Everything posted by YamaHead
If these Airbags are anything like the one's you see in cars.......they'll go off like a bomb when deployed. & more than likely cost a 2nd mortgage to get 'em re-packed. The day I quit riding is the day that some ridiculous governing body decides to require seat belts on a bike! Let's hope that day NEVER comes!
My 2008 R6
Sweet Ride there mate.
Cool bike fellow XT pilot. Is that an XT550 in the background of that last pic?.....I'd recognize that swingarm anywhere! Definitely looking to score a set of bars like yours......for my XT6 BTW.... to the forum
A 2-Wheel day of sorts....
Have ALWAYS liked these... My kinda Ride!.... We got there early enough that we'd seen our fill of it by noon.... But had a great time just the same.... I felt a Ride oppertunity slappin' me in the forehead here..... With such glorious weather, I just couldn't resist a spin on the SuMo6.... Wanted to see if I could get a pic from the same lakeside location as I did with the 550.... But alas, too many eyes around to be able to pull that off this time.... So, this was the best I could do legally ..... Here's a couple more from a little fishing hole on the other side of that road.... I'm about ready to comission the XT6 for full-time commuting duties.... Days like this make that choice a NO-Brainer
A 2-Wheel day of sorts....
Well, last Saturday......after attempting to retrieve my 16y/o nephew for a day of race spectating.....only to find out that I'd drove 50 miles outta my way, cuz he was off chasing his GF when I got there!..... Oh the days of youth & stupidity!..... The Lad & I finally ended up in a familiar area... The weather seemed as it was trying to cooperate.... & a few more from Woodland..... Be right back.....
Tinted visors - Whats the deal?
The tinted visor on my Arai is almost not quite dark enough for daytime use Although, the mirror finish visor on my older Shoei was just perfect......dark enough to not have to weare sunglasses.... & yet light enough to see well @ night.
Another newbie...
to the forum Bella
Well... here goes... Hi Everyone !!
to the forum Paul Cool!....another YamaThump pilot.
- Tyres
600 Divvy erratic idle
Definitely sounds like something a good carb cleaning could take care of ...... Don't forget to synch 'em when you're done......it DOES make a difference!
Weekend's Here....
Yep....seems like winter is already over in the PNW .......even the Ski conditions Suck @ the moment! Guess that's why I'm so stoked to go see some 2-Wheel action.
XS400 quit cranking
Definitely make sure your battery is sorted 1st..... Then move onto the fuses If symptoms persist.
Weekend's Here....
& I'm MORE than ready to get outta the office today! Taking my youngest boy & my nephew to see some of this 2moro ..... Memory stick is empty & fresh batteries in the camera......I'm ready! Looks like another 3 races until the end of the season in April.... http://www.siegecraftnw.com/VDR.htm So, what's everyone else got planned for the weekend?
wire locking
Looks great Drewps.... Reminds me of a few times where I helped my mate race-prep his FZ600 & RZ350.
xj600s tire choices
Those BT45's are an excellent alternative! 1 of the few tires left that fit RD's
xj600s tire choices
I used to run Metzeler's on my Seca's......until I found that Dunlop's have better feedback, wear longer & cost less.
xj600s tire choices
I used to run Metzeler's on my Seca's......until I found that Dunlop's have better feedback, wear just as long & cost less.
The bucket list
Visit Phillip Island & see a MotoGP race there..... Ski the Dolomites.
Who else rode through snow today?
Had my bout with the white stuff in December..... Sunny & clear here today!
new and need help !
to the forum Luke A YZF R125 would be a great choice if you ask me! Great on petrol.....& light enough to cut your teeth on (so 2 speak). Don't waste your time worrying about falling.....cuz TBH, it happens to even the best of us. Certainly wouldn't hurt to take a Motorcycle safety course if available, either. Just take your time.....ride @ your own level......& don't hesitate to ask questions when needed. Best of Luck mate
Organ donors?
From this side of the pond Steve..... I'm also an Anatomical Donor......or @ least that's what it says on my license.
- New bike
sr400/500 engine in sr185 frame - possible
1st of all........ to the forum Merkin More than likely, you'll have to modify the engine mounts....as the lower half of the 185 motor will be shorter in length than a 400/500 lump. The top mount could possibly be used as is.......most YamaThumps have a mounting point on top of the valve cover. Countershaft sprocket offset could also come into play here as well. Just use a tape measure, pen & paper @ 1st.......& measure EVERYTHING.
Parking for bikes?
When I used to work in downtown Portland......I parked in a parking garage with alot of designated spots for Motorcycles.... But then there's always some Yuppie Asshole that thinks he owns the whole garage & parks wherever he can stuff his Beemer. A fellow workmate/rider & I would take great joy @ the end of the day.....in setting off all the Yuppie's car alarms in 6 stories of garage....with just the exhaust note of our bikes! Like the sticker on my helmet @ that time read: DIE YUPPIE SCUM! ......
- New bike