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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. Outside of the traffic that flows on the Wrong side of the road! ........that looks very much like some of the terrain around here 1 Question: So Where's all the Sheep?
  2. Me & the little lad were out for a spin yesterday on the XT......Beautiful Day!........Great Fun with a few wheelies as well.
  3. Wish I had one of those around here in my neighborhood.
  4. 'Ello there Mozzy's Mum.
  5. Does that small piece have anything to do with the Float assy.?.......could be why it's running the way you described. Is it possible you installed the fuel filter in Backwards?.......(look for an arrow on the filter indicating the direction of flow)......Definitely makes a difference......just a thought
  6. Just a SLIGHT bit of Eye Candy, eh?
  7. Those rubber gloves match Ardon's pink flannel shirt!
  8. GTX is most certainly NOT going to hurt anything in your bike's motor! I've used that stuff for years without ANY probs of any sort........even run it in my lawn-mower.
  9. The RD world has been exposed to that pic..........Why not the rest of the Yama world?.......eh Del?
  10. Sounds like the makin's of another Kwak Attack! Staying on the service topic......I found that my XT has a crack in the frame backbone, where the top shock mount & the oil resevoir meet! .......I guess this is a common prob with this vintage. Already got it planned to weld it back up @ my brothers place in about a month- along with doing that complete chassis swap on my truck. I too really like this bike.......put the FUN back into riding for me!
  11. Not far from the Truth ....check it out......HERE
  12. Goodridge lines are thee ticket! ......got 'em on my RD.
  13. YamaHead


    Seen that one not too long ago Alan.....you'll probably like it.......pretty damn funny. I think somebody needs to make a REAL Biker film........none of this dubbed in BullSh*t that we've seen in the past few years. Maybe a spin-off of sorts from the old flick Time Rider........where a guy rides through a time portal into the Old West during the 1800's...........Scares the Sh*t outta everybody just from the sight & sound of his 600cc Thump. .....Only the new flick should have a whole pack of outlaws ride into a town in the Old West on BigBore 'Crossers! .....Now I'd pay good money to something like that!
  14. Dave's a clever one isn't he?
  15. I'm more of the HEAVY METAL type myself. But I sure see alot of those NU METAL types around lately! Another good laugh JP.
  16. What I do with mine is............Nunya............Nunya Damn Bizness!! Actually I too, am one of those Crazy Die-Hard SOB's that rides @ least 5 days a week, year-round........been doin' that for 20 years now........wouldn't have it any other way. Bottom Line: Live To Ride......Ride To Live!
  17. Removal of that exhaust ring should definitely give ya a bit more topend
  18. YamaHead

    yzf600 1995

    to the Forum roa1d Taking a stab @ it......90+ bhp for that size......probably not specific enough though
  19. YamaHead

    i left her

    So that's the Method behind your Madness!
  20. Shhhhhhh! ........musn't reveal their True Identities.
  21. YamaHead


    I got to assemble a couple of Spanish Trials bikes outta the crate....@ the bike shop I used to work for.......1 was a Montesa...(which is now owned by Honda )......still a Bitchin' Machine!
  22. Don't have an individual road tax here in Oregon......that's figured into our property taxes on our homes.....which keep going up every year! I just have to pay $35 every 2 years for registration & the afore-mentioned $127 a year for insurance.....that's it, outside of any vehicle maintenence costs....which have been very few......What can I say?....It's a Yamaha! Now all of you peeps know why I ride year-round......simply can't beat the cost!
  23. Oh Yeah!.......haven't seen it around for awhile though.....the stuff we usually see regarding those products is called TIDE!
  24. TBH.....I've got a pretty good rate right now with my XJ750....only costs me $127 a year.......which I suspect will go down a bit more when I transfer that policy to my 550.
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