Everything posted by Zircon
2 Stroke rev problems
Okay i said id write on here as soon as i managed to fix the problem. I spent a good day changing the crank seal on the bike ( was an absolute biatch to get out ! )and it didnt really make much difference maybe 1 or 2 thousand revs . However after importing a High speed racing coil from Germany , the bike ran perfectly again ... picked up revs silly fast! and ran quicker then i think she ever has before ! Thanks again guys for the time you spent in helping me with my problem . I hope this can be a help to anyone else having similar problems. Many thanks Jordan p.s. Feel free to mail me on [email protected] for where i got parts etc
2 Stroke rev problems
While waiting for the correct coil to arrive , I thought id change the oil , ( I guess if the seals have gone there would be less then normal in there ) although the oil level seemed to be fine , there seemed to be a strong and distinct smell of Petrol from the oil itself. I wonder if this could be a sign that the seals have gone ? Many thanks Zircon
2 Stroke rev problems
Thanks for the advice , If you managed to get it sorted let me know what was wrong .... ill keep you updated on whether the seals or coil works many thanks Jordan
2 Stroke rev problems
Thought id keep you guys updated. Had the new coil come today ... only to be the wrong one ! Dammit . Sent it back and hopefully will have the new one within a couple of days. I explained the problem and he said he'll throw in a few crank seals just in case, kinda his way of saying sorry i guess ! Need to get her fixed before long ..... Ive applied for a Apprenticeship at Superbyke in Bristol ..... Fingers Crossed. , Zircon
2 Stroke rev problems
Just realised how stupid that was ..... Maybe i should just get a B9ES plug ... did some reading about and having resistor caps and plugs can reduce fuel consumption by 10% Zircon
2 Stroke rev problems
Im gonna order a new Coil and cap ... i don't really know which cap id need as it doesn't need to be resistive .... By typing the YB05F into google i find that it has a 14-18mm thread ..... although im finding it difficult to find a non resistive one of these :\ Will somewhere like halfords have them ? Thanks Again Zircon
2 Stroke rev problems
ahh just saw on the side of the cap YB05F 5K ohms
2 Stroke rev problems
Just tested it again with the cap off , primary coil still reading 0.4 ohms Secondary coil now reads 8.09 K ohms The bike uses BR9ES plugs.... and an NGK cap .. don't know if that helps . Cheers, Zircon
TZR 50 problems!
I had this problem on my bike , theres no fuel filter on the bike at all and i found allot of crap in the bottom of the tank . try taking a look at whether that helps ... if so , TNT make some in-line fuel filters Hope this helps
2 Stroke rev problems
Just got the Coil off the bike and it looks like the original coil , the resistance seems to be almost double what it should be ( according to the manual ) Primary coil was 0.3 - 0.4 ohms and the Secondary Coil was 13.3 Kilo Ohms Ive found a replacement here http://www.wemoto.com/bikes/MBK/TZR_50_X-Power/03-09/picture/Ignition_Coil Although this looks completely different to mine which looks more like this http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/YAMAHA-TZR50-TZR-50-2004-IGNITION-COIL-3856_W0QQitemZ180627528819QQcmdZViewItem?rvr_id=222574873283&rvr_id=222574873283&cguid=c491523612d0a0aa15238c33ffd15494#ht_971wt_905 Dunno if this orange one would still work , as the screw holes i think are the earthing terminals for the coil ( on the original one ) unless it just has the wrong picture Thanks For all the help guys ... saved me allot of time and stress ! Zircon
2 Stroke rev problems
The only other resistance specifications i could find in the manual was one for the STATOR COIL which is supposed to be 0.4 - 0.6 Ohms at 20ºc and the CDI which has a charge coil resistance of 0.36 ohms + or - 20 % ( the manual i got is a PDF and i searched for "resistance" ) Cheers Zircon
2 Stroke rev problems
Spent allot of time using multimeter in A level physics so should be able to figure it out The puzzling thing is , on the Workshop manual for my bike it states PRIMARY COIL RESISTANCE: 0.23 W +20ºC SECONDARY COIL RESISTANCE: 7.9 W Forgive me if im wrong but resistance is measure in ohms is it not ? possibly a miss type ? Cheers again guys Zircon
2 Stroke rev problems
Is the pulse coil the ignition coil ? Ill take it out and have a good look ..... dont think it could be the earth cable do you ? Cheers again Zircon
2 Stroke rev problems
Um she makes a rather horrible noise when she splutters , ( sounds a bit like its miss firing .. i know it cant be as its electronic ignition ) Ive tried teasing the revs up , helps a little , but not much maybe get and extra 500 rpm ? As for the coil , i read on another forum to hold the ignition cap a few cm form the frame........ and if you see a blue spark the coil etc should be fine .... no idea how accurate this is though ? i had a quick look at the coil itself ..... does look a bit battered ,,, dont think its ever been changed :\ Thanks for all the help guys, really appreciated Zircon
2 Stroke rev problems
Just had a quick look for a breather pipe , couldn't see one ....... ill have a further look in the morning though Thanks again Jordan
2 Stroke rev problems
The pipe has been do-coked ( only 6 months old anyhow ) The Jets have been increased to compensate for the increase in capacity Changed the plug a week ago to see if that was the problem New ( and oiled )air filter The bike starts on the button first time very time. and runs perfectly up to 5.5k revs ( starts without choke .... just a little harder to start ) ill take a look at the gearbox oil tomorrow before work, but i changed it around 4-5 months ago and it seemed fine then ..... Thanks for the fast reply Hope this helps
2 Stroke rev problems
Hi guys Zircon here again , so after about 6 months of enjoyable riding my bike has begun to die on me again. Its recently had a new Cylinder ( 70cc as it was the only one available at the time ) After fitting the new piston and cylinder, it ran fine for about 3 months , however it started "spluttering" around 6-7K revs , it would have a bit of a moan but it would come out the other side and continue to rev freely . This has slowly got worse and worse to the point where it only revs to about 7k revs in neutral and about 5.5k when in gear. I decided to have a look at the old piston , it was fine, but it had allot of black carbon deposits on top , the plug always seemed to be very oily , even after having the pump adjusted at a garage . I fitted new rings just to be sure but still the problem persists. I've been told it may be the Crank seals pulling though oil from the transmission , just wanted to know for sure before I spent allot of money on labour ! She's always smoked allot too ( white smoke ) but apart from that she's been as sweet as a nut . Any help is greatly appreciated Just frustrating not being able to enjoy my bike while we have weather like this ! Thanks Again guys .. ( and girls ) hope to out there again with you lot before long .... Zircon
Jorge Lorenzo's helmet
http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.bestmotorcyclepictures.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/jorge-lorenzo-picture.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.bestmotorcyclepictures.com/jorge-lorenzo-best-pictures/&usg=__4sJpBX2kUNA5gOxx81OKOPA---o=&h=863&w=1280&sz=269&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=h-xW8Lhig5Xr6M:&tbnh=173&tbnw=226&ei=kvZWTb_qI4PPhAfx4oTUDA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlorenzo%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26rlz%3D1C1GGGE_en-gbGB395GB395%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D909%26tbs%3Disch:1,isz:l&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=298&oei=kvZWTb_qI4PPhAfx4oTUDA&page=1&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0&tx=113&ty=71 I want this helmet , or at least a silver shin one like this . Why cant i seem to find one ? Opinions / pointers welcome Cheers Jordan
Some sort of Epic engine failure.
Ive had the top end off .... the piston appears to have "scuffs" all over the sides of the piston ..... I have a brand new top end, which already cost me £140 , i just don't want the same to happen with the new one ?!?!
Pushing a motorcycle up several hills is hard work !
I love how discussions can change from pushing motorcycle's to the infamous Visual Wank bank ....as we say around here....BANTER !
Some sort of Epic engine failure.
Im hoping this isn't gonna be the sorry end to my bike :\ and biking in general .......iv'e had so many problems with this bike maybe its time I bought a car ? Although if its just a top end failure, i can deal with that ....... oh and the bike doesnt move backwards in reverse anymore ?1 strange !
Pushing a motorcycle up several hills is hard work !
Looks like that was taken in the middle of nowhere too At least it doesn't look too cold though
Some sort of Epic engine failure.
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150332918420080&set=a.10150178745055080.419596.704075079 Im guessing the piston shouldn't look like this ?
Pushing a motorcycle up several hills is hard work !
So today my engine failed , rather spectacularly ( ive got a post on the workshop with the full story ) I have no idea what is wrong ....... However after pushing my bike for several miles up and down some pretty hefty hills at 10/11pm in the freezing cold my father tells me its all part of being a biker, and it happens to everyone at some point ! Wondered if you guys had any similar stories ? Although i must add ..... 100's of cars past me and didn't stop to ask to see if I was ok or needed a hand ... however 6 out of the 7 bikes which past pulled over and asked if they could help very impressed ! Zircon
Some sort of Epic engine failure.
Hi guys , haven't been on here allot recently :\ But once again I am puzzled and wondered if you guys could help me ? I have a 2004 TZR 50 and ive been riding for a few months now ( I love it ! ) but not so much when things go wrong and i end up pushing my bike 6 miles up and down hills at 10/11 pm at night ! Okay so earlier today i got the air filter off and gave it a good thorough clean out ( it was very oily and I think it was restricting the air flow ) Now the bike ran well ( took it out for a quick 5 min run ) , and it didn't need the choke on slightly like it did previously . All seemed to be ok ! However a few hours later i was supposed to be playing Rugby so i hopped on the bike and begin the ride to where the match will be taking place ....... whilst travelling down a main road at around 60/65 mph the engine suddenly cut out and the back wheel locked up completely . The bike wont turn over on the starter motor , as it doesn't even sound like its turning the piston over , the bike also refuses to bump start I did notice however when the bike was in 1st there was very little resistance when wheeling it backwards , didn't have the clutch in of course ? ! ? usually its impossible to move ! There is oil in the reservoir and its good quality 2T oil too ..... Thanks again guys Zircon