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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. YamaHead

    Seat Height?

    Might kinda depend on Which SportBike you're reffering to there John :wink:
  2. Mullet or NO Mullet.....us Stroker owners gotta stick together! 8)
  3. :hi to the Forum Piston Ported Like LC, I too will have a pint of Guinness :wink: ......goes well with stroker fumes in the garage, eh? .........must be a 2-stroke owners thing :wink:
  4. Haga is an ACE Superbike pilot! 8) Too bad Yamaha didn't retain his services for M1 duties I heard the WSS race was a barn-burner as well :wink:
  5. YamaHead

    Tragic news!

    indeed! :cry: ........A momment of silence for our fellow 2-wheel commrade...... Warmest regards to Andrew's family & friends
  6. :hi to the Forum YammieGirl 'Cats are cool rides for the road, but I'm afraid I'm with LC on this one...... Because I too love flogging my little bitch of a RD400 :twisted:
  7. Thanx Moz........Good to see you're still around :wink:
  8. You bet your Ass it ain't! :evil: .......that's where all the LimpWrist Honda riders hang out! :roll:
  9. Middle of my back for the past 12 years :wink:
  10. That Mini-Fairing reminds me of the 1st generation Katana's :shock: .....kinda Funky lookin' :?
  11. Sounds like their Corporate Massivness :roll: has finally caught up with 'em, only to bite 'em in the Ass
  12. Very tidy R6 you have there Colie 8) & BTW... :hi to the Forum :wink:
  13. Cool Ride.........looks like it'd be FUN to ride 8)
  14. I know what you mean there Alan.......he went rolling Ass Over TeaKettle for quite a ways :shock: Safety gear is killer these days, but I think Shinya is a pretty resiliant guy too :wink:
  15. .....is now making good progerss with Kwak's GP effort & been running in the top 10 so far this season. Shinya Nakano had a horrific 300kph crash only a week ago, & is ready to race this weekend in Spain with some new spec Bridgestones 8) Interesting SideNote: Nakano has a brother Shinja, that races CART cars here in the states 8)
  16. YamaHead


    Well McGuinness took the Junior TT win on his R6 8) .....this year sure seems to be his year :wink: SPEED channel has more coverage tonight.....I'll be watching with PINT in hand
  17. That settles it Baz.........I'm putting away a couple of pints tonight :buzz Haven't indulged in some liquid courage since I got back from Mexico :wink:
  18. Definitely on the agenda for next weekend :tu Thanx for the kind wishes Everyone :wink:
  19. If i could just lose all the GRAY hairs :roll: ....I'd be a Happy Camper
  20. Couldn't have said it better myself mate :tu
  21. YamaHead

    Ker clunk

    Indeed!... Sounds like the cable has just stretched a bit from regular wear.... But then again, it wouldn't hurt to have a look @ the case-end adjustment also :wink:
  22. ........I don't feel any older today on my 42nd Birthday :? Probably because i'm working loads of OT as of late...........just like I always seem to be doing around my birthday :roll: .........gotta work on Saturday this weekend, but I'm getting next weekend off to take the missus & my little lad out for some camping 8) The weather is starting to finally improve, so I might get the chance to test out the new Ski Boat this Sunday :tu I'd surely rather be RIDING on my birthday, but I'll settle for a well-deserved weekend away from Everything next weekend :wink:
  23. YamaHead


    Oh Yeah........'bout the only good thing about buying a vehicle from down there is NO RUST..........but the Smog equipment is the worst :x
  24. Yeah, Yeah.......Don't Rub It In! :roll:
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