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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. It never fails that the 1 day you were hoping to be pleasant Weatherwise…..turns out to be a bit on the soggy side ….. Oh well, I was still up for making the best of it. I found that the bigger Fir tree’s along the infamous “HeartBreak Hill” , provided some ample protection from the rain as well as a better view point. After seeing current Pro’s run here before……I was kinda amazed how quick some the faster riders made it up this hill ….. There definitely was a nice collection of Vintage Iron that showed up….. A Tidy looking Husky…. I like the Black rims & chrome pipe on this old Elsie…. What a cool addition to the UAV product line! ….. When was the last time you seen 1 of these? …. Typical scene down all of the parking aisle’s in the Pits today….. & What a Right Proper DirtBike is supposed to look like! ….
  2. My oldest lad did that once with an SR250 I once had.... Running that way isn't as near as bad as when you shut it off......then the exhaust valves cool off too fast & CRACK! Then it wouldn't run @ all! Had to pull the head & lap the valves & re-assemble before I could get it to cough to life again. Ahhhhhh....the Joys of Parenthood!
  3. to the forum Johann If you're talking 400 Seca's.....you're speaking my lingo! 1 of 13 past Yamaha's that truly wish I still had! ..... Don't know how much this'll help, but THIS source has been great for getting factory parts for much less than most dealers I've found
  4. Must be the season for fair deals .........GOOD-DEAL
  5. Nice scores both of you! Speaking of Craigslist.....I bought this for my boy's 9th birthday last year.....for only $400 My old Beast is up for sale as well on Craigs.......looks like my partner I sold it to, is now trying to part ways with it HERE
  6. It's an Awesome course Booz! Especially when watching these 2 go @ it .....
  7. Taking my little lad & my nephew to see some Vintage MX racing this Sunday. Can't wait!.......This track is so cool! ....... They hold a AMA National every August here....& a good mate of mine is actually good friends with the track owners......so might just get to see that event for FREE again....if I'm lucky.
  8. YamaHead

    XS 400 CUSTOM

    If it looks like this ...... It's NO accident! Came that way from the factory.
  9. XS's & RD's do share similar frames & other components. I bet it wouldn't take too much modding to get a 350 motor to fit into an XS360 frame.
  10. Sounds to me like you might have a vacuum leak somewhere. Which makes 'em hard to start & also get smokin' hot after a short period.....NOT good on pistons! Possibly a head or base gasket could be the culprit.
  11. YamaHead


    I started off that way with my 1st XJ......only I paid $200 for a box of bits A few months & another 500bux later, I was riding her everyday....did that for 13 years before I sold it with over 130k on the clock. This is what the finished product looked like..... So you're miles ahead already with a complete bike for NO initial cost....good score!
  12. The vertical rotating rod that's inside the clutch cover, has a flat side on the end near the clutch hub.... Sounds like you might have that flat side pointing away from the hub....thus not actuating the clutch assembly correctly. Drain the oil....pull the clutch cover off & rotate that rod so the flat side on that end is pointing towards the clutch hub. Reassemble & then adjust the cable for proper feel. Hope this helps
  13. The vertical rotating rod that actuates the clutch assembly through the top of the clutch cover has a flat side to it on the internal end where it meets the clutch hub. Sounds like you might have that rotating rod pointing the wrong direction so the flat side is pointing away from the hub? Maybe post your question HERE......they seem pretty knowledgable.
  14. It's not very difficult to do @ all......IF you have a set of vacuum guages....or what is also referred to as a set of Carb Styx....(popualr brand-name) Once these are hooked up to each vacuum port on your intake boots.....then from idle up to around 3k rpm, the carbs are adjusted so they're all pulling the same vacuum levels....by turning the sychronizing screws located between each carb @ the linkage. I'll try & get a pic up of mine so you'll know what you're after.
  15. YamaHead

    1973?? DT 125?

    I used to have a '73 DT125...but mine had a high front fender, a slip-on silencer that routed behind the shock.... an electric starter ...& the Enduro badge on the left side panel. Could these be the subtle differences between the AT3 & the DT that year? Great little bike though.......got it to do 75mph once down a deserted road along the beach... which I didn't think was too bad for it's age. BTW..... to the forum guys!
  16. Fortunately......not all of it is Nice score there Baz ..... Is that a 750.....or a 600? .....Those years are hard to tell sometimes.
  17. 1st off...... to the forum Mike An easy fix is to bypass that kill switch @ the sidestand...... Could be just a dodgy switch causing you grief? Just unplug it & jumper the 2 wires together.......see if that possibly cures your prob.
  18. It takes Big Balls to show your face around here!! Only messin' with ya Booze Nice Ride .......Enjoy it & Keep a close eye on it mate.
  19. YamaHead


    to the forum Kenbo The only stupid questions are the one's that DON'T get asked. XJ's are a great place to start into the 2-wheel Yamaha realm. I've owned 4 of 'em myself.
  20. YamaHead

    Hi all

    to the forum Chris You're not the only 1 who resides in a Biker's paradise mate ...
  21. Could be a stator or pick-up coil down @ the crank. My XT had the same symptom until it finally gave up on the freeway one day on the way to work.
  22. Nice choice of ride to keep your LC company Stew I rode this '81 model Everyday, year-round for 13 years ......still miss it to this day But I miss my RD even more Best of luck finding one BTW.... to the forum
  23. Check your spark plug right after this power loss scenario......it can tell you alot Might be a iffy ignition component? ......that get's worse as it get's up to operating temps. That might be why the power seems restored after sitting for @ least 30 minutes to cool down.
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