Virago XV 125 CDI Unit repair
Great write up mate. Thanks for posting this and is such detail.
Riding a XVS 125 Dragstar
Your guy at the cruiser workshop is right. The SVS 125 engine is noisy. Mine is. I know exactly what you mean and can be very off putting when you ride long distances. Two 8 mm holes on each exhaust helps to take your mind away from the engine noise lol. Search here for a topic regarding alterations to front and back sprockets if you want to make your bike smother. I did it and believe me was the best improvement I did on my bike
forward controls for xvs 125
Thanks for the link mate
forward controls for xvs 125
Please mate no need to put 3 ??? on a question I can read the first one. Its not a question of footpegs its a question of riding position and although I'm only 5'9 I fancy forward controls. Thats all. My thread was a straight forward question for a possible straight forward answer. Just asked for a possible link Regarding your invitation for the protest tomorrow. Sorry mate I can't make it.
forward controls for xvs 125
Thanks mate. You got a point there. And I appreciate your opinion. I plan to keep this bike for a few years. I'm not on L plates and could get a bigger bike if I trade this one but like you, I live in London and and this bike is just ideal. Not to mention that my son will be 16 tomorrow LOL.
forward controls for xvs 125
Does anyone know where to get some bolt-on forward controls for a xvs 125? This is the kind of thing I'm looking for:
xvs 125 do highway hawk fit??
Bear in mind that the plate is convex so you need to start with a 3mm bit just to get the first hole. I did two 3mm holes in each exhaust and then increased to 6 mm. A month later I increased each hole to 8mm and I'm planing a third 6 mm on each exhaust. Two 8mm holes in each exhaust is not that loud at all when idling, just deeper sound. At full throttle still quieter than a 2 stroke but nicer.
Riding XV125 in heavy rains and flooded roads
Try TRANSIL is American made and is the same wwd 40. I'm sure is avaiable there.
Xmas Toy Run - Sunday 12th December
If you go PM me maybe we can ride together to the Ace. I'm in Finsbury Park area. Thanks mate
Xmas Toy Run - Sunday 12th December
I'm doing this one and I was wondering if someone wants to join me. http://londonbikers....as-runs-details If you are interested in joining please send me a PM
Christmas Charity Events
I'm doing this one and I was wondering if someone wants to join me. http://londonbikers.com/news/16381/ace-cafe-xmas-runs-details If you are interested in joining please send me a PM
final gear ratio's
final gear ratio's
Dry weight Paul http://www.bikez.com/motorcycles/yamaha_xvs_125_dragstar_2004.php
final gear ratio's
Hi Paul is the cbr engine from a Honda? Anyway the terrain in the the UK is much more flat compare to other regions of Europe or the world. If you were an Albanian or Swiss rider things could be different but as a cruiser in this country I would go for 2 up at the front an 3 down at the back. As you know I did mine 2 up (front) 2 down (back) but I will go for 3 down back if I had to do it all over again. Just an opinion mate.
100 jet
The part number for the 100 jet is 004-285 from MC Motocarb. Call Steve on 0151 238 4170. I hope it helps
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