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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. YamaHead

    Free and Single

    Half & Half?......hmmmmmm I'm more of the Human MUT, myself .......Of English decent.....along with Dutch & even French?! .....& some others that I can't recall Now my wife comes from 3 different Indian tribes ......Cherokee......Choktaw.....Blackfoot Just gotta stay on her good side......or else I'm a Doomed Dirty White Boy
  2. Charles should be called DUMBO with those ears!
  3. YamaHead

    Made me smile

    Maybe you could hire those 2 to test your sliders for ya, eh Bazz?
  4. By the looks of the rear tire , I bet this thing does a MEAN SmokeShow! Have a look here>......Ebay Listing
  5. How well do those Tourance's perform, Pete? Just got approved for some OT work coming next week.......So I'll be looking into getting a set before too long.
  6. YamaHead

    Drive FAST

    Tired of speeding tickets? Want to open up spaces between you and the cars around you ? Step 1. Tie these balloons to your car or Bike Step 2. Drive or RIDE VERY FAST! Step 3. Watch people freak out. Step 4. Tell the nice officer you thought they were real.
  7. YamaHead

    rossi in F1?!

    The results I've seen of his rallying........was that he Crashed a coupla times
  8. Those are great Bikes Smitty! I've always fancied one of those ....they're hard to come by here in the states......usually somebody's track tool. That one appears to be in pretty good shape though Definitely one of thee best handlers ever made!
  9. YamaHead


    It Slidin' around under ya, is what'll make a better rider outta ya 4 sure! But with what appears to be 17" rims, the geometry would be off a bit for off-roading
  10. From the results I've read......Corser sure seems to have the bit between his teeth this year ......possibly could be the man to beat
  11. YamaHead


    Sounds like a pretty fair deal there Beez Pirelli's are sure becoming alot more MainStream as of late
  12. YamaHead


    Well Gaz..... Being a daily DualSport rider since Feb......I'd say that looks like a Riot to ride! Great Machine for practicing those Wheelies!
  13. I'm just pissed about it!........SPEED channel doesn't air the races till Tuesday.........whilst I'm @ work! One of my very fav tracks.....love watching any type of 2-Wheel event there!
  14. Having your Common Sense Hat on, would be a good idea Monday Morning Test
  15. Looks like Norick Abe might now be coming to terms with racing Diesels ...... I love the pictures to be had @ this corner! Unfortunately, Haga didn't fair so well with a nagging front-end chatter problem
  16. Most Yamaha's have the clutch on the right side of the motor. Drain the oil, & remove the Right side cover to expose it........your Haynes manual should be able to steer you from there Clutches are definitely one of the easier items to replace on a bike.
  17. YamaHead

    Free and Single

    You're going into the Marines Alex? My 21yr. old son is going into the Army in less than a month.....he too, broke up with his GF......she's a bit of a Insecure Nutcase anyway .......he seems alot happer now without her. Hopefully, you being in the service will give you the oppertunity to save some cash for.....say a nice R6?
  18. YamaHead

    Free and Single

    Don't mind him Jambon.......his alarm clock will be going off soon.
  19. Smitty..... There'll probably be no end to the amount of grief you'll hear from your loved ones......you almost have to turn a deaf ear to it mate .......but it's all worth it in the end, when you see how much money a bike can save you, as well as putting a grin on your face everyday. So when you hear other people complaining about the cost of vehicle operation these days....(fuel, insurance, etc.)......you'll have the pleasure of laughing @ 'em...... all the way to the bank!
  20. YamaHead

    Driving me mad

    Yeah....plenty of room to stash those billions with a 40,000 sq. ft. house .... Myself, I'd be ecstatic just to have his 20 car Garage!
  21. YamaHead

    Free and Single

    Man, I tell ya.....when it rains....It pours! Best of Luck with it all M8
  22. YamaHead

    Free and Single

    Must be something in the air Alex!........Alan (LC) split up with GF not too long ago....& now he's nowhere to be found! Maybe you should just take your YZF out for a spin to clear your head? Man, I KNOW I would!
  23. Too Right Alex! When you've had your earful of sh*t from everyone.......just throw a leg over it & Ride Off into the Sunset.
  24. Geez Del.......are you that desperate to scrape up some dosh to fix your 400's seizure?
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