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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. Pete's right Smittie.............shame they didn't import the later models like his though
  2. YamaHead


    to the forum Mick. Best of luck with the newly aquired R1
  3. 1-piece Rainsuit does wonders in keeping the cold out. Especially when you dress in layers underneath........learned that trick from being a life-long Skier. 30F is nothing! After 21 years of daily, year-round riding.....my personal record low temp that I've rode in is....... 13F & Snowing It's amazing how many people will get outta your way in those conditions!
  4. YamaHead


    Knowledge is Power dude! to the MadHouse
  5. 'Bout f*ckin time you got out on that Beast Pete Nice lookin' Ride there ......how's the ride quality?
  6. YamaHead

    XT Bliss

    Coming from you Pete......I'll take that as a compliment
  7. PMSL....Good 1 Drewpy!
  8. YamaHead

    XT Bliss

    Yep Merv......that'd be ME! Was gonna post this Ride Report on the AC/RD forum, just to stir the pot a bit ...... But thought better of it as I didn't want to ruffle KEEF's feathers too much ......afterall, I'm already on his Black List
  9. YamaHead

    XT Bliss

    Had a great day out last Sunday…… Got up early & rode to Central Oregon for a day of proper DualSportin’ with my 1-armed fellow XT pilot who lives in Bend (lucky bastard) Arrived in town about 8:30 & immediately had to get some pics from the top of Pilot Butte whilst the old Beast was still reasonably clean…. I then met up with my mate for some killer breakfast that his wife so graciously stirred up…. We then spent @ least 25-30 miles riding on 1 of many endless trails that can be found over here…..absolute DualSport Haven! We then ended up here…… About 5,000 ft. elevation looking up the backside of my favorite Ski destination……..9,100ft. Mt. Bachelor….. I’ll tell ya what…… My 1-Armed Bandit of a friend, is a Helluva Rider! ….. He lead us all the way up to this point…… We then rode back down through that canyon to Tumalo Falls, where I took the opportunity to get some evidence of what a Real DualSport is supposed to look like……..just for Pete’s benefit Weather turned out to be quite warm & I didn’t dare miss getting this shot while I was there….. 350+ miles in 1 day.....started the work-week off kinda tired But it was well worth it!
  10. Neil..... I had a similar situatuion with my '82 XT550.....until the stator coil finally gave up....but me still learning the electics of this beast.......ended up replacing the primary coil as well as the CDI box before determining that the stator was the guilty culprit all along. Happy to say it runs like a Champ now & has been for the past 2+ years. Maybe have a check on those voltages?.....it might determine where your prob is originating from?
  11. YamaHead

    New Member

    Nice Bike! Wish I had 1!
  12. Sounds like a screwy title Dennis Check the MFG date on the steeering head......if it's in the 1st 6 month's of '82.........then it should be an XS400 J. I don't think they offered that color of Red till '83?........I know the '82 Seca 400 only came in Blue but was offered in Red in '83........(from personal experience........did 40,000 miles on my Seca 400.
  13. Nice one Pete! Gotta say though...... I bet those dodgy looking clouds in the background were surprised to see your Moisture-Fearing ass out that day! Are ya having a change of heart? ........Ya like Living on the Edge now don't ya?
  14. Granted.....that the speed on HiWays is an undeniable factor here ...... But, I'd still rather ride on a stretch of road where Most of the Time.....everyone is going in the same direction...... Much like a RaceTrack
  15. So, are we correct to assume that your alleged Maxim actually looks something like this? ..... SOHC model that's actually a Special The REAL 400 Maxim had DOHC & looked like this...... BTW...... to the forum Dennis
  16. to the forum Andy Not sure if my info is pertinant to your Tenere? ....... But my XT550 feels the same way regerding finding neutral.........after riding it daily for the past 3 years, I've found that locating neutral is a bit easier while the bike is still rolling .... XT gearbox's tend to feel a bit Notchy in general, again though, dealing with that comes easier with more riding time, Remember also that oil changes on Dry Sump systems, require the removal of 2 drainplugs.... 1 for the reservoir (mine's located on the frame downtube)....&1 for the crankcase (mine's down below the primary sprocket) Hope that helps @ least a wee bit.....just my 2 cents really
  17. Lake Tahoe?....now you've gone & re-sparked the interest in my other Love.............SKIING! Tahoe's a beautiful place!.........but so is this lake......which happens to be the deepest fresh water lake in N. America Up until a few years ago.......there was places in Crater lake that they had'nt yet found the bottom! Water's about as blue as the Medaterrainian Sea off the coast of Italy..... @ least that's what my brother tells me......& he works there every 3 weeks or so.
  18. Merv..... Good to hear from ya mate! Shame you don't get to Scotland anymore! ......some great scenery there!.......Mr. Rose is 1 lucky bugger! Well, @ least you get to leave the UK on what seems like a fairly regular basis..... I can count on only 1 hand......how many times I've been outta the states.
  19. Depending on what your stock sprocket sizes are........maybe try for a larger primary (front) sprocket......trying to keep @ least 1 sprocket with an odd number of teeth as this prolongs chain & sprocket wear. Making this change will gear it taller & make life alot easier on the motor as it won't have to spin quite as fast @ highway speeds.
  20. I used to have an XS400 Special with those same symptoms! ......I can relate Ya know.....a sprocket change might help that poor un-balanced twin relax a bit more out on the open road? Yeah, Eastern Oregon is another place I definitely want to visit more ........ I've had a blast riding over in Central Oregon this last year .......
  21. Sounds more like a Voltage Regulator could be your guilty culprit.
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