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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. Haven't actually been Hang-Gliding yet daglad......but I'll tell ya, Para-Sailing is an absolute RUSH ...the thing I remeber about it the most, was when I took 3 steps towards the ocean on the take-off, & then next thing I knew I was 10 levels up!.......felt like my stomach was in my toes!
  2. So that's why you've got NT stalking you over there!
  3. It's really not so much of the Cool Guy factor, as it's just that I needed to put some FUN back into my daily biking.
  4. YamaHead


  5. See what you've started Pete!
  6. That reminds me of a pic I have in my garage, of a Brit Girl who used to roadrace & eventually became the 125GP champ in the AMA series 1 year...... On the back of her leathers, it read: "Who Needs Balls"
  7. Always good to find out it's nothing major.
  8. Hang-Gliding is another sport I'd love to try ...... Closest thing I've done to that was a bit of Para-Sailing.....being pulled by a boat with a 500ft. rope whilst in Mexico. The take-off from the beach is something to behold!
  9. YamaHead

    hi all

    to the Forum Andy. As the flag would portray.....I'm just a Bleedin' Yank from the Great Pacific NW. Been ridin' Yamaha's long?
  10. YamaHead


    What would make that hobbie NOT quite so pointless, is if you had a small on-board camera mounted to that sub ......otherwise it just boils down to Blind Faith in what you can't see
  11. Soon as I round up some pics.......1st place I'm headin'
  12. Like the Metallica song goes....... Be careful what you wish, you might regret it! Be careful what you wish, you just might get it!
  13. Well, I got out bid @ the last half a minute! .....I placed a bid of $550, but it wasn't quite soon enough as someone else had bid $766 @ the same time......the good thing was that the $1000 reserve wasn't met, so I called the seller & offered him $800 cash for it........& he took it! So I'm driving down there this Saturday to pick it up. This'll make No.13 of the Yamaha's I've owned......& my 1st BIG Thump.
  14. With what you've described, that spring seems like it might be a bit weak?
  15. I'm in the closing stages of bidding on an XT550 on Ebay right now...... The seller wants a $1000 for the reserve, but if I can win the auction for less.....I might just drive to get it with about $700 cash. He seemed fairly anxious to get rid of it when I talked to him last night. So who knows?.....I might just be an official DualSport pilot by this weekend.
  16. Not sure, but by the looks of the helmet in that pic.......coulda been Schumacher.
  17. It was a challenge on the ice between two and four wheels stars at Madonna di Campiglio. Despite the sub-zero temperature almost five thousand people thronged to the Ice Karting arena at Madonna di Campiglio to take in an exhibition including Michael Schumacher, Rubens Barrichello, Luca Badoer, Loris Capirossi and Carlos Checa. The organisers of Wroom, the traditional Ferrari meeting dedicated to the specialist press on the snow at Campiglio, is now in its 15th year. This year, the spectators had the rare chance of seeing the Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro stars lining up against the Ducati Marlboro Team. Unfortunately, Carlos Checa was unable to take part in the race, suffering a freak incident before the start. The Spaniard sustained several cuts on his left hand when he touched one of his studded tires. However, the damage shouldn’t affect his program as more activities are planned this week in Madonna di Campiglio. After a few warm up laps the F1 and MotoGP champions put on a breathtaking show, concluding the 20 lap event with a joint finish, a conclusion that both the Wroom organisers and the competitors had deemed suitable. The race was dedicated to the tsunami hit populations of South East Asia and the funds collected will be donated to the Fondazione Terres des Hommes in Italy. COOL Stuff!.....literally
  18. YamaHead

    i left her

    Keith.....you're just a regular Ron Jeremy eh?
  19. I think 6psi is a safe gap to keep a balanced feel from each end of the bike.
  20. Not sure about the TRX, but I know that IL4's make a weird ticking noise when the cam-chain is on it's last leg......almost like loose ball bearings rolling around in there or something?
  21. YamaHead

    i left her

    Maybe that Forum Enforcer subtitle should be updated to Forum Virgin Killer?
  22. Alright WiseGuy.......It's actually about how to avoid being labeled as a Gay Honda Owner.......It's called YAMAHA's RULE!
  23. YamaHead

    i left her

    Interesting news Moz! Get tired of being the Toy-Boy?
  24. You don't need bailing out mate......I was just flickin' ya some sh*t. As long as you always have that RD in your Stable, your cool in my book.
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