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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. Gonna possibly have a look @ this for my Pal Today.... '79 YZ80....runs great but needs brakes. I found this one on Craiglist for only 300 bux! .....& it's near where I work, so I'm havin' a look @ lunchtime.....hope it's not too trashed? Since some Hazed over worthless piss poor excuse for a human life, made off with my boy's Bike! ......I'm on a quest for a replacement!
  2. .....That I've got one of my bikes STOLEN! I packed my friend's borrowed truck up last Thursday night with all the camping gear, firewood, & my little lad's bicycle & PeeDub50........got up Friday morning to find that some Punk-Ass Meth-Head had dug into my buddy's truck, set everything else aside.....just to take the PeeDub! He was getting too big for the little beast, so now I'm starting on a quest to find him a newer, little bigger off-roader.......probably an XR or the likes. Needless to say.......It's Open Season on ScumBag Drug Addict Thieves in my Neighborhood!
  3. We better see some pics from that event then! Seems like Nori's ready to pull out all the stops for the rest of the season.
  4. Then you graduated to Castrol.......a Real Man's Drink
  5. Nice Addition to the collection Pete! Looks like a Blast to ride!
  6. Didn't touch the XT over the weekend! Was out enjoying the absolutely stunning weather gazing @ views like this ......
  7. YamaHead


    That's Hilarious!
  8. If the Ignition KeySwitch is attached to the bottom side of the top yoke with bolts (Most of 'em are ), the easier way is to take the headlight out of it's bucket, & then unbolt the bucket from the "ears" on each side of it.....then pivot the bucket forward to access the bolts for the switch......it's an easy fix you can accomplish with just a ratchet spanner & 10-12mm sockets. Depending on the vintage of your SR, you might be able to see very small No. right on the face of the keyswitch....you can then possibly order a key to match that No. .......just a thought
  9. YamaHead


    Could be an infux of Chinese Imports.......seen a few over here as well. I think the Jury's still out with the verdict on their reliability though.
  10. .....Right Now........but then again, tomorrow's another day!
  11. Yeah.....a real piece of work he is!
  12. Eddy....it seems that all this Malitious way of thinking has also left you a bit Lisdexic too........ I seem to recall in the past, you had 43 accredited gook kills to your name.
  13. Since he's leaking out this bit of info now.......gotta wonder if it'll even be a Yamaha?
  14. He's been keeping toll since '71.
  15. FFS Pete!.......you haven't had the Tedium long enough to even come close to getting it dirty ........& besides, I thought you were going to off the XT?
  16. Maybe he just wanted to stir things up a bit, so he'd have something to Enforce?
  17. 100 bucks sounds like a pretty fair deal Oughta look pretty sweet when your done.
  18. The "Legend in his own mind" has returned.....
  19. Actually CRM's are pretty cool also.....wish we got 'em here!
  20. As much fun as strokers can be.......Thumps seem to be a bit more reliable & affordable to operate. A random list of possible candidates: DT's TT's & TTR's & dare I say: H*nda XR's ......even though you'd have to live down the Gay-Ass jibes , XR's are some of the most Bullet-Proof Off-Roaders! DR Suzooki's aren't bad either.
  21. Well, after way too much time being sorted......I finally got my little lad's PeeDub running properly ...... & he hasn't wasted any time making up for lost ground with his riding skills. But after having a little run-in with Mr. AppleTree in our backyard ......he's definitely vowed to always wear long pants when riding......even if it's Hot outside. Looking forward to going over to Central Oregon to visit my brother & do some off-roading next month......especially when the terrain looks like this from his front door ...........
  22. Beats the hell outta me! There's alot more activity on other sites with only 1/3rd the membership total! So come on you dead-beats .......post something! .....let's not let this place die a slow degrading death!
  23. YamaHead

    i got a bike

    Way to go Mozz!......@ least it's 2-Wheels & you don't have to peddle it! Gotta agree though......2-Wheelers with an Auto gearbox just doesn't cut it!
  24. Welcome to the Forum Ihuck Maybe have a look........HERE for plenty of XS info
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