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  1. On June 17th 2007 I will be taking part in the London to Brighton Bike Ride to help raise money for the British Heart Foundation. Every year, thousands of people die prematurely from heart disease. It remains the UK's single biggest killer and for the increasing number that survive, life can be frightening and hard. The Bike Ride is 54 miles long and will take me from Clapham Common in London, to Brighton Sea Front. I have been doing alot of training after work to get myself ready for this and I will tell you now its not going to be easy. That part of it I can handle myself though. What I do need help with is raising sponsorship money! So if anyone could spare a little cash for a really good cause I would be grateful. Here is the address you can go to to sponsor me and please try and remember to tick the GIFT AID box when making your donation so the British Heart Foundation can claim the TAX back on your donation. This doesnt cost you any extra and all it takes is one more click of your mouse! www.bhf.org.uk/sponsor/smonty862000 Feel free to check back on the site every once in a while to see how i'm getting on. If anyone has any questions about the ride feel free to Pm me and I will try and answer as soon as I can. Thanks for reading. Smonty862000 (Sammo)
  2. smonty862000 posted a post in a topic in Yamabyss
    http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/frosty Bout time too!
  3. smonty862000 posted a post in a topic in General
    Just thought I would introduce myself. I'm Sam. I'm 20 and I cant wait till i'm 21 so I can take my big bike test lol! I'm looking to get a R6 as a first bike. Any yays and nays on this would be helpful. So HI everyone. Sam
  4. smonty862000 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Just thought I would introduce myself. I'm Sam. I'm 20 and I cant wait till i'm 21 so I can take my big bike test lol! I'm looking to get a R6 as a first bike. Any yays and nays on this would be helpful. So HI everyone. Sam