the bike down into the turn so quickly . . . Braking = Kinetic Energy and thermodynamics . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . From wikipedia . The kinetic energy of an object is the extra energy which it possesses due to its motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its current velocity. Having gained this energy during its acceleration, the body maintains this kinetic energy unless its speed changes. Negative work of the same magnitude would be required to return the body to a state of rest from that velocity. . Friction is not a fundamental force, as it is derived from electromagnetic force between charged particles, including electrons, protons, atoms, and molecules, and so cannot be calculated from first principles, but instead must be found empirically. When contacting surfaces move relative to each other, the friction between the two surfaces converts kinetic energy into thermal energy, or heat. . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . In other words energy was applied to accelerate the object Thus energy must be applied to slow the object In machinery we use frictional energy converting motion to heat The kinetic energy of an object is the extra energy Which it possesses due to its motion The kinetic energy of a single object Is completely frame-dependent (relative) For example, a bullet racing by a non-moving observer Has kinetic energy in the reference to frame of this observer But the same bullet has zero kinetic energy to itself Thus at steady speed the motorcycle applies zero kinetic energy to the rider For the rider is not part of the same travelling system as the motorcycle However this becomes a completely different situation Slowing motorcycle from 200to 40 mph via brakes frictional conversion of forward momentum / energy to heat using Through the use of advanced ceramic materials . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=D8MsuFHlc54 . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=m1dv_y_3EK0 . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=L8pnaRpDU1A . The idea in racing unlike in road riding is this On the road you want to brake in a slow and smooth motion Taking your time slowing the bike easily In racing you want to brake as late as you possibly can Hammer on the brakes and then get back on the throttle . However there are severe issues in motorcycle braking 1: if you are hard in a turn braking will want to throw the bike over 2: This is called highsiding where the bike flips you over itself 3: Not too many braking examples however it is common in racing . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=KREIjnk6jTI . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=kGdU6ypYXD4 . Yet another issue is the independent front and rear brakes Thus you must balance the force applied to both brakes perfectly On the front brake if you apply it wrong and use To much force and you shall go over the front wheel . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=ARdw0WrV_gE . Or you shall put the wheel into a skid throwing you down . However much more common is the rear wheel lock up Though I do not have vids of that if you have ever seen A motorcycle try to stop quickly and the rear wheel go everywhere You see the read wheel slide all over ... the rider must counteract that . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=BZqXPhK_3LE . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=kfmWx0tYRV8 . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=s0P3tYskn84 . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=HBm_L5Xt780 . Also we do not have windshield wipers Remember unlike on a car where you can stab the brakes On a motorbike even in a panic or in a race You must perfectly modulate the brakes or you will crash You can easily crash through improper braking alone Furthermore remember the ONLY thing keeping you upright I gyroscopic precession. Thus should you lock up a wheel Even at 60 MPG there is nothing keeping you upright at all Therefore as the racer brakes they must do so perfectly On both wheels in order to slow the bike correctly . . . Centrifugal Force: . As you turn certifugal force wants you to go to the outside of the turn lean angle of the motorbike counteract the force pushing you to the outside Here is where Chemistry comes into play for unlike the older days Today the advanced compounds in the tires allow lean angles to 60 Degrees-Very fine line between optimum cornering and crashing Outward and downward forward forces balanced precisely You must consider the camber of the curve to determine speed You must also know if it is a decreasing radius curve as well One other common issue is called going wide on the turn To lean a motorcycle hard over is frightening it feels like falling So due to this fear to do not throw the bike over hard enough By this choice you do not make the turn and you drift wide on the corner . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=Hx7RvfukIG4 . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=mTnKkdIfVXQ . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=cq9Ua5Tuw3Y . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=5wYD9SSBBNQ . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=sN3bD4U5yJ4 . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=W16hsnIur1Y . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=QCg3BMGe52M . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=3aW01UaHyC4 . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=7mHTzOskcQE . . . Thus a motorcycle excellent example how physics work A motorcycle at a constant speed defined as "v" for velocity in motion Is about to enter a level, circular, curve The curve is defined a r for the radius of the curve The radius r lean angle from the vertical position Is approximated by the following relationship First I shall need to explain theta ... . Theta ... Theta is used When determining the measure of the angle in the work equation, it is important to recognize that the angle has a precise definition - it is the angle between the force and the displacement vector. An explanation would be applying a force to displace a motorbike up a hill to the top of the hill. A force is applied to a bike to displace it up the hill at constant speed. Say 30 MPH. . Several incline angles are used progressively steeper thus you must increase the force to maintain 30 mph. However do not forget that the force is always applied parallel to the incline. And the displacement of the motorbike is also parallel to the incline as well. These are defined a F for force and D for displacement. Since F and d are in the same direction, the angle theta in the work equation is 0 degrees. For they are in a relationship of zero degrees to one another. Nevertheless you may wish to experienced the strong temptation to measure the angle of incline and use it in the equation. Do not do so because angle. It is defined as the angle between the force and the displacement vector. . Next issue is the definition of Tangent . Tangent is as follows ... a straight line or plane that touches a curve or curved surface at a point but does not intersect it at that point ratio of the opposite to the adjacent side of a right-angled triangle ... Tangent line to a curve at a given point is the straight line that "just touches" the curve at that point ... Tangent plane to a curve is the plane that contains all the lines tangent to a specific point on a surface . The equation for it is as follows . tan (\theta) = \frac {v^2} {rg} where g is the acceleration due to gravity . What this means is as follows ... the speed of the bike and the weight of the bike, the radius, displacement, and camber of the turn shall determine the amount you lean and balance the bike to thereby counteracting the centrifugul force trying to make you go wide on the turn allowing you (provided you do not exceed the frictional capability of the tires in doing so) to steer to the apex of the turn properly and set the bike for the next turn. . Thus when people ask me what should my first bike be. Sure the common answers would be . The Ninja 250r . http://www.kawasaki.....ns.aspx?id=431 . The Suzuki Tu250 . http://www.suzukicyc....egory=standard . The yamaha V Star250 (AN EXCELLENT BEGINNERS RIDE OF HIGH QUALITY AND BEAUTIFUL FINISH) . http://www.starmotor....89/0/home.aspx . The Honda 250 rebel . http://powersports.h...2009/rebel.aspx . However here shows how to ride your motorcycle as this person is doing ... taking an extremely common and well made street bike (the Ninja 250r which I plan to purchase and am already set up with the dealer to do) onto the track and showing what a little 250cc street bike can do when ridden by skilled riders ... on the track ... not on the street ... . http://www.youtube.c...h?v=y2HnEld-z3Q . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Rubber Side Down . Karen .
quick clutch question
Rather than using special oil ... I would get a barnett racing clutch and springs ... thereby solving you entire clutch-slipping issue and allowing you to run a high quality syntheic or other high quality oil in your engine ... Karen
Venture Royale help
Your filter for your XVZ1300 is internal ... http://www.bikebandit.com/k-n-powersports-oil-filter?mg=41533&t=1&td=1 ... and there is a nasty little o-ring which if pinched when putting the bolt ... back in will leak ... you may wish to consider purchasing one of thse ... it makes the changing of oil far easier ... http://www.justcruisers.com.au/contents/en-us/d50.html ... though the filter is nowhere nearly as well protected as the internal filter. Regarding the location I do not remember exactly however once you puchase the filter and now that you know you are looking for a bolt with a flat flange ... it should be ovious where it is ... which is normally center of front-bottom of the engine ... Karen
XJ 900 S fork oil replacement
. The XJ900 models are specified to use a 5W fork oil ... though it is good to understand that the primary purpose of fork oil is not for lubrication (though it does achieve this) the primary purpose is hydraulic dampening ... though you are specified to use five if you have some mileage on the bike ... and therefore some wear on the forks ... you may wish to use ten weight to make up for this ... either way make sure your seals are good and puchase the highest quality fork oil you can find ... a few good places to shop are ... ... ... and for certain items ... ... they are UK based however thier inventory is excellent. Regarding capacity the only one I remember for is the 83 and its capacity is 286 cc ... though I would not work on the bike without a 'HAYNES" service manual which shall tell you all you need to know regarding your current inquiry ... Karen .
Fuel Tanks
. One General (imprecise) method should you be able to find nothing else Go to Google and click on the images ... then find the showroom pictures Try to find pictures of the same size taken from the same angle and look If the two tanks, the seats, frame, and steering head, seem to be indentical There is a very small chace that the tank has changed at all though it may have I do not know the exact answer to your question yet this can be used for many others . Karen
Techie Information
Fellow Riders . I wrote several articles in the general section I was told those articles are better posted here Rather than crosspost them which is a big time no-no I am just going to post the links to articles I wrote You can go ahead and peek at them there if you wish to . . . . Rubber Side Down . Karen
Rake and Trail
Barkie . Just for reference ... THIS is ... Hot Stuff . http://entiregoods.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/sexy-chick-on-motorcycle.jpg . . Though I wish those were me ... I fit (If I can button my leathers) more into this category. . http://roadcaptainusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/biker-chick.JPG . http://bobandlois.net/bobandlois_files/picturealbums/bikeweek/ladybikers.jpg . Though Barkie ... I do certainly appreciate you putting this forty year old techie dog into that category ... Thank you Barkie ... you are a real sweetie ... I also appreciate your notes on the "workshop" forum ... I am new here and did not realize that posts such as the one I wrote today actually belong there ... Thus I gather that means my other posts do belong there as well. . . . Barkie ... thanks for the reply ... I shall place post of this nature in the "workshop" forum from this point forward ... Most all of it is great to speak with you my fellow rider ... and ... as always ... rubber side down ... Karen . .
Rake and Trail
Rake and Trail . In its shortest term it is merely how far away from the frame the tire is. However there is much more to it than that ... it is realted to stability and type of use The best example of extreme rake is the chopper where the tire is several feet from the frame In the real life versions you can see much of the tire is not turning the bike but falling over This also places extreme stress on the front end making traditional hydraulic bump dampening innefective . http://www.robbans-speedshop.com/images/robbans_longfork/longfork1.jpg . . . The "Legend" is the long forks were created by the 70s biker gangs to not fall over when drunk The reality is choppers were made famous by Benny Hardy - The extra long front makes the motorcycle amazingly stable however due to this it turns very poorly For when you turn you are only partially turning as most of the motion flops the tire from side-to-side Therefore stability is gained at the price of a motorcycle with an extreme inability to change direction . . Were the forks have less rake such as they do upon sport bikes The bike turns extremely quickly - reason less rake equals less Trail That is why on superbikes and moto gp race bikes you can see little rake You will notice there is so little rake the tire almost touches the chassis . . . http://media.photobucket.com/image/superbike%20forks/imppbalr/Bike%2520Of%2520The%2520Month/DSC02817.jpg . However there is a great risk involved in doing so That risk is called head-shake or oscillation ... this can toss you This took motorcycle engineers a long time to deal with and prevent it Starting with screw type steering dampners then graduating to hydraulic ones . Screw . http://www.birminghamtoberlin.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/forum.jpg . . Hydraulic . . . Steering dampners are used to prevent an oscillation of the front tire which is ... the repetitive variation of some measure ... about a central value about a point of equilibrium ... Familiar examples include a swinging pendulum ... The rake and trail you have upon your ride will greatly affect the likelihood of ... and the sensitivity to ... oscillations ... Therefore ... Rake, trail and ride height front to rear ... are very real in the world of motorcycle design ... and are items the industry has been dealing with for very many years now. . Here is an excellent explaination ... http://www.vf750fd.com/blurbs/vibmode.html Though you have seen it every time your grocery store cart has one of its casters wobble For the physics and math remain unchanged from the cart to the bike and it is very dangerous . . With that having been explained we are now at the topic of RAKE and TRAIL ... essentially rake is how far out the forks are set ... choppers have extreme rake where the forks are much closer to horizontal ... sport bikes have very little rake where the forks are much closer to vertical ... Thus we have now explained Rake ... so then ... what is "TRAIL" ... Trail is as follows: If you were to take a long metal rod or bar and you were to hold that rod directly against the forks ... until that rod touched the ground ... and then were take a "plumb bob" and attach it to the axle until it also touched the ground ... if at the point you were to measure the distance between the rod and the plumb bob ... you would have the "trail" measured. . ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. .. Less Stability .......... Greater Stability .......... Vast Stability .................... .. Meant for Racetracks .... Meant for cruisers ......... Meant for straight line ........... .. Very Fast turn reaction . Slower Turn Reaction ....... Extremely poor turn reaction ...... .. |\ ...................... |\ ......................... | \ ............................... .. |.\ ..................... |. \ ....................... | .. \ ............................ .. |. \ .................... | .. \ ..................... | ..... \ ......................... .. |.. \ ................... | .... \ ................... | ........ \ ...................... .. | .. \ .................. | ...... \ ................. | ........... \ ................... .. | ... \ ................. | ........ \ ............... | .............. \ ................ .. | .... \ ................ | .......... \ ............. | ................. \ ............. .. | ..... \ ............... | ............ \ ........... | .................... \ .......... .. | .......\ .............. | .............. \ ......... | ....................... \ ....... .. | ........\ ............. | ............... \ ........ | .......................... \ .... ---O- = = = --O--------------O-- = = = = = ------O--------O----- = = = = = = = ---------O--- ... Sportbike .................... Cruiser ........................ Chopper ................. ..... Trail ....................... Trail .......................... Trail .................. ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. . If chassis design, ride height, rake, trail are in order you shall have a good ride ... if not . . . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmtoOmq3ppw . One note as you can see which helps to explain how this can occur ... as an induction of the wobble ... is a wheelie ... and ... setting the wheel down at an angle ... Upon completing the wheelie once the wheel contacts the ground at an angle ... the wheel immidiately attempts to straigten itself ... However in attempting to snap straight ... the kinetic energy in doing so causes the wheel to bypass straight and go to the other side ... where the front wheel then attempts to go to straight again ... but this time from farther away ... thus the instability and oscillations increase ... until it becomes so great it tosses the rider. . And that is a little information on what is referred to when you read the terms ... "Rake" and "Trail" . Karen
Understanding the "Wheelie" . First we can start with the picture I created using my image creation software ... . . A wheelie is in racing torque wasted lifting the front end - Rather than moving the vehicle forward - occuring due to extreme torque being applied to the rear wheel. For Our Example - The distance between the centers of the wheels of a motorcycle is 155 cm - The center of mass of the motorcycle, including the racer is 88.0 cm above the ground - slightly forward of directly between the wheels - due to the weight / placement of the motorcycles engine - Thus our question is - where does the horizontal acceleration of the motorcycle occur - causing the front wheel to rise off the ground? . This can be descibed as \tau=rFsin\phi Tau is amount of work done per unit of time rFsin is the force against a rigid object against its displacement phi is the angle against the axis of the object to which the force is being applied . Thus we have amount of work done per unit of time - equals - the force against the rigid object - the power applied to the motocycles rear wheel per second - divided by the angle against the axis at which the force is being applied - the axis must be considered due to the following: Imagine the force of our equation were being applied downward - there would be no wheelie - were the angle of the force straight upward all force (100%) would be applied to lift the front wheel - were the angle of the force at forty five degrees (50%) of the force would be applied to lift the front wheel - thus the angle of the force - {phi} - has to be considered - Note: were the object not rigid - like a cooked spaghetti noodle - there would be no wheelie either - and that is why we divide the work done per unit of time against the rigid object by the angle of the force applied - NOTE: One other thing to consider here is that the tau (amount of work done per unit of time) has to deal with the issue of - I - which in physics is inertia or the tendency of a body to resist acceleration; the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest - inertial is important due to the fact it is far easier to wheelie by red-lining the engine and dumpint the clutch - than it is to wheelie when already at a high rate of speed - - because a wheelie is caused by excessive torque in relation to the movement of the bike ... the engine can generate far more excessive torque to a motorbike standing still ... than it can to one doing one hundred and forty miles per hour in top gear with its engine at red line ... because at that point the engine simple has no excessive torque to apply. . Thus the Torque of the motor on the backwheel - applied via the chain - is what will lift the bike - However the torque of the motor also generates the - F = m*a (Force equals mass times acceleration) - of the overall system (bike/rider) - This has to be considered once again in racing as torque wasted moving the motorcycle forward - For if you were to lock the rear wheel into clamps so it could not rotate - all of the force applied to the rear wheel would lift the motorcycle - however in racing the rear wheel is not clamped so it can not move - the rear wheel generates forward acceleration which is the intent - So - This force which equals mass times acceleration - has to be greater than F = g (Force = Gravity) - we consider gravity because in all reality gravity - IS - the force which is being overcome when we wheelie the motorcycle - therefore - when force equals mass times acceleration is greater than the opposite force of gravity - causing the front wheel to be lifted - creating what we now call the wheelie. . Because the back wheel is interacting with the body of the bike through the chain - an equal and opposite force - to the force of acceleration on the back wheel - is applied to the centre of mass - Essentially - Fa - (force equals accelaration) - is in the opposite direction as in the picture - of the bottom of the back wheel - WHICH IS - the pivot point - Therefore we may calculate the torque about that point with something like this: . \sum\tau=0 F_{g}r\sin\theta=F_{a}r\sin\phi a=g\sin\phi/\sin\theta . Sum divided by - tau - amount of work per unit of time - force gravity against a rigid object - sin - singularity or one object - divided by theta=F - theta - is the angle of displacement betweeen the amount of magnitude - magnitude is not merely weight it is the the extent of the length, breadth, and thickness of an object - Thus theta is the angle at which the force is being applied to the length of the object - the length must be considered for this reason - short wheelbase - motorcycle - easy wheelie - long wheelbase - rail dragster - - much more force to wheelie - phi - the polar angle of the z axis - z axis is One of three axes in a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system - Z being the vertical - x is horizontal - y is height - because we are talking about a wheelie we are concerned with the z or vertical axis - in our equation - \theta is the angle between Fg - force of gravity and the radius - and - \phi (the directional angle of the vertical axis) - is the angle between Fa - the force of acceleration - and the radius - thus we have gravity against a singular object and the angle of the force applied to it - We then consider the point on the ground that the CoM (constant of mass) is acting down on - as well as the CoM - and the height above the wheel that the bike has to put into the torque - that will accelerate the bike - you already have - the projection of the moment arms where the forces are perpendicular - To balance the moments then just before front wheel lifts. . Because the back wheel is interacting with the body of the bike through the chain, an equal and opposite force to the force of acceleration on the back wheel is applied to the centre of mass. Set the bottom of the back wheel to be the pivot point and calculate the torque about that point with something like this: For the torque from the reaction force on the bottom of the back wheel...\tau_{R} = F_{a}R where Fa is that force and R is the radius of the wheel - \tau_{R} = MaR where M is the mass being accelerated - M is the mass of the bike - the torque of the weight at the centre of mass can be taken into account - \tau_{CM} = Mgl/2 with l being the length between wheels (were we to set the centre of mass directly between the two wheels) - \sum\tau = 0 so the torques have to be equal - MaR = Mgl/2 The masses cancel - a = gl/2R at the point the masses cancel if you apply force in excess of the point of the cancellation of mass ... you shall wheelie . Or i suppose just buy a V Max and you to not have to worry at all about how to do a wheelie ... you just open the throttle . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIHxOOZ5B20 . Karen
Favorite Motorcycle Commercial
Seriously Sweet ... thanks for the input ... Karen