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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. YamaHead

    First Bike

    They always say that M8
  2. YamaHead


    Sounds like one of those stereo's that make the windows Bulge when you crank it up!
  3. YamaHead


    maybe we should get him a towel....so he can start to dry off behind his ears! Just kidding M8
  4. YamaHead

    Just joined

    Have a look HERE......under the Communicate section on the right, you'll find Send a Personal Meesage......hence the PM prefix I also just realised that he doesn't have that RS anymore........but I know he used to......I'm sure he could give you a few pointers.........once he shows back up from out riding his KLR
  5. YamaHead

    Just joined

    to the Forum Bowin Always nice to see another Stroker fan join the ranks. PM Liquidcooled......he's got an RS, & might be able to give you a few pointers.
  6. Amazing how the Temperature can have such an effect on things electrical! Even though I ride everyday, year-round........the really cold spells that hit sometimes, require me to run a space heater in the Garage overnight, right next to the engine cases......which not only heats up the oil a bit, but also warms up the Ignition too........makes for alot easier starting by morning.
  7. YamaHead


    A Helluva lot better than any Gay VFR H*nda!
  8. Well that goes without saying .......
  9. Now this I can relate to!.....bought my rubber boots for $20....definitely well spent money as they're comfy & above all DRY!
  10. YamaHead

    Loud Cans

    That's a Sweet XJR you've got there Derek! I wish they'd import those over here.
  11. I guess it's just me being such a Die-Hard.......but I HATE that rusty feeling! .......in the last 20 years, the longest I wasn't on my bike was 6 months .......thought I was gonna end up in a Nut-House somewhere! Definitely know what you mean about the new rubber! .......my XT does great......until it gets wet......then I've gotta really keep my hand out of it, or I end up Riding SlideWays everywhere!
  12. Looks Great Beez! Always feels good to get out that 1st time, eh?
  13. YamaHead

    FJ1100 or NOT?

    I think Pete's right......the half-liter range (500-600cc) make much better starter bikes. Another thing is that the FJ1100's were known for having 2nd gear problems.......which I think Yamaha fixed by the time the 1200's came out. If you do end up getting the FJ11......you'll be faced with a pretty steep learning curve. Hate to Rain on your Parade .....coz it sounds like you've got a good deal lined up there, but without more streetbike experience, it could be a recipe for disaster. BTW...... to the Forum
  14. My old XJ750 used to do the very same thing @ the same revs I think I narrowed the culprit down to a camchain tensioner issue along with a need for a good carb balancing. HTH BTW...... to the Forum
  15. to the Forum PlasticPaddy I too am in search of a good service manual for my older yet XT550. Sounds like the damage you have to repair, won't be too much of a prob @ all.
  16. You ever get to hear one up close NT?........ Another Screamer Triple those are. .....Interesting Micron Exhaust they have too.
  17. Well the weather has been unusually warm all winter here......really NO winter to speak of. But yesterday afternoon, my oldest son (25yrs)......Died. Now I just can't get my head around it........so I'm off to visit some places we used to go to.......campsites, riding trails, etc. Honestly think he was a major contributor to the gray Hair count on my head.......but he also was with me during some my fondest times .......DirtBike Riding, Skiing, Fishing, etc. Just found that I can get a week off paid due to a loss in the family....... So I'm Outta Here for a day or so. R.I.P. Shane.......I miss you Pal
  18. YamaHead

    Loud Cans

    HELL Yeah! ......that's the way they're supposed to be LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES! you know
  19. Mladin didn't become the 1st 5-time AMA Superbike Champ for nothin'....... Since the class jumped to 1 liter, he's really been kickin' some ass on that Gixxer Thou.
  20. YamaHead


    He does now!.........even though it has to be pedaled, the bottom line is: Motorized or Non.......there's NO FEELIN' LIKE 2-WHEELIN'! Good On Ya Mozz Just think of the money you'll save & that you're keeping those 2-Wheel skills honed.
  21. Now 70 Degrees C is Damn Hot! ........ But it was (literally) 70 Degrees F here this last weekend......was really quite nice.................but in the middle of MARCH? .....for that matter, it's been this way all winter! BTW I-Man......nice bit of PROMO/Advert work with the thread title.
  22. Daglad-- The AMA did a bunch of rule changes over the winter .... Formula Extreme class is now 600cc.......which is doing the 200 miler. SuperStock class (New) is full litre bikes with limited mods. SuperBike class speaks for itself ......was bumped to 1 litre 2 years ago. As far as WHY they did this?........I haven't a clue! The 600's are fun to watch though......as it's always a Barn-Burner type of race where you're just not sure who's gonna win until the checkers come out. FYI......the 200 was won by Miguel DuHamel (true Veteran ) who's won the 200 in SuperBike form, (4) times before........So I don't think Hodgy stands a SnowBall's chance in Hell of winning against such talent as DuHamel & company. & You're Right......Daytona has been the AMA's 1st round every year for awhile now. Hope this Answered @ least a few of your questions.
  23. Wonder What McCoy would think of that? .....probably be better for PowerSliding.
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