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  1. palanchou posted a post in a topic in Classics
    hi. ive rebuilt a dt50ccmx. putting a spark tester in the ht lead, kick her over, no sparks in the tester. turned the crank with a drill, sparks galore. its as if the kick starter does not turn her over fast enough. any ideas please, bill.
  2. palanchou replied to palanchou's post in a topic in Classics
    thanks cynic, couple of good ideas to try, thanks again bj.
  3. palanchou replied to palanchou's post in a topic in Classics
    thanks cynic for replying. ive had problems getting a consistent spark, since i built the bike. so, i thought i would start from basics. replaced ig. coil, points & capacitor. removed plug ,& ngk resistor plug cap. then i set the plug wire 6mm from head bolt 6 kick starts only 4 sparks. put the plug back in the head, not connected to plug wire, kicked her over 6 more times, not a spark in sight. bj.
  4. palanchou posted a post in a topic in Classics
    hi, just rebuilt this bike, problems with ignition.ive replaced ignition coil, points, condencer.. and re wired.now i get4 out of 6 sparks.this is with the ht. wire 6 mm. from head bolt. screwed plug in, not connected to ht coil.kicked her over. not a spark at all. any genius out there.thanks for any help bj.
  5. palanchou replied to palanchou's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    thanks airhead, no plug not connected to ignition coil lead, plug screwed into cyl. head, no spark what so ever thanks bj.
  6. palanchou posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    thanks airhead, yes i have an haynes. today put ht lead 6mm from head bolt, great spark. screwed in plug, not connected to ht. lead, not a spark in site????????? any clues greatly appreciated bj.
  7. palanchou replied to palanchou's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    thanks airhead, new capacitor& plug fitted, no joy took cap. out of the circuit, same result, thanks for all your help, b j.
  8. palanchou replied to palanchou's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    good morning,thanks blackchat &airhead for replying.got my haynes & multimeter.new points, new ig.coil. new wire from mag.resistance of mag coil ok. removed plug & ngk resistor plug cap . set ig. plug cable 6mm from cylinder, 4 out of 6 sparks only. thanks again. bj.
  9. palanchou posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi. having problems with a intermittent weak spark.set plug lead 6 mm. from cyl. head, great spark, suspect ngk resistor plug cap. put plug only finger tight in head, kicked her over, no spark. can anyone help me, thanks bj.
  10. airhead, thanks for prompt reply,confirmed my theory. thanks again bj.
  11. hi , ive got a very intermittent spark on the plug.reading several articles on the subject, the ht. coil gets the initial power from the 6 volt battery.looking at the circuit, i can,t see how the 6 volts gets to the ht. coil, thanks for any help b.j.
  12. hi,having had a rebore, newpiston and rings, i have pressure tested the crank case, ok. new gaskets all round. tested every gasket and joint with soapy bubbles, compression test still struggles to make 100 psi. any new ideas please?thanks once again bill johnson.
  13. palanchou replied to palanchou's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    thanks for the reply, as far as i know, these are the original seals. thanks again . bill johnson.
  14. palanchou posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi, im fitting new oil seals on the crank shaft of my dt 50 cc. mx. clutch side. i have been told the spring side goes inside, but the seal ive got has a spring on both sides? any help much appreciated. bill johnson.
  15. palanchou posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi, had a rebore oversize new piston and rings, new gaskets, can not start her. compression still down. has any one ran new rings in by driving the crank with a drill.....yamaha dt 50 cc. thanks again, bill j.