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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. Now THAT would truly be a sight to behold!
  2. Most definitely!! ......Long Live Strokers!!
  3. Then you'll be lookin' like the Bostrom Brothers.
  4. YamaHead


    Yeah Beez....sounds like one of those days where, if you're on 2-wheels, you have to lean just to go straight! .....definitely done that a time or 2.
  5. YamaHead


    Those pics are sweet there Padster ..especially like the 2nd one
  6. I thought you might tell us that you were sportin' Elvis chops in front of your ears?
  7. YamaHead

    Pissed Off

    Maybe it's just that your doorways are too narrow? I know a few friends with wide-barred Hardley's that always keep thier bikes in the living room!.....Bikers Creed you know.
  8. YamaHead

    Pissed Off

    That's pretty Damn windy Alan! I know what that feels like though......makes your just ache to see your bike laying on it's side ....wondering what kind of damage you'll have to be tending to next
  9. TBH.....I don't know a whole lot about 'em, but I DO like what I've seen of 'em so far .......Seems like they'd fit your requirements well Ross. There's just something about the soul of a Big-Bore twin.
  10. Then you'd end up with something like this! .....which would require more Balls than Brains to actually ride!
  11. Looks like the ticket for your fix there Twisted.
  12. I can definitely relate to that F1 thing Alan. @ least Rossi has made his fortune on more than 1 make of bike.....unlike, say Doohan......not to say Mick wasn't great, but the last 2 championships he won, he had absolutely No one that could keep up with him........Boring. Rossi has won back to back titles on rival brands of bikes.....which is a rarity for sure. He always seems to be up for a good scrap.......So I hope that Edwards can give him some Hell & @ least make him really work for that title. Silly Season always raises questions with it's Rider/Bike combo's.....such as the Bayliss/Honda thing BTW.....I also found it interesting that Norick Abe will be running in the WSC series this year. ........which I think will be a good series to also watch this year, as the Jap manufacturer's are jumping back in, in attempts to rename that series back to SuperBike & NOT the bloody Ducati Cup again!
  13. Not that I really have anything against the Gixxer....it's a decent bike ...... I'd still go for the R6 Hands-Down! .......still think it's well worth the extra cash......... but then again, I'm a bit biased......being a bonafied YamaHolic & all.
  14. I think it was Pete who put up the last bit of Female Garnish. But alas, I've been known to do the same also.
  15. Well there's just so much BullSh*t we all can stand. Had to draw the line somewhere you know.
  16. IPB is the Muts Nuts! Nice addition Pete.
  17. I think he'll get plenty of scrapping from his team-mate EBoz (Eric Bostrom) this year, as he has aquired the services of Gary Medley as Crew Chief this season. Medley tuned for Ben Bostrom & Doug Chandler in the past, so he's NO stranger to the winners circle.
  18. YamaHead

    Message for JMW!

    Can't get much more direct than that Pete ........which I'm sure is still just the tip of the Iceberg.
  19. YamaHead


    Found this from a Google search......have a LOOK It seemed pretty informative, especially when I got to the bottom of the article & discovered it was from the Wheelie Master himself.......Mr. Rothwell
  20. ....with the Dunlops @ the tire tests this week @ Daytona....... where he recorded a 194+ mph trap speed on the back straight yesterday. It ought to be interesting to see how he fairs with the AMA regulars this season.
  21. No Worries Alex.......It's a Red-Blooded Male thing
  22. YamaHead


    Damn Bazz!......you sound just like me! Only I'm @ work & bored sh*tless with the petty little crap that we're drawing @ the moment. Sleep is Over-rated anyway!
  23. Rossi for sure, coz he's such an exceptional talent. I sure hope to see him mix it up with Edwards a bit.......It'd be great to see both Yamaha's on the box every race.
  24. See you've been browsing @ Riderswives, eh Pete? I've seen this one before.......very tasty looking indeed
  25. YamaHead


    The real trick to it, is finding the balance point & keeping it there with just the right amount of throttle.
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