Everything posted by Dt_pete
Dt125 R running to rich?
Cheers vez there is something similer on my bike, i shall look into it. Becuase the engine turns over fine when idle but as soon as u rev it ove 5-6000 revs it floods n the spark plus is covered in oil and petrol ive had many people look at it but no one can seem to solve it ..
Dt125 R running to rich?
Another thing guys do you kno where the oil injection adjustment is? I think its putting in too much oil aswell, cheers
Dt125 R running to rich?
Ok cheers dude cause it was on the first one at the bottom, and only moved it up one knotch yesterday thinking it would be enough but obviously not. Everything is still standard on it except for the exhaust. Looks like i'll have to set it at the top of the needle then lol
Dt125 R running to rich?
Hi guys, new here so i dnt kno if if posted this in the right place :/ Anyway i have an 03 plate dt125 r and i am havin problems getting the bike going, it starts up fine and i let it run for abit then as soon as i pull of it seems to over fuel and stalls on me. Jus want to know what knotch on the needle in the carb should it be on? And the correct positiong of the mixture screw. Cheers pete..
Dt 125 indicator help
Hi guys having abit of trouble with my indicators on my dt125 r, i bought replacement LED's indicators ( dont you just hate the originals) i connected them together yesterday and when i turn them on, All of them just stay on, but not very bright. Have i blown a fuse or damaged the circuit? Do i need to buy a converter or anything? Cheers dudes
changing cluctch cover gasket
sorry it is the clutch cover gasket on the right hand side by the kick start.. cheers
changing cluctch cover gasket
hi guys, have any of you got any tips on replacing a gasket on a dt 125 r 03 plate?? first time ive had to do this and any help would be great! i had oil seeping through the top of the casing had to push it a couple of miles home LOL cheers pete...
Oil seeping through top of crankcase (center gasket)
Ok thanks very much dude, you've been a great help Will look into it abit futher. Thanks for the replies. Pete ..
Oil seeping through top of crankcase (center gasket)
Yea i can see what your saying by there being too much oil but in the little window it is only half full. Or doesnt that matter ?? Also if it were to be a seal or such, what would it be called if i were to go into a dealership and ask for the part?? Cheers
Oil seeping through top of crankcase (center gasket)
Hi sorry its on the righthand side of the bike just by the kick start. Yea theres plenty of oil in there. I wiped it with a cloth where i thort it was coming out of. When i kick started it you can see it coming out from between the two cases. Quite alot aswell!
Oil seeping through top of crankcase (center gasket)
Hi i was driving to sainsburys last nite to get some munch, pulled up outside and seen oil pouring out of my dt 125r later found out that it was coming from the top of the crankcase, from where the cases both meet. How did this happen and how can it be prevented? New seals or something Cheers guys
My dt lost power while driving
Hi guys found out what it was!! Only something simple as a spark plug and abit of tuning on the carb. Jus made me panic though. Cheers anyway!! Love the site
My dt lost power while driving
Hi guys, im new here, yesterday i was driving home from work and all of a sudden the bike jus seemed to die, as if it was losing revs radpidly, wen i tried reving it it sounded like it was struggling to tic over and as if it was flooded, so i turned it off, left it a few minutes and tried agen, but still the same. Im not quite sure but i think i touched the clutch leaver up while i was driving without the clutch in, not sure if that would make a difference or not. How ever i changed the 2 stroke oil a few days before. But other than that i dont know what it could be. Wondering if any of you guys would know cheers, by the way its a dt125 r on a 03 plate 4k on the clock. Cheers ppl... pete...