Hi all,
I have a 1980 Chappy LB50 with 3500 miles on it.
The bike runs good and idles fine. MY issue is that when I run it at open throttle it will run fine for 200 yards or so, reaching 25-27mph then the engine looses power, speed drops to 22mph or so. the engine feels like it has no fuel, it will drop RPM then PICK up again, DRoP and pickup. If I slow down and let the engine idle then go open throttle, it will again GO strong for 200 yards then do the same thing.
A little background. This bike was running fine a few weeks ago but it had a problem were it would dump all the fuel out the air filter when left parked in the garage. I go the idea that maybe the float was not set correctly, I took the carb completely apart, clean it and assembled it using the same gaskets and a little silicone around these 30 year old gaskets for a better seal. I can't seem to find a carb kit for these bike anywhere. anyways I moved the float a little so it would close earlier. Do you think I went too far and now the bike is starving of gas? Seems logical.
Can anyone help with the correct carb settings? as far as float adjusting?
Thanks in advance.