Everything posted by Zircon
General Tune-up and service
Damn I already offered to wash his jumper ! Looks like im stuffed !
General Tune-up and service
Oh , Right !
General Tune-up and service
Hi Im Jordan , been on here a few months now ! but still fairly new to biking ..... and sad to say it had my fair share of problems ! I've done allot of work myself and after a whole lot of time , money and graft its finally running ( and road legal ) ! However, I think its firing too early , there's a weird noise coming from the engine ( almost like a rattling noise ) this happens stationary and in neutral so im sure its not chain or gear box etc .... also the performance is piss poor ! Its struggles on the slightest of hills ! Iv finally made the decision to give her over to a mechanic to do a service/tune and to try and sort out the "pre-firing". I am new to this ! and after all im only 17 , and have done allot of work myself .... I was quoted £500 by one mechanic ! which I thought was ridiculous ! I was wondering if you guys could help me out and give me an estimate of how much this kinda work would cost .... I know some mechanics take advantage of niavity and will charge more for un-necessary work ! Thanks again guys Zircon
Loose chains are dangerous , Very dangerous
Im not sure what caused my chain to come so loose so quickly ?!?! Was tightened up about 3 weeks ago :\ Now it has about 4-5 inches of movement Ride it like you stole it <----- i love that!
Loose chains are dangerous , Very dangerous
Coming to think of I did have boots on ! however would stop my lovely brand new fairing from being scratched to pieces ! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150293597845080&set=a.10150178745055080.419596.704075079
Loose chains are dangerous , Very dangerous
Ahhh thats savage :S poor guy Im guessing proper leather boots would offer some sort of protection against things like that ?
Loose chains are dangerous , Very dangerous
Okay so im quite new to biking been, on my TZR for about 6 months Just got it back on the road yesterday and with all the excitement neglected to do some checks ( yes I know .... I'm an idiot ) The chain was so loose im guessing it caught on something .... but the back wheel locked up completely and i skidded around 30m down the road with the back end right out to the side...... Managed to stay on her .... luckily but definitely given me the shock i need !
My TZR splutters and dies !
It was spluttering before cleaning the filter , that's why I cleaned it , i cleaned it by flushing hot water through it , before drying it, hoovering it and cleaning it with Carb cleaner Its a 21mm K&N style cone air filter if that helps, I cant say I did oil it before refitting it, but i never have really , just tightened it up really tight ! She still splutters when warm , not as much , but still very noticeable ! Hope this helps Jordan
My TZR splutters and dies !
Okay just checked the float bowl , the drain screw was really tight, so I drained it and flushed it through with a bit of fuel. Its helped partially, she runs fine with the choke on ( still splutters with the choke off ) and there is a massive drop in performance ! Before posting on here I gave the air filter a good clean , so do you think it could be the air fuel mixture ? Worth up jetting ? Thanks again oldgitonabike This isn't the first time you've pointed me in the right direction Jordan
My TZR splutters and dies !
Hi guys , I have been here a while now , and have had loads of help too ! I have a 2004 TZR 50 and have had her on the road about a month now ( after a whole load of problems ) ! To start with she would bog down and splutter at around 6500 rpm , but after around 1-2 seconds it would carry on to rev up . This problem slowly got worse over time , until now she intermittently cuts out while riding (with the choke off) . If I put the choke on she'll regain power again and rev freely again and run fine , however after around 5-10 seconds she will die completely and refuse to run at all ....unless I take the choke off, after a further 5-10 seconds im back to the same spluttering problem :\ ?!?! How bizarre so she will run with the choke and with out the choke , but also die with the choke and without the choke ? Any help would be vastly appreciated Thanks Again Jordan
AJSUTTON - Absolute crap !
Hmm this is true , however maybe they could improve by informing me of the wait however after some further research I found the myscooterparts.co.uk Free next day delivery ! bargain . Whilst were on the subject of exhausts ..... do you think im gonna need to upjet with a new sports exhaust ? Thanks Again guys Jordan
AJSUTTON - Absolute crap !
Hi iv posted a few times on here requesting help on my TZR 50 , after finally getting to the route of the problem Im let down by AJ Sutton Thought id share this with you guys to avoid it happening to you ! I recently bought an exhaust from this company , and after 2 days they contacted me and 10pm informing me it would be with me by the end of September ?!?! I was wondering if any of you guys have had similar problems ?
TZR50 splutters after 7000rpm. Help!!!
Hey guys , I told you that I'd tell you when i got to the bottom of this ! I was told to take a look at the exhaust pipe by a neighbour , turns out it was blocked ( as in nothing would pass through ) So iv taken this opportunity to buy a sports exhaust , Thanks for all the help guys really appreciated it Thanks again Jordan
TZR50 splutters after 7000rpm. Help!!!
I live in Frome , just south of bath , so about 45 mins from Bristol, however being bike less I may have to post it ! I suppose 2 stroke engines are all the same really Ill let a mechanic have a look and if he can sort it for a fair price ill let them sort it , if not ill have to look into an ultrasonic bath ! Cheers guys , ill keep you updated ! Jordan
TZR50 splutters after 7000rpm. Help!!!
Ive tried running her without an air box , which made no difference the spark plug is black in the end and there is a black fluid on the thread too , im guessing she's running too rich , but I don't think this would have made such a sudden and dramatic affect :\ Thanks again Jordan
TZR50 splutters after 7000rpm. Help!!!
TZR50 splutters after 7000rpm. Help!!!
TZR50 splutters after 7000rpm. Help!!!
I took the whole carb out yesterday and gave a thorough cleaning , however to no avail ! However the bike seems to sound like its being strangled in some way or another , the choke doesn't seem to be sticking at all , so I wonder if it could be a problem with the exhaust ? thanks for the comments guys , I will get to the bottom of this ..... Eventually !
TZR50 splutters after 7000rpm. Help!!!
Aha maybe a fish :L hope not though ! damn its getting on my nerves though !
TZR50 splutters after 7000rpm. Help!!!
Hey ive got a 2004 Tzr and have a "few" problems with it wonder if you guys could help ? I had a similar problem to this , apart from my TZR wont rev above 5000rpm at all This happened after filling up at BP qnd it ran fine for around 5-10 miles before going round a roundabout it died and would rev above 7000rpm , its been slowly dropping since ;( Cheers , Jordan
TZR 50 wont rev
Okay after looking at the carb , i can almost guarantee its not that. Everything is fine and is just how it should be ! Ive been told this problem could be caused by a fault with the power valve , i have no idea if i have a power valve or even where to start looking ?!?! Any help and or pointers in the right direction would be appreciated , Many thanks again , Jordan :)
- TZR 50 wont rev
TZR 50 wont rev
This might sound like a stupid question ,but how do i take out the throttle cable ? Everything else is "do-able". Is the throttle cable sprung ? Many thanks Jordan
Weird clutch problem. Help?
I had a similiar problem to this , the throttle cable was frayed on the inside of the rubber sleeve , and the metal from the cable was catching on the casing ... new throttle cable did the job Hope this helps Jordan
TZR 50 wont rev
Do you think its worth having the whole engine out and a full inspection ? ( I did try editing my last post but for some reason it doesn't work ) Many thanks Jordan