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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. YamaHead

    2006 R6

    No tellin' how much of a Bitch that would be if 1 of those Dowells snapped off!
  2. She's gotta Air Out those Melons sometime!
  3. YamaHead


    You can Never know too many good Carb Guru's!
  4. YamaHead


    A Worthy idea it is too Ross It's good to remeber the past as we head into the future
  5. Stiff Upper Lip & all that Impressive Rider he is!
  6. YamaHead

    Hi all

    to the Forum Mark! Sweet Genesis you've got there!
  7. Yeah......I used to blast the XT through a large tunnel every morning @ 4:30 am.... Great Mechanical Music to wake up to
  8. to the Forum Bluebell Always nice to see more new members
  9. YamaHead

    2006 R6

    Reminds me of the Boss's Fix for those arrogant ArseHole customers, @ the bike shop I used to work for..... When a full service was on the work order in these instances......We'd just top off the tank with some 114 octane Race Fuel & then Armour-All the seat up good & proper! Customer would come back after a test run, telling us that's the best their bike had ever run!
  10. YamaHead

    2006 R6

    That's a Sweet Lookin' Ride! Interesting new exhaust route
  11. The Reincarnation of the DT-Meister ......would make for some great posting material!
  12. Yep.....the symptom of High idling is often times due to air leaks. JimJam is right on top of it.
  13. It kinda sucks that tobacco sponsors seem to be the only companies with deep enough pockets to support a GP race team. Too bad it can't be more like NASCAR, where you see everything from soap to Viagra for financial backing!
  14. You need your YZF back Alex.......then that pic woulda been nothing but a Yama-Blur!
  15. Yamaha has signed Rossi and Edwards, but has no sponsor for 2006. In spite of winning the title for two years in a row, an extraordinary tangle caused by owing so much to Rossi that his conditions were accepted at the expense of the factory team’s major sponsor. Unless Rossi agrees to ride under Gauloises colors, Altadis will withdraw both Gauloises and Fortuna sponsorship from the premier class and may take legal action against Yamaha. Altadis believes that having Rossi listed as a rider on a “satellite team” in 2006 outside the Gauloises-Yamaha sponsorship agreement constitutes a violation of the spirit of the Altadis-Yamaha contract for Gauloises sponsorship for 2006. Altadis signed at the end of 2004 a two-year contract with Yamaha with the understanding, they say, that if Rossi renewed his agreement with Yamaha for 2006 he would be included in the factory team. Rossi did sign, but demanded the right to run a parallel team without tobacco sponsorship. At present there is no sponsor for this “satellite team” while Altadis and Yamaha hold urgent meetings to avert a lawsuit with an uncertain but potentially expensive (for Yamaha) outcome. *Courtesy of Dennis Noyes @ SPEED Channel
  16. YamaHead

    Moto GP

    Gotta agree Fred ......although 2nd place wasn't bad for his 1st time there Seeing how he & Colin get on so well, I'll bet he's tapped into Edwards' knowledge of all the "Secret" lines around Laguna
  17. Now there's a True biker with a True cause! Nice Work Fred! .......hopefully some of those punters will actually post something! What a concept, eh? BTW.....I really like what you've turned Keef's old steed into.......(R1-Z project)
  18. YamaHead


    Welcome to the Nut House both of you! We could definitely use some fresh input around here
  19. Sweet EXUP there! BTW..... to the Forum!
  20. YamaHead

    New member

    Too Often the case......
  21. Definitely an Exceptional Champion In his own words...... “I am very happy with this championship. I know I gave more than 100% today, and we had a lot of problems this weekend. This morning I wasn’t sure if I could fight for the podium! After the start I stayed calm as some riders made some mistakes, and I was able wait for things to clear. Step-by-step and metre-by-metre I moved through the pack and I used every second of the race. I got to third behind Nicky and I thought I could fight because the bike was feeling okay and I knew that Nicky was having some of the same problems as me. Eventually I passed him and caught up to Loris and at some places I was faster, some slower. I passed him but when he passed me back I knew that he had been playing with me, like a cat with a mouse, because in the last seven laps he changed gear and I couldn’t stay with him, he was incredible! “This morning in the warm-up we made some changes and found a better set-up. Michelin worked really hard to give us a competitive package for the race and this showed, because it was a great improvement compared to yesterday. “I am World Champion for the seventh time and it’s a great feeling. It’s been great to come back from the bad result at Motegi last week and do so well; we had a good race today. This title is not just down to me but to everybody involved; Jeremy Burgess, all my mechanics, all the Yamaha engineers and all the people on the management side, including Davide Brivio. “Today I put the number 7 on my t-shirt because this is the number of my championships but also because it was the number of Barry Sheene, who was a great hero of mine and a truly great racer. The celebration with my fan club, dressed as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, was just a bit of fun to celebrate the seven titles, and also because I always liked the story as a child! Now I am going back to Italy for a couple of days but we are also going to have a little party here – I have my mother and some of my best friends from Italy to help me celebrate! “This year Yamaha has worked so hard again to give me the bike I need. At the start of the year we had some problems with the M1, but then we found the right way forward and the bike started to fly. The M1 has been great fun to race this year. Last year was a surprise to win but this time everyone was ready for me and I was the target. It has been a great achievement to beat all my rivals this year, because they have been very strong. “I think for me the race at Mugello was the biggest emotion of the season, because it was in front of my home fans. Every year there is a different story to the championship, and this year has been a hard battle. The emotion to win a seventh world championship is difficult to explain. The first is like a dream, the second unbelievable; there are just no words to describe the seventh! The feeling is different to when I won the 125cc and 250cc titles, but just as good! “Racing with Yamaha gives me a great taste and a great motivation to win; these last two championships have been two of the best.” Best part is he'll be back in '06 to do it again!
  22. YamaHead


    A constantly clean, low mileage Bike is defintely a sign of a Namby-Pamby Rider!
  23. YamaHead

    for fuck sake

    Not too many of those type left Pete Time for a new Genre' to pick on
  24. YamaHead

    Yamaha FZR 150

    Like the looks of that Sameera! ....hard to believe it's only a 150!.....Looks to be @ least a 400. I bet it handles well......How much does it weigh?
  25. YamaHead

    Yamaha FZR 150

    to the Forum Sameera An FZR 150?.....sounds pretty cool!.......got any pics of it?
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