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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. Just ran across this Photoshopped beaut on another bike forum I visit ocassionally :wink: I thought the guy responsible for this, did a pretty fair job in the Realism Dept. :wink: ......What an Awesome looking Machine 8)
  2. I think that is Gary McCoy.....if memory serves me correct......Laconi didn't join that squad till the following year :wink: Nakano on the end, looks like a little kid there
  3. Ace pic Beez! 8) Is that Corser on one of the Red Bull Bikes?......Musta been the '99 season :wink: ...... I think the other Red bull rider is Laconi
  4. That's F*ckin RUDE! :puke I think the Ill effects of being in the BY too long, are showing through :roll:
  5. Cool! 8) Big DualSports would be fun to have a go on :wink:
  6. Guilty on BOTH counts :oops:
  7. YamaHead

    Take the MAN quiz..

    I was thinkin' "C" on most of those :wink: Like No. 9 in particular
  8. YamaHead

    Dear moderators

    Finally got tired of the Hip-Wader deep BS over in the BackYard I see :wink: & the best part here is........NO Ardon! :wink:
  9. ......with FUN written all over it 8) Bikes like this really get me thinkin' of getting myself a DualSport :wink:
  10. Q) How do you tell if your house was framed by a crew of Lesbians? :shock: A) There's NO studs!....It's ALL Tongue & Groove
  11. Amazing what a little soap & water can do, huh? Not a bad deal for only 100 bucks 8) I used to ride this Everyday for 13 years...... But after having some rides with a friend on his '75 RD250, I decided I MUST have a stroker for the road! :wink: ......I could only reel him in on the straights, but he'd flat leave me in the twisties :shock: So I bought this back in '96...... I've never had so much fun riding any bike, as I have with this one :wink: Every bit as fast as the old Seca, up to about 100mph.....& the handling....let's just say it makes the Seca feel like a DUMPTRUCK :shock:
  12. YamaHead

    Disfunctional joke

    :roll: Was I supposed to laugh?
  13. YamaHead

    Seal Bounce

    Scored a 292.something in height.......can't remember how many times he bounced though
  14. Noticed you over @ the AC RD forum earlier 8) ......that's as good as place as any to get all sorts of tuning advice....those guys have helped me out quite a bit over the years :wink: I too, hope to employ the Y-boot set-up this winter on my 400....after I rebuild the brake calipers. If you get the chance, post a pic of your R5 sometime....love to have a look @ it 8)
  15. Do you have the stock airbox on it?.....or aftermarket filters? Sounds like the main jets might be too big.....but I'm not quite sure :? We'll have to get LC to post his view on this.....he might be able to shed some light on the subject :wink: When you get the cash saved up, go for a Newtronics Electronic Ignition.....got 1 in my RD400 & it works great! 8)
  16. Yeah, that DumbSh*t was probably too busy seeing if he could get in front of that TV camera, than looking out for the Van that hit him :roll:
  17. YamaHead

    2005 R1

    Very Trick R1 there Jan 8) ......me likes! :wink:
  18. YamaHead

    fzr 250?

    Maybe not much of a market for 'em? :? Those 250's are pretty cool though :wink:
  19. Just be glad you didn't buy your R1 along with your appliances :wink:
  20. Typical Tin-Box jockey NOT paying attention :roll: #-o
  21. YamaHead

    Dear moderators

    That's a title reserved for the Elite & has to be EARNED :roll:
  22. :hi to the Forum Black Dog Those BullDogs are pretty cool from what I've heard 8) Aren't they powered by a RoadStar motor?..........can't recall :dunno
  23. @ fazer6 The person who wrote that, When they handed out brains- he thought they said Train, & took a vacation! ........What a KnumbSkull :roll:
  24. I've always thought the very same thing, Del
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