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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. YamaHead

    my new job

    Killer News Mozzy 8) .....sounds like you're up for the challenge :wink:
  2. YamaHead

    oh shit

    The day that happens to me........is the day I check-out of this life :wink: Live To RIDE......Ride To LIVE :tu
  3. I've heard about that project....& am also curious of the results. I'd love to see a pic of that ride :wink:
  4. From 1 Scott to another :wink: ..... :hi to the Forum 8) I've always kinda liked the ThunderCat......although, I can't say I've seen very many on our turf?
  5. 'Bout the only way that yellow is tolerable.......is if it was incorporated into a Bumble-Bee type paint scheme 8)
  6. YamaHead

    tank handles

    ........What kinda bike did you say you have there Sky?...... :wink:
  7. I WISH! If it was........My missus might just have something to say 'bout that :roll:
  8. I do recall learning that a few years back :wink: 8)
  9. Maybe he shoulda taken the route that Angus did.......& dress like a SchoolBoy :wink: Damn Governments!....always tryin' to protect us from ourselves :roll:
  10. YamaHead

    oh shit

    Says I got another 32 yrs. to go :shock: ........problem is that I've got @ least 50 yrs. of sh*t to deal with in that time! :roll:
  11. YamaHead

    Divvy noise

    Probably the only way those Tractor Boys will know your there....is when you're out in front of 'em :roll:
  12. Awesome Pic there Pete 8) Those look like your type of 2-wheelers :wink: Possibly taken right after the start of the Dakar Rally :?:
  13. YamaHead

    woo hoo

    Hey Alan......What do ya think of that "hinged" bodywork on that Silver Dream Racer?......aka RG500 :wink:
  14. Wednesday the 21st is thee day 8) ......... So break out your bike & Ride It Today!!! 8)
  15. That was my thought Alan :wink: .........maybe with Black powder-coated wheels 8)
  16. YamaHead


    Now that's what we want to hear! 8) Gotta get back on that horse, ya know :wink:
  17. Looks like Pete likes to play with FIRE......eh, Alan? ....& You know what happens when you play with fire? :wink:
  18. .....that would probably make RDly wish he still had his Yellow :wink: ........ I like the DG radial-finned head 8) .........& I finally figured out why I keep seeing RD's with those Unique-Bend kickstarters........it's for clearance past the rear-sets!..........D'oh! #-o
  19. YamaHead

    Divvy noise

    That tapping noise is something inheirant to all XJ's (that I've been around anyway :wink: ) Doing an Oil & filter change is highly adviseable :tu ........replacing the air filter wouldn't hurt either....(if it needs it) :wink:
  20. YamaHead

    Check this......

    That guy musta been smokin' Crack or something :shock: for sale a old fj 1200 in good cond just a few mods avg millage for year. mods are no ign switch no ign key you start it from the side with a knife. :shock: its a german import looks kool plastic dead tho. Who's this guy think he tryin' to fool :?: .....probably just tryin' to support his drug habit :roll:
  21. YamaHead


    I've had a few friends lose their lives to the sport & have contemplated that before also........but NOT for long! :wink: I am sorry for your loss N_Tart......it's Never pleasant losing people close to you :cry: ..... But, I take it as a personal challenge to avenge my fallen commrades.......& RIDE till I've got 1 foot in the grave 8) Just can't let those Bloody Tin-Box Jockies :roll: think that they've got away with something :evil:
  22. YamaHead

    new site..yak

    You can always throw on a pair of these..... 8)
  23. YamaHead

    The bike I had

    You mean that you flunked Mind-Reading 101? :shock:
  24. YamaHead

    oh dear

    Biaggi has always had that 250 style of riding.....probably why he won that title 4 times :wink: But Rossi has developed quite a reputation for being a late braker......even more so than Barros 8) .........definitely the makings for a Cracker of a second half of the season :tu
  25. YamaHead


    I think most bikers would jump @ the chance to work & possibly live on the IoM 8) .......I know I wouldn't even hesitate :wink:
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