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  1. Its an '01 DT-R and judging by the state of the downpipe, the DEP has been on there a long long time, so i doubt the restriction in the original was ever removed. Dont you have to cut it open to remove it though? James
  2. Yeah, its screwed anyways, so if it has to be binned, its not the end of the world. I've just stuck the original downpipe back on and kept the DEP silencer on for now. This thing is slow as hell now, didnt realise how much the DEP was helping it along. Roll on the new bike! James
  3. I'll take a picture later, but the split is right on the seam, and its only narrow, but obivously will get bigger with use. I have the original exhaust so ill probably swap it out so i dont do anymore damage for now, but it sucks to be robbing my DT of what little performance it has! James
  4. Hey folks, My DT125 has sounded pretty weird for the last couple of days and this morning it was a nice smoky 2-stroke start and i noticed smoking coming out from underneath the bike. Turns out theres a split in my DEP downpipe which was already fairly corroded (thanks to the previous owner, rather than me). So what can I do? Its a split rather than a hole, so can it be welded? Or is that not possible if its rusted? Dont really want to have to buy a new downpipe because that'd be over 150 quid! Cheers guys! James