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  1. kwakerz posted a post in a topic in General
    Howdy to ya yammi lot,, I'v just found an joined hoping for a little help with mi tzr,, its a bit ill and could do with some help! lol if anyone knows of where i could get hold of the loom or black boxes, as i'm not getting a spark and i'v been through everything,, It's been a great runner till tother day, it started fine but once i put it in gear it stopped,, I checked stand switch, neutral switch, it started then would just stop once in gear!! all fuses were fine,, checked ignition, a mate of mine tryed to help by putting a power in to what he thought was power on the ignition, only it was earth! something went pop! no smoke no burning smells just a POP! I can only assume it was one of the black boxes as theres no spark, not from the ht, or from the wires to the coil,, any help much appreciated