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  1. Lazarus replied to Goff's post in a topic in General
    Nice photos Goff. makes a change for the pish weather to be down there - this weekend up here in Sunny Scotland it was, well, Sunny - I even had Leviathan out for a wee run aboot-the-kingdom. BTW, I'm not stalking you, I've been here for aaaages honest (well since August 06 anyways!). Laz (aka Tant - CBR6 forum)
  2. Lazarus replied to moxy's post in a topic in Naked
    Have you tried LOS Crash Protection? They are a small outfit (husband & wife team) based in Nottinghamshire, that can custom machine crash bungs for any motorcycle as long as you can either provide them with suitable dimensions/diagram or, if it's a first-of-type, maybe pop along have them measured up and use your bike as a template for others. I had a set of frame bungs machined for my MT-01 and now they are featured in the LOS store on eBay! Well worth a call IMO. For info: Below is a photo of the frame bung machined for my MT-01. HTH.