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mark b 0102

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Everything posted by mark b 0102

  1. mark b 0102 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    my bike is running sluggish , ive put in new spark plugs had oil change , also the baffle in the left silencer is vibrating :s . ive just ordered a new air filter and fuel filter . any other suggestions what could be causing it . i had all the carbs cleaned out 5000 miles ago also had the petrol tank cleaned out as when i brought the bike it had been standing for a while . just cant put my finger on it . the air filter is quite old :s but mechanic said it didnt look too bad but ive ordered a new one anyway . sometimes ill get a day where it runs smooth but most days of late just not running how it should . i did have a problem which i no is common with the bike of oil pushing up into to air box however ive had no oil leaking from the drain tube for some time so i guess i have my oil levels spot on ive also ordered a new fuel filter any help or suggestions would be much appreciated thanks mark
  2. mark b 0102 replied to jet22's post in a topic in The Bar
    i did 130mph on a down hill part of a duel carrigeway thats well known as its seriously steep . also the wider bars and windsheild helps a lot with stablitly and airflow i dont normaly ride like a idiot but had to see what it could do , it sounded like it was gonna blow up at hi speed so i like too keep between 70 or 80 . with the oil check it when the bikes cold youll find that when the oils hot it expands so it looks more . its not good to over fill it ive over filled mine once and the oil went up into the air box and out of the drain tube untill eventual it got down to the right level . its better if you drain it if you have the time just undo the drain bolt underneath . . use a good quality tool though as they have a tendancy to round off dont use cheap tools . also dont worry about a little bit of leaking oil ive come to relaize its a common thing with thease bikes . . i keep my oil level halfway up on the looking glass maybe just a little below thats from cold ,. when engine warms up itll look a little higher cos of the expand etc .. just keep an eye on the levels and dont worry if your loosing a little oil .
  3. mark b 0102 replied to jet22's post in a topic in The Bar
  4. mark b 0102 replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in General
    my yamaha xj 600 n is also doing this , i took it to the garage and they took the tank off looked at the air filter and said it was driping from there . said not to worry about it . i recently put a little redex in the fuel and noticed this made it worse ! its now litraly pissing out a watery brown muddy oil from a drain pipe level with my side stand im guessing this is the redex condinsation maybe , i also notice that when i have a oil change i get a thousand miles of hardly any leaks . so i now change my oil more regualar , maybe as the oil gets thinner it causes a problem i have no idea , i just no to take oil with me on long journeys and stop every 100 miles to check levels . oh and also the bonus in the rain is you always have a left dry foot where oil drips on your gear change foot and waterproofs your boot so there is an upside to this
  5. mark b 0102 replied to jet22's post in a topic in The Bar
    well im gonna head over to france for a few days for first trip just to get a feel of riding on the wrong side etc . then id like to ferry to spain and work my way back up with just a tent no hotels more an adventure type trip . im hoping to do this next summer. spent this year sorting bike etc now time to get saving for a trip putting my bike in to garage next week for a full service total dismantle clean everything type service as my engine is a little rattly ive had a few issues with the throttle sticking on mine , not sure if its the choke or throttle but sometimes after a motorway trip as i come to a stop the engine can get stuck on high revs around 3 on rev counter not amusing when people start to look at me thinking i must think im barry sheen :S
  6. mark b 0102 replied to jet22's post in a topic in The Bar
    mine lost power so i changed the air filter and put new spark plugs in seemed to resolve it . how was france ? im planning to go there next summer for a mini tour
  7. mark b 0102 replied to jet22's post in a topic in The Bar
    ive just fitted some street fighter bars on mine and it seems to handle so much better on the motorway at high speed , plus looks a 100 times better
  8. mark b 0102 replied to jet22's post in a topic in The Bar
    i own a yamaha xj 600n in black , its been a great bike , never let me down sort of bike that means you have nothing to prove , but fun to ride , top speed ive got on mine was 130mph but it likes to sit at 70mph on motorways . they do have a tendancy to blow a lot of oil out at high speeds usualy on the left side of the engine , but are bullet proof . just dont over fill them with oil and change oil regular and should be ok