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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. Looks like you forgot the URL in between those tags there Rooots :wink:
  2. Alan.....Now here's a Flat-Tracker alot more along the lines of our liking mate :wink: RD :tu
  3. I cross paths with a guy nearly everyday on the way home from work, that rides a Black Firebolt 8) ....Loads of grunt for shooting outta corners quickly :wink: ........& they look like they handle quite well.....especially with a 52inch wheelbase....same as an RD! 8)
  4. Buell's are definitely what comes to mind :wink: Also keeps the intake tract nice & straight 8)
  5. Interesting Shock placement :wink:
  6. PHILLIP ISLAND.... 8) Love the flowing nature & the width.....makes for some Excellent overtaking & Killer Photo shots :tu
  7. Most Definitely a Flat Tracker! 8) .... ....with what appears to be a YZ450F lump shoe-horned in there :wink: Sweet Ride for Ridin' SlideWays :tu
  8. YamaHead

    Say hello.......

    That's a Sweet lookin' Ride there Pete :wink: Like that exhaust! 8) ......& with that rack on the back, it'd be a prime candidate for those Beer to the store :wink:
  9. Now that's the way it should be! 8)
  10. YamaHead

    YZF 750

    For starters.......the steering inputs would require just a bit more effort :wink:
  11. YamaHead

    YZF 750

    :hi to the Forum Axl 'Bout the only bit of advice I could give is: SCRUTINIZE :wink:
  12. Man does that sound familiar? :roll: My Maxim is great for pillions but is a Handful when the road is no longer straight ....always Chasing the front end :roll:
  13. I had a go on a XT550 once.......not a bad ride @ all :wink: That 600 there would make a Great platform for a SuperMoto project 8)
  14. Like the Old Saying goes........ "If it's too loud, You're too Old!" :twisted:
  15. YamaHead

    back brake

    That was MY thought :wink:
  16. Pete.....I can totally relate to this :wink: Off-Roading is such a kick in the pants 8) I put myself out of a week of work a few years back, when I tore some ligaments in my left knee after going down from a Sweet 3rd gear powerslide on my lad's XR80! :shock: .......Still, there's nothing quite like the Skill-Honing qualities of Off-Roading :tu
  17. Almost 4got! :oops: An avatar pic has to be alot smaller in size.......you can check out the criteria for those by clicking on the Profile tab @ the top of the page :wink:
  18. Gaz...you need to upload your pics to a pic hosting website.... Then paste in the URL in between tags in your post or reply Here's a couple of Pic hosting sites that I use with good results 8) ..... http://members.lycos.co.uk/alexasigno/yamaha http://www.photobucket.com The Best of Luck & Don't give up trying :wink:
  19. Indeed! ..... Very Nice Foursome of Eye-Candy
  20. :twisted: Fitting treatment for AssHoles like that! 8)
  21. Karban.... That project of yours is coming along quite nicely :wink: Nice Work! :tu
  22. Now Why can't my woman NOT be afraid to put her hands in the solvent tank :?: ....even if it's with a pair of rubber gloves on :wink: Your other half must be proud, Angie 8)
  23. Indeed!!!.....Rubber Side Down :wink:
  24. Like the Johnny Appleseed look of that new helmet there Jan :wink: I didn't know that R1's came in Purple with white tires! :shock:
  25. Sounds like just another Tin-Box Jockey :roll: that needs a visit paid to him, from your Friendly Neighborhood Yama :twisted:
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