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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. ...Or if you've been black-flagged & are playing catch-up!
  2. Piece of Cake Pete!....I woulda left trenches down that with my XT! Terrain there looks like a blast on your 350
  3. YamaHead


    & to make it worse.....it's his throttle hand also! Bet he didn't ride for awhile after that!
  4. Geez Pete.....once again, what you've described sounds just like Mazatlan! They hold a weel long, nation-wide bike rally there every spring......we happen to be on holiday there 2 years ago during the same week as that rally.......What a MadHouse! They all pretty much ride helmetless My lad & I were waiting @ a crosswalk outside our hotel....when the signal turned red, one rider came flying up to a stop on the front wheel!....riding a Montesa Trials bike! ....When the light turned green....a complete Vertical Wheelie to the next signal down the street......obviously he musta been a Tequila powered local! Plenty of loonies on Quads there as well......saw a guy with his Ol' Lady on the back & his 3 bambino's in front of him ....yappin' on his mobile phone....whilst dicing through traffic......All Helmetless! I'd wake up @ 3am to the sounds of loonies doing Warp factor 9 down the main strip on their SportsBikes every night!......Motorized Mayhem all week long! But what was killing me.....is that I didn't have my bike to join in the fun!
  5. Interestingly enough Pete......this is what the Sierra Nevada Mountains look like from California on the west coast of BleedinYanksville ......
  6. Went out for a ride yesterday with a mate....to have a close look @ Mt. St.Helens from a place called the Windy Ridge viewpoint. We'd heard reports of snow possibly closing the road near the destination, but ran into the white stuff a bit sooner than we thought...... So after deciding that the snow was covering what little tarmac we had left..... We got our bikes turned around & started heading back......all the while enjoying the quiet endless miles of twisties We then found this other nice little viewpoint..... *I've gotta get myself a proper Digi-Cam like my mates! Instead of this dodgy camera/phone ..which fortunately, my boss pays for The new IRC tires I recently put on were more than worthy of any condition we came across The old Beast now rails through the twisties almost as good as my RD All in all, a great day of riding........Can't wait till spring!
  7. Not too many H*nda's that can compare to a R46, eh?
  8. Your Mito project has turned out quite well Anand Like those pics taken @ the race track
  9. to the forum Cap'n Another TRX owner I see.......always have liked those
  10. Ross....you're just a sh*t-stirrer from down under aren't ya? I removed the centerstand on my old XJ550 purely for weight savings reasons .....along with bump-starting it for the last 6 years I rode it .....due to the expense of replacing the starter ($200+) ......What can I say?....I'm a skint bast*rd After 13 years of daily riding on that beast, I had chain maintenance down to a science by using that stand @ least 3 times a week for routine checks in my garage .....always knew I'd have to reinstall it if I were to take real bike trip.....& not just the daily 50 mile commute. Ironically, after the Seca.......I rode an XJ750 Maxim (shaftie) for 4.5 years, of which I used the centerstand on it daily whilst parking......ALOT more stable
  11. to the forum hrun Nothing wrong @ all with jumping up to a 600 FZR's are a quite capable machine for a wide variety of riders
  12. YamaHead

    Fainting Goats

    I wish the wife's dog was like that!.....
  13. I DO!.....But TBH, the 1st thing I did to my old 550 Seca, was remove that centerstand! Just tryin' to save weight & improve fuel mileage I'd just keep the stand in the garage & throw it on for routine chain maintenance So howz life been treatin' ya Ross?....I see they like to flick you the sh*t over @ USA2strokers!
  14. Just found this on a m8's RD site...... I've seen specials like this before......but never with TWO 400 motors! I like the use of the Daytona Ram-Air Heads.....Very Cool! Can only imagine what this beast sounds like.
  15. 1st of all...... to the Forum Now if your Divvy is anything like my old XJ550 (prolly pretty similar ).... It's easiest to hook the spring on 1st....then thread the pivot bolts in after, whilst the stand is in the retracted position......@ least I found it easiest to do it this way HTH
  16. What I do is......spin the wheel in the reverse direction whilst off the ground, & point the straw (usually provided with a can of Chain lube).....towards the inside of the chain as it comes off the rear sprocket. This lets centrifigal force push the lube Through the chain as it spins. BTW......Bel-Ray or PJ1 are pretty reliable brands.
  17. Typical chrome exhaust symtoms there
  18. YamaHead


    Nice Ride Daemon Looks pretty Everyday user friendly
  19. That's what I was thinkin'........I've swapped mirors from XJ's to RD's without a prob before. Just have to look around for just the right bend to get that desired view around your elbows
  20. YamaHead


    to the Forum Daemon 'Coupla nice Yams you've got there
  21. YamaHead

    Moto GP

    That seems to be the only record left for him to break this year! I'm curious to see how Yamaha will deal with his NO Smoking requirements pertaining to sponsership next season
  22. Sweet DT! Sometimes.....I still wish I had mine!
  23. Only issue I've got with 'em is..........I WISH I HAD ONE! Nice Score!
  24. to the Forum Fez! From what I've heard & seen, DEP makes a Sweet zorst for the DT Might wanna hit up Mozzy though.......he's the local DT-Meister
  25. Alex......you're definitely in dire need of a BIKE!
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