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  1. alpinepi replied to Steveocee's post in a topic in The Bar
    I'm afraid that we're all going to be paying a lot more for insurance this year. I'm a self-employed private investigator and 90% of my business is investigating fraudulent insurance claims.) None of them from bikers I might add. We get people deliberately inducing collisions and arranging collisions with people in order to facilitate personal injury claims. The claimants usually only have TPFT and therefore also claim for storage for their damaged vehicle and a hire vehicle. I have a case at the moment where the driver of a 4WD collided with a parked Merc, which was empty, and only resulted in damage to the Merc's n/s rear light cluster but we have claims from two 'injured' occupants, vehicle hire (the claimant is a minicab driver) and storage. I had a snoop at his home and noticed he has a garage so his storage claim will definitiely not be met. We're in court in Sept and I will be giving evidence and sincerely hope we kick his a**e! I got my car insurance renewal quote two weeks ago; an increase of 80% and I have six years NCD! I managed to get the quote down but am paying 15% more than I did last year. My bike policy does not expire until August but I'm not looking forward to the quote and cannot understand why it is that I can get an NCD of up to 60% on my car but nobody'll give me more than 30% for my bikes?
  2. alpinepi posted a post in a topic in Naked
    Hi, I'm new to this site. I have a 2008 MT03 which I love to pieces as well as three other bikes. I'm an experienced biker but the world's worst mechanic. (I once changed the pads on an NC30, managed to break a disc bolt - £3.49 for a new one! - and then forgot to pump the brakes when I rode it; after fitting the new disc bolt of course. Luckily I hadn't touched the rear brake so was able to come to a halt at the junction with the main road ourside the block I live in! ) I managed to crack the 'stem' of the o/s rear indicator on my MT03 due to the lack of space in my garage. I've got a new one and want to fit it myself as the Yamaha dealers in my area leave a lot to be desired. Viz: when I took it in for its first service the dealer said "We open at 8, bring it in and you'll be on your way by 9". Brought it in at 08.00, nobody turned up until 08.35 and I didn't get the bike back until 13.30. I'n self-employed so that meant now work; no money. If they'd told me it was gong to take 5 hours I would have got the tube home, done some work and returned. Their excuse was that they had other bikes "on the ramp". They've lost me as a customer. I ordered the part from another dealer and waited 6 weeks for it after they'd promised it in a week and said they'd call me when they got it oin. Another dealer I will not be patronising. So, how easy is it for a numpty like me to fit the new indicator? The 'stem' is fixed to the bike with two allen bolts and the new part has two wires coming out of it with connectors on their ends. So obviously I undo the two allen bolts. Then? Will ther wires pop out if I give it a tug? And er, (I said I was a numpty) where do the new wires plug in? Oh, if anybody knows of a good Yamaha dealer in the NW London area please let me know.