Everything posted by stealth94
1986 FZ6 track bike
Know anything about brake pads? I was looking at some on denniskirk but it says dont put these on unless your bike already had them. How do ik if my bike has had sintered or not? https://www.denniskirk.com/dp-brakes/dp-sport-hh-supersport-sintered-brake-pads.p195534.prd/193908.sku
AGV 2 piece suit
Anyone buy agv 2 piece suit? I never bought a suit before and I don't want to get one that'll be to big or small. The AGV size chart sats i should get 44 or 46 because i'm 5'10" and 158lbs athletic (No beer gut). Was curious how on the dot the chart was and if i should get a 44 or 46. Thanks for the help Chart: http://www.indysuperbike.com/images/Sizing/agv.html Suit: http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/1/1/42/29847/ITEM/AGV-Sport-Palomar-Two-Piece-Leather-Suit.aspx
1986 FZ6 track bike
Not soon enough, hoping for a few races/track days this year haha. Would going from stock to progressive springs have an advantage?? https://www.denniskirk.com/progressive-suspension/fork-springs.p58973.prd/58968.sku
1986 FZ6 track bike
Thank ya much good sir. Doesnt say anything about stage 7's though eh?
1986 FZ6 track bike
Hello there, I'm pretty new to the motorcycle build/rebuilding scene and i was just wondering if anyone out there had some knowledge on the 1986 FZ6. I've been riding for like 6 years now however i never really had the chance of tearing down and rebuilding a bike till now. Current project is making a 1986 FZ6 into a track bike for some of the local tracks in Wisconsin, till i get some experience and then upgrading later down the road. I got it free, it is missing quite a few peices (none too essential like plastics) but it does had a wire mess going on. It also has stage 7 jets and a kerker header with no can. If anyone has any tips on building one of these guys up i'd love to hear it. And if there are any easy swaps that may increase performance that'd be pretty awesome as well. Thank you Oh and does anyone know the stock length of the fork springs?
1982 yamaha seca xs400 questions
Alrighty i'll give that a try thanks. So would the exhaust i have work for the bigger jets, and k&N or prob not. If not what exhaust should i get? and what size you recommend (exact size or how many sizes over should i go) Thanks again
1982 yamaha seca xs400 questions
XS650 carb and exhaust fit on the 400?? Yeah if i found bigger jets i was going to get a K&N or other high flow filter. and the person i bought it from had thrown a screw driver through the end on the exhaust (6 times on both sides to be exact) so would that be enough? what number jet should i get?
1982 yamaha seca xs400 questions
Yeah it looks like the second one. Sorry I should of put up a picture. Thanks for the help, I got a few of the parts just looking for cheaper side panels and brake resevoir, but i'll check out that page for sure. No idea about the bigger jet kits though eh?
1982 yamaha seca xs400 questions
My name is Mike I live in Wisconsin of the United States So i have recently (4 years ago) come into possession of a 1982 yamaha seca xs400 chain drive, its a very fun bike, needs some tlc but otherwise very nice. I was wondering how do you find out the exact model. i went onto bikebandit.com to buy some parts and they asked me if it was a xs400j or xs400sj and some other sites asked if it was xs400r. I have no idea what the differnece is, so i was looking to you professionals for help. Also do they make some sort of larger jet kit for this bike to give a little more pep. Or can larger jets or whole carbs from another bike be substituted in? Or is there any other way to make the bike a little more peppy, with out switching out sprokets? Thanks for all and any help you provide Cheers